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A lot keep wanting an expansion. What would you even want in it?

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> @"Kam.4092" said:

> The constant talk about wanting an expansion is fine, but me being a curious person, I'd like to know from people what things they'd want in a third expansion. Like where to travel, new modes, event ideas, new mounts, masteries, or anything. It's just something to talk about, and people can go wild.


> I'd just want anything with good replay value in the maps. There are many historical zones we can go to, or even new ones. New Elites would be cool, but aren't a must. I'd like a new form of PvE content. I just want simply anything I guess *shrug*


> Does anyone else have ideas?


Well, I loved exploring the HoT maps, so new maps are good. I also love elite specs because it gives a fresh take on classes I either played out already or never really enjoyed previously. New masteries. New story. New achievements. New skins. And, if possible, new WvW/PvP content.

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> @"Kam.4092" said:

> I'd just want anything with good replay value in the maps. There are many historical zones we can go to, or even new ones.


The only way to achieve replayability without spending tons of moneys on non-stopping content generation is to implement some kind of content-generation engine, based on randomness. I've seen this proposed several times in different GW2 communities, but each time there were some weirdos who opposed it with passion. Still, there is no other way. Having some random dungeon going down into the depth of the earth without perceivable end, with each level providing bigger and bigger challenge, and having different eco-systems with its own rules, and need for specific masteries would be, imo, great way to keep a lot of people interested in gameplay and combat system first of all interested in the game, assuming its implemented right, with tons of variety and depth / challenge (as it's done in best rougulelikes games out there)


Random global events with sufficient variety also would be an option.


> @"Kam.4092" said:

>New Elites would be cool, but aren't a must. I'd like a new form of PvE content.


They can't even balance the current ones properly, there is so much to improve regarding the old professions, and new ones would only make this mess much worse. There are also quite a lot of different flavors already, I can't imagine them adding a full new e-spec to each of the profession, while ensuring they actually provide unique way to play. Not to say balancing all this multitude of builds will be simply impossible. At best I can imagine them adding a new profession instead, may be, one day - that would be *just* 1 profession + 2 e-specs. But even this seems like unnecessary. Better fix the current ones. Half of them are not even actual in the current meta, and a lot of others only have 1 or 2 viable builds, sometimes boring af. For Elementalist profession, both e-specs don't make any real use of anything except their "title weapon" (warhorn for tempest and sword for weaver), other weapons are either strictly worse, or only useful in very specific circumstances. Not to say the whole profession underperforming, since the latest PoF powercreep.



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Well aside from the obvious answer of Cantha, Tengu and more 5 man dungeons like that from the core game with new amour skins that are NOT on the gem shop.


I would like for them to bring back polymock, and I've been SUPER curious about that small island far far south of Cantha on the world map. I would like to know whats there, if anything. Or maybe something far past the boundaries we have on the main Tyrian map to the north.


Something i would love for them to add into the game (0.0001% chance of happening) is to revamp the idea of mini pets. Sure they're collectible...but they're useless. Make them worth collecting. Each mini pet should have a small buff EX. when you have the mini out it provides 1% gold drop from enemies, Hearts give 2% more Karma, Harvesting has X% chance to net 4 mats from a regular instead of 3, -5% to torment, etc etc.


and the minis can also tie into the polymock idea somehow.

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> @"zityz.6089" said:

> Something i would love for them to add into the game (0.0001% chance of happening) is to revamp the idea of mini pets. Sure they're collectible...but they're useless. Make them worth collecting. Each mini pet should have a small buff EX. when you have the mini out it provides 1% gold drop from enemies, Hearts give 2% more Karma, Harvesting has X% chance to net 4 mats from a regular instead of 3, -5% to torment, etc etc.


Still seems like useless to me. What are all those bonuses even provide us? Usually you don't know what to spend those currencies for, anyway. Getting EXP in this game is not a problem at all, you don't even lose it when dying, those 1-3 extra % means literally nothing.


The only way I see them becoming meaningful if each of them would become a real pet indeed, like, Tamagotchi-stile :) So you could play with them (each pet has some funny and interesting mini-game attached to it), teach them some tricks, may be even combat tricks, so they could assist you sometimes, preferably in some funny/stylish way. Add more animations to them, make them behave like a real being, and not just a drone which is tagging you. Like, when you enter combat some of them get scaried, run and hide, others create some distance and start execute range attack, and some runing around barking or tossing things at your enemies.


All of those extra behaviors and animations could be only accessible through gem-store, of course, to make it feasible to Anet. Unless it will be something like this, I'll never be using any of those personally, not for some trifle bonus to insignificant numbers, at least.


