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Ex-player who sometimes wants to return's thoughts on why I don't play GW2

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> Just because you dont like something doesnt mean the balancing is bad or that skills are completely unused or that its "a mess".


That's a common excuse used when somebody can't back up their statement. Yes, let's reduce it down to preferences. Or you could, for example, offer some DPS tempest build which don't use Fresh Air / Air Overload combo + warhorne, and deals.. well, at least 20k DPS on golem. It's still not enough to be viable in any serious end-game PvE content, but I just made it easier for you, let's see what you'll manage to achieve with it.



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Why would you want to play tempest and then ignore the tempest mechanic? What kind of argument is THAT? And btw, staff elementalist still does 26-27k. So there you go. Replace water or air with tempest. Done.



I did point out what dragonhunter longbow weapon is designed for. Ranged control. Just because it doesnt one-shot people anymore in addition to the control utilities it has, doesnt make this weapon trash. The dps was - granted - for quite a while undertuned, but anet is adding to it again, so its getting fixed.



Btw, the iconic ranger weapons are bow, sword, axe and dagger. Sometimes spears. Sometimes crossbows. Everything that allows to hunt in forests. And here's a bit of my bow-knowledge for you... longbows arent really suited for hunting in forests - too heavy, too slow, too much space needed - so thats where you'd use a shortbow or better yet crossbow. Longbows are for openfields... you know... like what the english did to the french back in 1346 at Crécy. Just because it irks me that people always bring this argument for playing a subpar build in instanced content.


And thats just what guildwars2 is about. Using the right weapons, with the right traits and right skills for a specific content. Its not about using the same weapons, traits and skills at every content. Thats a scenario you only get with unbalanced games where one build is so OP it is used everywhere.

Again, what you guys want... to use the same lets call it "skillset" everywhere and get everywhere optimal results... is NOT balanced. Its also un-fun. You have so many different builds you can run on ranger. Why would you want to limit yourself to just playing longbow everywhere?

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> I mean, Season 2 had 2 new maps, and i had a much more memorable experience in those maps than the whole of season 4. I've revisited the silverwastes and Dry top many more times, even post PoF than most Season 3 and 4 maps.

> That rigidity, and treating us like we have an attention deficit and just going for the new, new, new, and giving us intricate powerful, quality experiences is doing the game a disservice.


Nah fam, gotta get many shallow maps to because exploration > everything else.


Honestly who ever told anet that a map with every episode is better than what we had in se2 is delusional.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > I mean, Season 2 had 2 new maps, and i had a much more memorable experience in those maps than the whole of season 4. I've revisited the silverwastes and Dry top many more times, even post PoF than most Season 3 and 4 maps.

> > That rigidity, and treating us like we have an attention deficit and just going for the new, new, new, and giving us intricate powerful, quality experiences is doing the game a disservice.


> Nah fam, gotta get many shallow maps to because exploration > everything else.


> Honestly who ever told anet that a map with every episode is better than what we had in se2 is delusional.


It's not that i don't like new maps. But they've missed a ton of great opportunities. Like Istan for example... They could have released the rest of the island instead of the Sandswept isles, there's portions of old istan that could have served the same purpose as the sandswept, and it would have made it a better experience and more integral to the story, by making it a larger connected map. But no, as far as we can tell Istan will remain only that quarter of the region forever. Same with the Ring of Fire, we got a couple islands, when we could have had more of the chain, sure the story would be different, and they'd have to change the way the'd put 2 dragons on hold while we go after kralk (which was pretty much the purpose of season 3, setup Balth as the baddie, and put Jormag and Primordus on ice for a bit).

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Right tool for the right job. I've been playing guardian since beta and as others have stated, for the most part they are the most balance class of all the classes and have viable builds/loadouts for all specs including core. I also like to favor certain weapons for most things BUT I also know that certain things will require full on gear changes when necessary for the task at hand. Balance doesn't happen in a bubble and its about balancing with no set roles in mind. Its no small task to balance each class, elite spec, weapons AND game content so its both challenging but not overly punishing or faceroll easy. For Guardian, I'd say Anet has gotten the closest to that middle ground. As for your machine having issues, I'm sure there are plenty of vids out there with suggestions on helping that heat issue out. Not sure if you're trying to run full bells and whistles in the game, but if so, try knocking some of that down for better performance.



