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Changes to improve mesmer (Buffs, Nerfs, QoL)


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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> Axe ambush does zero damage, idk what further you want to nerf. Axe 2 is trash,it does need buffs,not nerfs. Axe 3 evade is fine ,why would u remove it and make it another useless skill ?

> Anet demonstrated that they ,as usual, know nothing absolutely. Instead of destroying mirage entirely they could take a look at overperforming meta build and spot CHAOS traitline and nerf it + evasive mirror . Any build that ran without chaos been BAD and now every build that doesnt include chaos is ...just horrible .

> 0.75s evade ... I think I didnt play mirage during beta when it was 0.75 but now its just horrible .

> tldr: just play another class


these nerfs don't take into account 05/03 balance patch

rolling a scrapper since apparently lots of people think it's fine :v

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > Axe ambush does zero damage, idk what further you want to nerf. Axe 2 is trash,it does need buffs,not nerfs. Axe 3 evade is fine ,why would u remove it and make it another useless skill ?

> > Anet demonstrated that they ,as usual, know nothing absolutely. Instead of destroying mirage entirely they could take a look at overperforming meta build and spot CHAOS traitline and nerf it + evasive mirror . Any build that ran without chaos been BAD and now every build that doesnt include chaos is ...just horrible .

> > 0.75s evade ... I think I didnt play mirage during beta when it was 0.75 but now its just horrible .

> > tldr: just play another class


> these nerfs don't take into account 05/03 balance patch

> rolling a scrapper since apparently lots of people think it's fine :v





It's not OK for any other class to stall 3+ players except Engi.

Only Engi's can use the " it has counters" argument.

And only engi's can justify a spec being OP with the " it's not that OP in plat2+, gold doesn't matter"

It's great. Love seeing the blatant hypocrisy.


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  • 2 weeks later...

hard disagree on the nerfs part


if you play a mirage and a scourge back to back you'll be absolutely astonished how ludicrously easy it is to kill people as a scourge, you use 1 skill and get 5 conditions on him while also removing 3 boons lmao


mirage needs a revert on the axe nerfs and the only justifiable / realistic nerf at this point for mirage is with evasive mirror, evasive mirror is way too strong. It should be reworked to have 50-100% longer cooldown or make it like 10/20 second cooldown with 5 sec duration (still much lower uptime than what it is now)


absolutely no nerfs on scepter , the weapon was BUFFED MULTIPLE TIMES DUE TO BEING TOO WEAK AND NOT USED (I still used it way before any of the buffs but only cause i like scepter and its concept). If they were to suddenly nerf scepter that's a complete and direct contradiction of themselves, you cant just buff a thing then next patch nerf it unless its broken and scepter isn't broken cus it's been like this for more than half a year. People started taking more notice of scepter now because it got more popular all of a sudden but the skill has been like this for ages


also if you think scepter does too much dmg i suggest you try playing scepter without the grandmaster trait for scepter and see how much dmg you're gonna do, it has 1 sec windup on the cast animation and 2.5 sec cast time, it;'s the slowest skill in teh game and it BARELY DOES 10k dmg with power builds while a warrior does 10k PER HIT with rampage that has INSTANT CAST and CC effect. LMAO. How can you even compare?


Ranger rapid fire on a full dps build does 20k damage with 1500 range and 2 times faster cast time but mesmer's 10k damage on a power build (and its lower on condi builds so its not even that big of a factor).


![](https://i.imgur.com/mOXoGJD.jpg "")


9 HITS , DO REMEMBER THE SKILL IS 10 HITS. So a ranger can quite literally oneshot you from almost double range with TWO TIMES FASTER CAST ABILITY but scepter has to get nerfed? No, people need to be more fair and rational when looking at these things and to compare classes against each other


considering how gutted mesmer was with all the last patches, nerfing the few things that are left is stupid



as for buffs, axe was completely gutted with the last patch. You can't use mirage ambush on people behind you but the axe puts you behind people, its incredibly stupid its a spite nerf its not a reasonable nerf. The developers that came up with this change must personally dislike mirage for it because the change completely kills axe. Went from stacking 40 torment on a immovable golem to 20 and 20 stacks of torment does 1k damage and can be removed and takes an entire second to tick (on a standing target). Meanwhile in 1second a thief can do 15k backstab and a 10k heartseeker right after out of stealth from 30m away with steal xd