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Something I saw and liked from another game that I think GW could do better: homesteads. There's a player house, but it's a part of a player-owned lot in an otherwise mostly unpopulated environment that can include animals, farmland, and other gathering nodes. Probably too similar to the home instance, but more flexible than just "here's a house" and it could tie into some kind of resource-management mechanic with unique rewards (think 'favor of the zephyrites' but on an individual scale across multiple maps).


That said I'm half expecting an aquatic expansion with boats. All of the other expansions focused on movement mechanics, and skimmers overlap with boats the way griffons overlap with gliders - so it's within the realm of possibility. Maybe they'll be house-boats and everyone's player-housing dreams could come true. :lol:

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Since the big draws of the first two expansions were mobility (gliding/mounts), I'd enjoy another addition to the options: Underwater maneuverability.


One way to tie it in would be to give an underwater travel ability to (some of) the mounts so you could just dolphin through the water the same way you can currently zip through the air and dart across canyons. I'd also settle for a spider mount that offers combination vertical/glide motion, similar to the [Oakheart Essence](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Oakheart%27s_Essence "Oakheart Essence") found in Draconis Mons.


You'll never convince me that spiders are too scary for Tyria - they're already everywhere.

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I want to see Cantha before anyplace else. I’m ready for it and tired of waiting. I’d like to see dervish, ritualist and monk elite specializations. For thief to wield a katana greatsword. New mounts obviously and Canthan styled mount skins. Canthan armor and gem store skins. Would be cool if we came across Bubbles. Player housing. A storyline that introduces new and old lore that takes us through Echovald Forest, The Jade Sea, Kaineng City, Shing Jea Island, etc. I’m just so ready to go back.


But if we were to have an expansion that was not Cantha, I’d like to see something that we haven’t seen yet from the original Guild Wars. I’d also like to know what that mushroom space zone in Jahai Bluffs is all about. No matter what happens I’ll still be excited for whatever Anet gives us.

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I want an apocalypse to force us to go to a new world and the world to be drastically different / undeveloped so that we the PC's are seen as gods and then have to deal with fixing whatever's going on in that time/world.


It's unlikely to happen because a shift of that nature is almost too jaring for people and they'll shout something about emersion breaking, but frankly being thrust into something not tyria could open up so many new story lines.

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I want Arenanet to wow me with their creativity when it comes to making great environments filled with interesting new things again, the way they did with Elona and Cantha in GW1.


By introducing a new landmass/continent that isn't Cantha. Elona was good and all, but for me that card only works once. Treading old ground over and over again is not the way to go.

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I don't care what's in it, specifically. That really isn't the point. I want sufficient new content to occupy my GW2 session time at around 2-3 hours per weekday, maybe 10-12 hours across a weekend, for 8 to 12 weeks. Heart of Thorns did that easily (exceeded it in fact).


I want one paid-for expansion like that every 12-18 months and I'll pay $60 for it. If it's as good as HoT I'll buy it for two of my three accounts and play through the whole thing twice.

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I think some of the things I'd like to see is new classes or at least specs that represent some of the classes we lost from GW1. Ritualist in particular is a class that could really be well implemented. I saw Dervish being mentioned and well there's an outfit for it so why not? And paragon and monk are also cool classes. So I'd like an expansion that brings back the "lost arts".


I'd also like a revamp of the combat system where we have a bit more freedom in what skills we pick and where. One of my biggest gripes is that weapon sets are a mix of skills that are useful and that are not. I much prefer a few choices per skill slot based on weapon choices and being able to choose which skill I slot where.

Also they really need to redo the trait system. One of my major gripes is how they handle weapon choices in there. In essence there are a lot of specializations or trait lines that favor a certain weapon combination but also can give some really good bonuses for other builds but only half-way.


So a guardian for example has weapons that almost always come with a symbol skill (except hammer). So Zeal boosts symbols with the fixed traits but the traits you can choose favors scepter and greatsword. Now I could use it for other weapons as well because they have symbols but I shouldn't really because I will gimp myself that way. So for me I'd like them to find a way to make specs work in a more flexible way without it being detrimental to your build. I mean why give so many weapon choices symbols and yet not be able to capitalize on them with most of them? I also believe that this is one of the reasons why there is such a difference in damage output between players, simply because what you like to play can often be a bad idea from a DPS point of view because only very specific combinations yield really good results. Considering the more casual nature of this game I find that contradictory.


Then I know that Cantha is much asked for but my problem is that the overall map of Tyria is already too big. I much prefer therefore that they open the areas to the North which are already present. There's a lot of variety as well and the opportunity to do a bit more with underwater areas if wanted.


