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Let us use weapon skins on similar weapons


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So I get that the title isn't very clear. What I mean by that is, I'd like to be able to use my Rifle skins on my Harpoon Guns, my Staff skins on my Tridents, my Torch skins on my scepters... And of course the other way around too. And though I realize this would be difficult, why not mix the Shortbow and Longbow skins as well? They would scale to fit the size of the weapon.


I feel like this wouldn't be game-breaking in any way, would increase the customization options and would let more classes able to use a unique weapon skin.

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You're basically asking for the Wardrobe to ignore weapon type. That seems like a logistical mess. It would probably be possible if the game and wardrobe had been designed with that in mind in the first place.


I'm a big fan of trope-breaking skins: a sword needn't look like a sword in Tyria (because of how magic works); it could look like a light saber or a violin bow (and it does, with some skins). But I'm not in favor of there being no rules at all.


I think @"ROMANG.1903" you'd be better off making a list of specific skins that you'd like to see for other weapon types. I believe that would be very manageable for the art team.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> You're basically asking for the Wardrobe to ignore weapon type. That seems like a logistical mess. It would probably be possible if the game and wardrobe had been designed with that in mind in the first place.


> I'm a big fan of trope-breaking skins: a sword needn't look like a sword in Tyria (because of how magic works); it could look like a light saber or a violin bow (and it does, with some skins). But I'm not in favor of there being no rules at all.


> I think @"ROMANG.1903" you'd be better off making a list of specific skins that you'd like to see for other weapon types. I believe that would be very manageable for the art team.


There would still be rules. Weapons with similar uses and animations would share skins, but you couldn't put a rifle skin on a dagger, if that's your question...


A torch and a scepter are similar in design: Both are things you use to launch spells from a sort of distance, and none of them are used to hit things, so their designs usually very well fit each other's styles. They look and act the same. Same thing goes for harpoons and rifles, they are basically the exact same thing, just in different environments. And also tridents and staves: A two-hands, long, ornated thing used to launch spells from a good distance.


Though honnestly I wouldn't be against adding spears to the staff/trident mix, to make spear skins actually useful to posess. But we're indeed getting into the more questionnable suggestions there, such as maces/scepters for example...

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> @"Cifrer.6013" said:

> I doubt this would happen simply due to PvP and WvW.

I don't understand why?

> > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> >would let more classes able to use a unique weapon skin.


> Also, wouldn't this just make those "unique" weapon skins less unique?


A weapon skin should be unique because it is difficult to obtain, not because the majority of people can't equip it :/

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> @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> > @"Cifrer.6013" said:

> > I doubt this would happen simply due to PvP and WvW.

> I don't understand why?


because seeing what weapons your enemy uses is useful in those modes


anet is already doing this in a sense with some of the harpoon gun/rifle skins.



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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> > > @"Cifrer.6013" said:

> > > I doubt this would happen simply due to PvP and WvW.

> > I don't understand why?


> because seeing what weapons your enemy uses is useful in those modes


> anet is already doing this in a sense with some of the harpoon gun/rifle skins.


Do you really manage to see what weapon your ennemy is weilding from such a distance? Would you mistake a trident with anything else than a staff? Or a harpoon gun with anything else than a rifle? Do you see a lot of main hand torches or off hand scepters? Is it really a problem when you can identify these weapons very fast once the fight started, which shouldn't happen very long after you could get a glance at the ennemy?

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> @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> There would still be rules. Weapons with similar uses and animations would share skins, but you couldn't put a rifle skin on a dagger, if that's your question...

Then it remains faster for you to make a list of which skins you'd like to see and where. I think the line between "similar uses" or "similar animations" and dissimilar is arbitrary.


And more importantly, it would be faster for ANet to implement.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> > There would still be rules. Weapons with similar uses and animations would share skins, but you couldn't put a rifle skin on a dagger, if that's your question...

> Then it remains faster for you to make a list of which skins you'd like to see and where. I think the line between "similar uses" or "similar animations" and dissimilar is arbitrary.


> And more importantly, it would be faster for ANet to implement.


Well my very personnal opinion is that absolutely every trident skin should be adapted to staves, and absolutely every harpoon skin should be adapted to rifles. The others like torch/scepter are more questionable and might indeed be better with a specific list, but I'm still sure most of their skins would fit each other as well.

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