the axe nerfs need to be reverted, you can keep the mirage cloak nerf and even the shatter nerf (which i dont think was fair because now F2 is incredibly weak and worthless, at least buff its power dmg to compensate how little effect this skill has by itself without illusions trait)



i quite literally bought PoF because of the axe. I hated sword because it didn't fit my style and i don't like staff because it's too passive weapon and its a defensive weapon and a much slower 1v1/point based weapon while axe was offensive and aggressive and it had everything i wanted it to have ,it had good aoe spread dmg (with mirage cloak) and some defense (with 3) and also focused offense and helped you combo (with 3). Mesmer only has 3 options for 1handed weapon and sword doesnt have any conditions do it and the mirage cloak on sword is clunky as hell and doesn't help so that leaves only axe and scepter and axe is complete trash on this patch. They made it clunky as hell, ambush not activating half of the time because they walk behind you while you're casting it or because your skills put your target behind you


Even if they reverted the axe nerfs you'd still be much weaker cause F2 had a massive nerf and you still wouldn't get the same confusion combo with axe 3 but the mechanic reworks on axe were completely horrible and gutted the weapon, now the torments just go by and dont hit the enemy and dont stack and it cant be used behind you. I dont care much about the 3 nerf , sure losing 3 confusion stacks on top of losing 4 more from the F2 nerf is absolutely horrible but the other axe nerfs are much worse




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Scepter 3 probably does too much physical damage in the grand scheme of things on a condition build but let's be real, the auto attack chain and ambush attacks for scepter are hot, hot garbage. If you opponent is running away they're going to outpace your projectiles. Scepter 3 is your only real kill potential with scepter. Like let's say your running Carrion which a pretty standard choice for a condition damage amulet and Adventure which is pretty normal for condition damage builds.


Your auto attack chain is going to do:


729 damage maximum (355 physical plus 2.25 seconds of torment calculated at moving speed)

916 damage maximum (355 physical plus 3.25 seconds of torment calculated at moving speed)


And the final skill on the Auto Attack chain is going to do either:


399 physical damage only




2081 damage maximum (399 physical plus 10 seconds of torment calculated at moving speed) only if you have 3 illusions when you cast this skill which really isn't that likely considering how fast they die.


Like even the extremely restrictive final part of the attack chain designed to be super powerful does only about as much damage as a Holosmith's Rifle 1 attack on a crit. And unlike the Holosmith who can expect to crit extremely regularly crit chance isn't going to be that useful to a condition class as it's not like critical strikes with conditions apply double the duration of the condition itself (Though this would be an interesting idea to play around with).


You're never going to kill anyone with the scepter auto attacks. And the ambush skill isn't that much better frankly, you're spending a bar of endurance that best case scenario on this build with 3x clones is going to output about 3k damage on a target.


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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Scepter 3 probably does too much physical damage in the grand scheme of things on a condition build but let's be real, the auto attack chain and ambush attacks for scepter are hot, hot garbage. If you opponent is running away they're going to outpace your projectiles. Scepter 3 is your only real kill potential with scepter. Like let's say your running Carrion which a pretty standard choice for a condition damage amulet and Adventure which is pretty normal for condition damage builds.


> Your auto attack chain is going to do:


> 729 damage maximum (355 physical plus 2.25 seconds of torment calculated at moving speed)

> 916 damage maximum (355 physical plus 3.25 seconds of torment calculated at moving speed)


> And the final skill on the Auto Attack chain is going to do either:


> 399 physical damage only


> Or


> 2081 damage maximum (399 physical plus 10 seconds of torment calculated at moving speed) only if you have 3 illusions when you cast this skill which really isn't that likely considering how fast they die.


> Like even the extremely restrictive final part of the attack chain designed to be super powerful does only about as much damage as a Holosmith's Rifle 1 attack on a crit. And unlike the Holosmith who can expect to crit extremely regularly crit chance isn't going to be that useful to a condition class as it's not like critical strikes with conditions apply double the duration of the condition itself (Though this would be an interesting idea to play around with).