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How many dragonhunters use their iconic weapon in PvE? I barely see anyone and even if I do, they are probably using it purely out of fun and love for playstyle. Rangers who should excel with longbow are gimping themselves by using it. Only people who have problem surviving use it so they can safely afk while their pet is tanking.

How many necros use staff aside for tagging? How many thieves use pistols? How many use shortbow? I hope no one is daft enough to suggest shortbow is fine because people use it to teleport around. How many warriors use rifle? These weapons are so bad, that even making entire build around them won't make them any better

Ranged weapons are nearly useless and they never cared to do anything about it. That's balance for you?


I am not a player concerned about meta and counting every single digit on dps meter, but still I end up using mostly same weapons as meta players, because other stuff is just either useless or doesn't provide me with more overall usefulness than what I already have.


Huge problem in gw2 is that everything is about damage. Most fights are easier if you just destroy them, before they destroy you. And therefore, large amount of weapons and utilities are completely useless, because they don't provide anything that would make you do a better job. Take a boring ass bane signet on guardian for example. Most people take that thing and forget about one utility slot, because they have nothing better to take, nothing is worth enough or needed to replace it. Most of utilities that have regen are just useless, because healing power is scaling so badly, so you either don't bother or go full support/heal, which makes no sense in 95% of the game. "Hold the line" for example... Oh yes, heal me for less than one tenth of my total HP over 6 seconds! Holy shit dude. In 6 seconds mobs can do enough damage to kill you multiple times. Spirit weapons are bad and no one uses them except sword. Concentration utilities are mostly meh, except maybe smite conditions for some situations. So what's left? Pretty much all signets are bad and boring, we take bane because like I said, power=win, spirits weapons are bad, concentration utils mostly bad, half of the shouts are meh... You are left with few choices.


Same goes for all classes. Any class I play, I use 3-5 utlities regularly, 2-3 situational, the rest is underperforming. Some of it because it's complete crap, others because simply there is no use for it or doesn't benefit me from swapping one of my existing utilities. Not to mentioned core elites....

I'm not huge on swapping weapons design, but whatever, I don't hate it either. But I do wish they wouldn't have CD. Because without CD, weapons that I find not worth the hassle and underperforming would actually get some use then, since you wouldn't have to care about CD. CD makes you think if it even worth swapping for that one skill? With no CD, I could swap, slap mob with cc and swap back to GS. Like engineer or ele. There are cooldowns on skills anyway, so I don't see a problem. And don't start with "hurr durr, CD makes me pro because I practiced my rotations for weeks". I don't care. Only minority of people care about rotations in small part of game. And Anet balances the game around that. So rest of the game is a mess. But hey, anything works in open world, so I'm not allowed to complain, right?


In short, only thing that matters in PvE is damage and shit tons of stability.


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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> But usually thats only a problem with totally OP skills that are so powerful, you simply cant pass them up for more situational but weaker skills. Buffing all other skills to that level would be just plain foolish and I thank everything that Anet's balancing dev dont listen to complaints like that. The reverse is the way to go. Bring those over the top skills in line with the rest on each class, so you arent power creeping the game into lala-fluff land where everything becomes a one-shot.


you misunderstand. something can be buffed into usefulness without being op. there are too many things out there that are so useless that nerfing the op stuff wouldn't do anything for them.

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> @"shejesa.3712" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > I think its silly that a ranger cant use a longbow to dps with, i mean thats the iconic weapon of the archtype. I dont mind standing in closer to shoot, but must the damage be so pitiful?


> Have you ever got shot in your back by a soulbeast in WvW?


im talking in raids, nothing is balanced in pvp modes, just look at any mmorpg complaints about balance in player against player. End game content to me is raids and fractuals.

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"There is a rule in PvE group content in MMOs, that being you sacrifice everything you can for DPS to get the job done faster. "


i.e., we get a game that eschews the 'holy trinity' model and allows players to adopt preferred playstyles/mechanics with tons of options, but we want it to work just like every other game.


This isn't just the OP - the prevalent thinking is an obstinate insistence that the best way to experience a game is to do what everyone else is doing in other games, and to refuse to concede that it might be possible to enjoy playing because of the uniqueness of playstyle rather than simply how much damage you can do. This is a player problem, not a game one.

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