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Casual Quickness Support / DPS FB - Harrier, Diviner or Plaguedoctor

Oh My God.8423

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Dear all,


I have just recently picked up FB. I quite like the idea of playing it as a Support-DPS hybrid. I have seen the builds on Discretiz and Snow Crows; still, I am hoping to get some advice/current-trend on the choice of armour stats.


Out of the three - Harrier, Diviner and Plaguedoctor, which one would be best of a Quickness Support-DPS hybrid?



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> Quickness Support-DPS hybrid


As mentioned above, Diviner is the better set as it allows you to not only maintain Quickness, but also Fury. You can also get about 12-15 stacks of Might for your group with Empowering Might, and more if you trade off your Greatsword for a Scepter. Otherwise, the build plays very similarly to a Power core Guardian.


Harrier works, but you'll deal close to no DPS, and the Healing Power has very little value if you are still using Sword, Greatsword, and/or Scepter.


Seraph is better than Plaguedoctor--at least in PVE--as you can at least benefit from Empowering Might with the former's precision. However, you'll still be stuck with Healing Power that you won't really benefit from if you still intend to deal DPS.

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