> You're never going to kill anyone with the scepter auto attacks. And the ambush skill isn't that much better frankly, you're spending a bar of endurance that best case scenario on this build with 3x clones is going to output about 3k damage on a target.




Scepter 3 does "physical damage in the grand scheme of things" when it comes to *MIRAGE*. If you compare it to other classes it's actually pathetic, which is what i tried to convey in my post. The damage it does is nothing remarkable for its cast time and if anything it's even low because it casts so slow. Imagine if you played a ranger and you had mesmer's scepter 3? It would be horrible. It works for mesmer because you have illusions that distract and detarget and a blink which helps you position with it and it's a good skill but it's not overpowered and without the grandmaster trait i'd say its not even worth using in many situations

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Like it's said on the first post, the nerfs don't take into account the last patch, at this point not only I think mirage doesn't need nerfs I think also MC needs a revert.

It doesn't make any sense to sell a attack and evade at once mechanic just to get it deleted.

Most attacks and ambushes have cast time longer than the evade.

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> as for buffs, axe was completely gutted with the last patch. You can't use mirage ambush on people behind you but the axe puts you behind people, its incredibly stupid its a spite nerf its not a reasonable nerf. The developers that came up with this change must personally dislike mirage for it because the change completely kills axe.


Gonna comment on this bit, the nerf part is mentioned in the post above: the proposed nerfs don't take into account the patch is more as "if patch didn't exist, you could have done that", I'll edit for clarity.


The developers don't come up with anything, that nerf was proposed by BringYourFriends on YouTube and commented on forums.

At least they listened to a mesmer main this time lul.

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I don't really feel the mirage cloak change tbh


meanwhile ![](https://i.imgur.com/UeircVA.jpg "")


as long as there's stuff like this in the game, nerfing scepter sounds preposterous, the dmg is actually weak compared to other power classes


my ranger with demolisher amulet and 20k hp and protection on dodge is capable of doing 20k dmg with a single rapid fire which is unblockable (with pet merge) with reveal and more range while also being 3 times tankier than my mirage with double its range and obviously a pet


a 1;1 comparison between classes is not reasonable but sometimes you need stuff like this to see what you're dealing with, i don't think scep3 is overpowered considering it almost requires a trait to even be usable




honestly the axe nerf was just incredibly bad. You, as a developer, should want your game to keep up with the times and to be modern. Modern games are a lot more fluid than older games are in general and the speed is better so people can focus on the actual gameplay instead of random tedious small hiccups and mechanics, even older games have a ton of animation canceling (aion for example) and for some reason instead of them making the game more fluid by making skills turn your character around and make them usable on people behind you, not just mirage skills but ANY skills for any class, they go in the exact opposite direction of that and make the game much clunkier. Now using axe mirage ambush feels wrong because it's a melee weapon so people walking behind you or you walking behind them happens all the time and then you wont get the mirage ambush attack to go off, on top of that not all axes can hit the target any more so there's just screen clutter and effects but no actual hits, wtf? thse changes baffle me so much


i don't know who this mirage main is that proposed the nerfs but he clearly has no perspective and vision on how gameplay can be improved


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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> I don't really feel the mirage cloak change tbh


> meanwhile ![](https://i.imgur.com/UeircVA.jpg "")


> as long as there's stuff like this in the game, nerfing scepter sounds preposterous, the dmg is actually weak compared to other power classes


> my ranger with demolisher amulet and 20k hp and protection on dodge is capable of doing 20k dmg with a single rapid fire which is unblockable (with pet merge) with reveal and more range while also being 3 times tankier than my mirage with double its range and obviously a pet


> a 1;1 comparison between classes is not reasonable but sometimes you need stuff like this to see what you're dealing with, i don't think scep3 is overpowered considering it almost requires a trait to even be usable




