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"New" Doubled Standards trait suggestion


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* Inspiring Battle Standard: This trait has been renamed Doubled Standards. It no longer causes banners to apply regeneration and instead causes the warrior to gain 5 seconds of swiftness when summoning or picking up a banner. Additionally, the banner effect improvements that are gained when this trait is equipped have been increased from 50% to 100%.


Can it apply 5 seconds of swiftness to multiple allies instead of just warrior, please?

What about "Inspiring Standards" name instead? Warrior gets doubled stat bonus from banners and the "active gameplay" with banners applies swiftness to allies around.

One of the banner skills is nice for providing swiftness to allies (including NPCs) and that will be gone now :(

I would even suggest something more spicy, but it seems that banners are supposed to remain dull and boring.

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i would go as far as to merge the banners

now everyone uses the 2 ofensive banners, and complelty ignore the 2 defensive banners (why would anyone ever use those right)


with the trait,the regen is gone, but you would get the 2 defensive banners as a passive effect.


so in total:


warrior gets +200 power +200 prec +200 fer +200 condi +100 vit +100 tough +100 healing pow +100 conc (or 200, since we benfit from the 100% stat gain but that might be a bit to much)

group gets +100 power +100 prec +100 fer +100 condi +100 vit +100 tough +100 healing pow +100 conc


this may seem a bit too much or "dramatic" but i just took the term "double standards" as literally as posisble :p (2 turns to 4)



the banner nerf (if it works as said above, that only warrior benefits from the 100% stat gain) then the defensive stats could, and would aid in the loss of dps.

support classes can now swap out 1 or 2 extra gear pieces as they would be boon capped with less concentration on their own (warrior provides 100 conc)

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or what about this:


there is:


1) heal shout

2) heal physical

3) heal stance

4) heal signet


why no heal banner? with regen (that we now lose) + a pulsing small aoe heal

what if the trait works like how ranger, guard and necro change work "u use this trait and skill x turns into skill Y" (necro scepter 3 trait, ranger axe 3 trait, guard hammer 2 trait)


what if the trait turned the banner in the banner + an additonal upgraded effect (that increases vitality and healing power, a combination of banner of tactics and banner of defense) and becomes the new heal skill as said above, regen + a small aoe pulsing heal



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