Then there should be new masteries as well. I feel the mastery system is a great addition that really gives you something to do. It could be a mount but it could also be something completely different, having to do with new features in the terrain to pass through the areas but also to discover things. I'd like a mastery line that allows you to discover certain things like chests or caches that are otherwise invisible. This will also add a layer to exploration because initially you go through the maps with the story etc. and then once you've reached the right mastery level there is more to discover on the maps adding to the replay value. This could also linked to new collections. You could have basic collections that all can do but for the next level of collections you'll need to unlock certain masteries that allow you to discover little corners and caves etc on the map. I will note that the mastery system should not be too hard to unlock certain masteries for this because it should be accessible for the average player. However, it will be gated by unlocking them as you go along so that will give those extra replay layers.


And I think that the Hall of Monuments could be more of a thing than it is now. So I'd like to restore it to its former glory instead of this abandoned empty place. Maybe some quests or collections that can upgrade it step by step.


You know, stuff to do.


Now these are just some ideas. I do want to mention that there are many more things I could suggest with regards to map completion, events, meta's, world bosses, WvW etc, but this post is already long enough. Just wanted to indicate that the scope is much wider than what I described here :)

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Why so much people ask for new elites when the current ones are so badly balanced, and half of the current professions (elites and core professions) are not even up to date with their performance due to powercreep? Not to say current set of core professions and especs already do cover pretty much everything, and it's close to impossible to do new ones which will be unique, not even mentioning this will create total mess with balance again?


Hope Anet won't listen to this madness..

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There are many topics of such lists, which some may and some may not agree.


Popular votes are (but not necessarily agreed by me)

- Tengu

- player housing

- guild wars (as in, the fights between guilds or alliances)

- new elite specs

- new weapon

- underwater travelling and skill/combat/traits overhaul

- new raids

- an interesting and big story

- big maps with well fleshed out events and meta events

- big collections (not the type that have you grind 1 content 100 times, or are completely done after 10 minutes, the type of collections that take weeks, and have you do all sorts of challenging content)

- new masteries (that are more fleshed out than the HoT's and PoF's ones)

- fishing (yes, it actually hurts me to put it on the list, but I'm tying to be neutral here)

- and mostly, a tested and experimented with balance patch. One where they take the time to look at all builds and combinations, skill interactions, and give a proper balance updates where elite specs don't overshadow the core builds, and every class is viable. Because in the current setup, its *play whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want* as long as it's not group content or rewarding content


Also, an engine update for sharper graphics, particle control, density control, load orders (invisible bosses during meta events), texture quality (have you looked at core asuran eyes lately)

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- Open world pvp servers with ability to choose factions and control map zones/resources



- the ability to map all keys how i want

- said maps saved per character

- hot swappable weapon and armour function


New Content

- New elite specs/weapon specs

- New pvp modes and maps

- Reskin of gen 1+ legendaries to match gen 2.5+ quality

- Graphical zone overhaul


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Steve and underwater expansion with Skritt as a new race. Replacing spaghetti code with actual proper coding, especially when it comes to combat and abilities, im looking at you Soulbeast transform and mounting shitty coding and the entire enter/leave water stuff.


And as everyone says proper visual particles which aren't just "increase brightness by over 9000 so nobody can see kitten on screen" . There should also be several visual disable options, like disable only buff visuals for yourself so we can see ourselves like playing soulbeast right now you literally can't see your char even in solo combat if you use any stances, get quickness etc.

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- An easier to play class without having to re-learn 40 lines of rotations after every balance patch and still be in meta for fractal, or simply better to just re-roll a different class.

- New dungeons be like reduces skill spam from NPC, but clearer to see what made us died instead of getting overwhelmed by visual clutter and can't see where we did wrong.

- Having a way to show Kill Proof without needing to store ess for fractal/a bunch of decorative items for raids.

- Able to drag and drop to rearrange bank tabs.

- Able to store more of the materials/trophies into the inventory, for e.g.: Casino coins, Essence of luck, Shing Jea Orchid Petal (plus the other 3), Mystic forge stones, Baubles, etc...

~~- Add Ghost pepper home node.~~*Edit, wasn't paying attention to this.*

- Able to stack the same type of ascended boxes.

- Since I saw fishing and home decor was suggested, I'd further explain of what I liked: I've once played the game Atlantica online (quit because they keep raising the level cap and it felt like it'll never end), I like their afk-fishing system, the ability to craft and place furniture freely, and the ability to select different layout for the house.

- Game changing and convenient mechanics like the glider in HoT and mount in PoF in the 3rd expansion. I don't have much imagination to provide a suggestion, but I'll be expecting the 3rd expansion be on the same mind blown content level like the first 2.

- Delete slippery slope (and not introducing anything that creates motion sickness to the daily content).

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