> honestly the axe nerf was just incredibly bad. You, as a developer, should want your game to keep up with the times and to be modern. Modern games are a lot more fluid than older games are in general and the speed is better so people can focus on the actual gameplay instead of random tedious small hiccups and mechanics, even older games have a ton of animation canceling (aion for example) and for some reason instead of them making the game more fluid by making skills turn your character around and make them usable on people behind you, not just mirage skills but ANY skills for any class, they go in the exact opposite direction of that and make the game much clunkier. Now using axe mirage ambush feels wrong because it's a melee weapon so people walking behind you or you walking behind them happens all the time and then you wont get the mirage ambush attack to go off, on top of that not all axes can hit the target any more so there's just screen clutter and effects but no actual hits, kitten? thse changes baffle me so much


> i don't know who this mirage main is that proposed the nerfs but he clearly has no perspective and vision on how gameplay can be improved



I agree. The mirage cloak nerf is fine. Axe damage probably needed some trimming, too (although arguably it's a higher risk weapon due to the MC changes, so...). But the facing requirement doesn't make sense with axe. Axe 2 is designed to be covered by mirage cloak, which naturally means that at the end of it you're supposed to ambush. But because you're at melee range, axe 2 places you behind the target, locked into an animation that has you facing away from them. I think they should consider reverting the facing requirement.

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I agree with both of you on the anti-synergistic nature of axe ambush facing requirement with skills like axe 2 which if used through a target, faces you away from it.


It's awkward and clunky in practice to constantly 180 pan the camera during axe 2 in order to land a follow up ambush - especially considering the likelihood of dodge covering axe 2 which enables ambush - and here you're solely reliant on IH clones (but obviously not the axe 2 one as it spawns after the fact...). And indirectly another result of the balancing around mandatory IH use... without that you lose a fair amount of damage due to frequently facing away.


It's nit like staff, scepter or GS which don't frequently move you through your target in melee range to face away from it.


The only silver lining as mentioned in the other thread is that you can prestige sooner after an axe 2 without worrying about delayed flying axes hitting target afterwards, immediately breaking stealth and revealing you (other than the one from the axe trait) which slightly remedies the anti-synergistic nature of stealth with axe in melee range.


I remember the suggestion in Countless' video, but because of these issues do not agree with it. I believe this was an incorrect decision due to the design of axe 2 and the use in melee having the indirect effect of nerfing damage even further due to number of times of not casting (other than IH clones) unless you're constantly flicking your camera around - which is neither comfortable nor fun to do.

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MC cut is definitely felt, even more if you play power. Even tho you can feel it on condi, staff ambush is now a free rupt for example.


As for scepter 3 it depends on the pov, is it currently op? No. Will it be better off nerfed for the greater good? Absolutely. What I mean by this is, scepter 3 should be nerfed if reaper shroud 5 and 3, backstab, vault, dj, rapid fire, maul, winter's bite, holo skills, gunflame, shacking wave, CoF and the likes were all nerfed too.


And let's be honest, apart from mesmers, no one else suggest nerfs to their classes.

Heck, even scrappers are saying they're fine and l2p.


Look at these buffs suggestions? Is there anything that makes you say "that will be op af?"

Go check on other professions forums, particularly the victim complex ones, you'll facepalm while mumbling "delusionals" in less than a minute I guarantee you that.

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> hard disagree on the nerfs part


> if you play a mirage and a scourge back to back you'll be absolutely astonished how ludicrously easy it is to kill people as a scourge, you use 1 skill and get 5 conditions on him while also removing 3 boons lmao


> mirage needs a revert on the axe nerfs and the only justifiable / realistic nerf at this point for mirage is with evasive mirror, evasive mirror is way too strong. It should be reworked to have 50-100% longer cooldown or make it like 10/20 second cooldown with 5 sec duration (still much lower uptime than what it is now)


> absolutely no nerfs on scepter , the weapon was BUFFED MULTIPLE TIMES DUE TO BEING TOO WEAK AND NOT USED (I still used it way before any of the buffs but only cause i like scepter and its concept). If they were to suddenly nerf scepter that's a complete and direct contradiction of themselves, you cant just buff a thing then next patch nerf it unless its broken and scepter isn't broken cus it's been like this for more than half a year. People started taking more notice of scepter now because it got more popular all of a sudden but the skill has been like this for ages


> also if you think scepter does too much dmg i suggest you try playing scepter without the grandmaster trait for scepter and see how much dmg you're gonna do, it has 1 sec windup on the cast animation and 2.5 sec cast time, it;'s the slowest skill in teh game and it BARELY DOES 10k dmg with power builds while a warrior does 10k PER HIT with rampage that has INSTANT CAST and CC effect. LMAO. How can you even compare?


> Ranger rapid fire on a full dps build does 20k damage with 1500 range and 2 times faster cast time but mesmer's 10k damage on a power build (and its lower on condi builds so its not even that big of a factor).


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/mOXoGJD.jpg "")


> 9 HITS , DO REMEMBER THE SKILL IS 10 HITS. So a ranger can quite literally oneshot you from almost double range with TWO TIMES FASTER CAST ABILITY but scepter has to get nerfed? No, people need to be more fair and rational when looking at these things and to compare classes against each other


> considering how gutted mesmer was with all the last patches, nerfing the few things that are left is stupid



> as for buffs, axe was completely gutted with the last patch. You can't use mirage ambush on people behind you but the axe puts you behind people, its incredibly stupid its a spite nerf its not a reasonable nerf. The developers that came up with this change must personally dislike mirage for it because the change completely kills axe. Went from stacking 40 torment on a immovable golem to 20 and 20 stacks of torment does 1k damage and can be removed and takes an entire second to tick (on a standing target). Meanwhile in 1second a thief can do 15k backstab and a 10k heartseeker right after out of stealth from 30m away with steal xd


> the axe nerfs need to be reverted, you can keep the mirage cloak nerf and even the shatter nerf (which i dont think was fair because now F2 is incredibly weak and worthless, at least buff its power dmg to compensate how little effect this skill has by itself without illusions trait)



> i quite literally bought PoF because of the axe. I hated sword because it didn't fit my style and i don't like staff because it's too passive weapon and its a defensive weapon and a much slower 1v1/point based weapon while axe was offensive and aggressive and it had everything i wanted it to have ,it had good aoe spread dmg (with mirage cloak) and some defense (with 3) and also focused offense and helped you combo (with 3). Mesmer only has 3 options for 1handed weapon and sword doesnt have any conditions do it and the mirage cloak on sword is clunky as hell and doesn't help so that leaves only axe and scepter and axe is complete trash on this patch. They made it clunky as hell, ambush not activating half of the time because they walk behind you while you're casting it or because your skills put your target behind you


> Even if they reverted the axe nerfs you'd still be much weaker cause F2 had a massive nerf and you still wouldn't get the same confusion combo with axe 3 but the mechanic reworks on axe were completely horrible and gutted the weapon, now the torments just go by and dont hit the enemy and dont stack and it cant be used behind you. I dont care much about the 3 nerf , sure losing 3 confusion stacks on top of losing 4 more from the F2 nerf is absolutely horrible but the other axe nerfs are much worse





I agree entirly,Many nerf are totally unreasonable.I'm bound to say that Developers have almost eliminated all the features and pleasures of mirage.

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> I don't really feel the mirage cloak change tbh


> meanwhile ![](https://i.imgur.com/UeircVA.jpg "")


> as long as there's stuff like this in the game, nerfing scepter sounds preposterous, the dmg is actually weak compared to other power classes


> my ranger with demolisher amulet and 20k hp and protection on dodge is capable of doing 20k dmg with a single rapid fire which is unblockable (with pet merge) with reveal and more range while also being 3 times tankier than my mirage with double its range and obviously a pet


> a 1;1 comparison between classes is not reasonable but sometimes you need stuff like this to see what you're dealing with, i don't think scep3 is overpowered considering it almost requires a trait to even be usable




> honestly the axe nerf was just incredibly bad. You, as a developer, should want your game to keep up with the times and to be modern. Modern games are a lot more fluid than older games are in general and the speed is better so people can focus on the actual gameplay instead of random tedious small hiccups and mechanics, even older games have a ton of animation canceling (aion for example) and for some reason instead of them making the game more fluid by making skills turn your character around and make them usable on people behind you, not just mirage skills but ANY skills for any class, they go in the exact opposite direction of that and make the game much clunkier. Now using axe mirage ambush feels wrong because it's a melee weapon so people walking behind you or you walking behind them happens all the time and then you wont get the mirage ambush attack to go off, on top of that not all axes can hit the target any more so there's just screen clutter and effects but no actual hits, kitten? thse changes baffle me so much


> i don't know who this mirage main is that proposed the nerfs but he clearly has no perspective and vision on how gameplay can be improved


I guess the developers of these changes are simply looking for NPCs to test.Or maybe there's no test at all.


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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> Updated with some suggestions by Odik:

> Elusive mind, Self-Deception, Illusionary leap, Illusionary wave, evasive mirror, Imaginary axes, false oasis, mass invisibility.

> Updated with mass invisibility suggestion by mortrialus.


I havent found most important QoL : ambush cast time to match MC . You literally naked 50% of its cast

>Confusing Images - Either make scepter condi or power and nerf taking it into account or nerf both a little.

Looking at stupid rapid fire for 25-30k in pvp... twice as much range and 1900/1500 range also being able to make it unblockable and combo'd with a stun... That doesnt need a nerf even .

>Axe ambush - needs a condi tonedown.

Still a mistake?:>

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > Updated with some suggestions by Odik:

> > Elusive mind, Self-Deception, Illusionary leap, Illusionary wave, evasive mirror, Imaginary axes, false oasis, mass invisibility.

> > Updated with mass invisibility suggestion by mortrialus.


> I havent found most important QoL : ambush cast time to match MC . You literally naked 50% of its cast

> >Confusing Images - Either make scepter condi or power and nerf taking it into account or nerf both a little.

> Looking at stupid rapid fire for 25-30k in pvp... twice as much range and 1900/1500 range also being able to make it unblockable and combo'd with a stun... That doesnt need a nerf even .

> >Axe ambush - needs a condi tonedown.

> Still a mistake?:>


The ambush matching mc is there.

"Ambushes: reduce cast time on ambushes so they can fit inside or closer to the mirage cloak uptime. (.75 MC taked into account)"


The axe ambush and scepter ones are mentioned above:


"...and the right things to nerf (If 05/03 patch didn't exist or if you revert everything you could have done/do it this way)"


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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > Updated with some suggestions by Odik:

> > > Elusive mind, Self-Deception, Illusionary leap, Illusionary wave, evasive mirror, Imaginary axes, false oasis, mass invisibility.

> > > Updated with mass invisibility suggestion by mortrialus.

> >

> > I havent found most important QoL : ambush cast time to match MC . You literally naked 50% of its cast

> > >Confusing Images - Either make scepter condi or power and nerf taking it into account or nerf both a little.

> > Looking at stupid rapid fire for 25-30k in pvp... twice as much range and 1900/1500 range also being able to make it unblockable and combo'd with a stun... That doesnt need a nerf even .

> > >Axe ambush - needs a condi tonedown.

> > Still a mistake?:>


> The ambush matching mc is there.

> "Ambushes: reduce cast time on ambushes so they can fit inside or closer to the mirage cloak uptime. (.75 MC taked into account)"


> The axe ambush and scepter ones are mentioned above:


> "...and the right things to nerf (If 05/03 patch didn't exist or if you revert everything you could have done/do it this way)"


OK but you can also change that in OP...

Also feel free to add : remove dumb requierment to look at your target to cast skill,thats most dumb sh*t. Many many many skills can be casted behind himself

(Even tho this wont help to make it somewhat good anyway )

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> @"Mydnyght.5026" said:

> As a power mesmer I'd say remove the plasma steal from thieves to start with, they already have enough mechanic to hunt mesmers.


I agree, plasma is one of the most kitten things in game, it's absolutely disgusting.

Guess it is the perks of being the "favorite child" to have the most unfair fight on game.


I suggested to remove plasma on some pvp threads but this one is about buffs/nerfs on mesmer.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Mydnyght.5026" said:

> > As a power mesmer I'd say remove the plasma steal from thieves to start with, they already have enough mechanic to hunt mesmers.


> I agree, plasma is one of the most kitten things in game, it's absolutely disgusting.

> Guess it is the perks of being the "favorite child" to have the most unfair fight on game.


> I suggested to remove plasma on some pvp threads but this one is about buffs/nerfs on mesmer.


What would you replace it with then? Every steal skill has something to do with whatever you fight.

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> @"Invictorum.7643" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > @"Mydnyght.5026" said:

> > > As a power mesmer I'd say remove the plasma steal from thieves to start with, they already have enough mechanic to hunt mesmers.

> >

> > I agree, plasma is one of the most kitten things in game, it's absolutely disgusting.

> > Guess it is the perks of being the "favorite child" to have the most unfair fight on game.

> >

> > I suggested to remove plasma on some pvp threads but this one is about buffs/nerfs on mesmer.


> What would you replace it with then? Every steal skill has something to do with whatever you fight.


The hell does "all boons in the game" have to do with mesmer?

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> @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > @"Invictorum.7643" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > @"Mydnyght.5026" said:

> > > > As a power mesmer I'd say remove the plasma steal from thieves to start with, they already have enough mechanic to hunt mesmers.

> > >

> > > I agree, plasma is one of the most kitten things in game, it's absolutely disgusting.

> > > Guess it is the perks of being the "favorite child" to have the most unfair fight on game.

> > >

> > > I suggested to remove plasma on some pvp threads but this one is about buffs/nerfs on mesmer.

> >

> > What would you replace it with then? Every steal skill has something to do with whatever you fight.


> The hell does "all boons in the game" have to do with mesmer?


To my knowledge, Mesmer's kit is the most broad in terms of boon application. The class has several abilities and traits that can apply almost any boon in the game, so it would make sense for the stolen item to play off the mass boon application theme.

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> @"Invictorum.7643" said:

> > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > > @"Invictorum.7643" said:

> > > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > > @"Mydnyght.5026" said:

> > > > > As a power mesmer I'd say remove the plasma steal from thieves to start with, they already have enough mechanic to hunt mesmers.

> > > >

> > > > I agree, plasma is one of the most kitten things in game, it's absolutely disgusting.

> > > > Guess it is the perks of being the "favorite child" to have the most unfair fight on game.

> > > >

> > > > I suggested to remove plasma on some pvp threads but this one is about buffs/nerfs on mesmer.

> > >

> > > What would you replace it with then? Every steal skill has something to do with whatever you fight.

> >

> > The hell does "all boons in the game" have to do with mesmer?


> To my knowledge, Mesmer's kit is the most broad in terms of boon application. The class has several abilities and traits that can apply almost any boon in the game, so it would make sense for the stolen item to play off the mass boon application theme.


That is basically just bountiful disillusionment + chrono + maybe CI, is it not? None of these were present in 2012 when plasma was added. And even then, fb, elixir engi, ranger, ele all compete or surpass mesmer in terms of boons. Problem with these classes in PvE is that quickness and alacrity are disproportionately good in a game where dps is so overvalued.


Mesmer wasn't seen as a boon-heavy class before HoT and core mesmer still shouldn't (for example there are no utilities on mesmer that give boons except for mantra of concentration). Certainly not "mass boon application". To me, the tooltip icon is basically the main reason why it fits mesmer.

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> @"Invictorum.7643" said:

> > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > > @"Invictorum.7643" said:

> > > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > > @"Mydnyght.5026" said:

> > > > > As a power mesmer I'd say remove the plasma steal from thieves to start with, they already have enough mechanic to hunt mesmers.

> > > >

> > > > I agree, plasma is one of the most kitten things in game, it's absolutely disgusting.

> > > > Guess it is the perks of being the "favorite child" to have the most unfair fight on game.

> > > >

> > > > I suggested to remove plasma on some pvp threads but this one is about buffs/nerfs on mesmer.

> > >

> > > What would you replace it with then? Every steal skill has something to do with whatever you fight.

> >

> > The hell does "all boons in the game" have to do with mesmer?


> To my knowledge, Mesmer's kit is the most broad in terms of boon application. The class has several abilities and traits that can apply almost any boon in the game, so it would make sense for the stolen item to play off the mass boon application theme.


Plasma been since release. What it has to do with mesmer boon application once again ?

Chrono bunker that can do it with chaos? What about firebrands that solely apply every boon and 25 might stacks and only thing they cant is alacrity ,may be they should add 'consume plasma' from guardians now ?

Most of stolen skills are pretty much useless againt classes who got stolen

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