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What professions can I play in WvW?


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Try druid. You can both roam and zerg with a few changes (and a spare set of armor). If you learn how to heal well comms would be ok with you. It is not the best healer but better than nothing.


But if you like to roam, keep roaming with thief. Follow the zerg, kill enemy backline and use shortbow 4 on downed. Play to have fun and enjoy.

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> @"alain.1659"


> But if you like to roam, keep roaming with thief. Follow the zerg, kill enemy backline and use shortbow 4 on downed. Play to have fun and enjoy.




Just don’t expect a spot in the Zerg. When I play thief, or ele with sword, I am just not helping the Zerg. Thats fine. If I want to help or join the squad, I play something different.

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> @"Squirrel.6318" said:

> I keep getting bashed for being a deadeye in WvW, i'm not sure why at all, i'm sick of tired of all these immature kitten bashing me for playing a profession I like. Everywhere I go everyone makes fun of me for being a deadeye. I get kicked out of squads for being one. I get made fun of when i'm playing solo in WvW as a deadeye. It's my main so I prefer to play it, but I also have two other characters being a mesmer and a ranger. What do people want in WvW nowadays?


start sniping on duels xD


At least they would "have a valid" reason yo get salty.

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The only time it can matter is when a map is q'd and a server is fighting another q'd server.


Many will gripe about how easy Dead Eye is while often running on a Minstril Firebrand, Celestial Scourge or some other meta zerg build most of which are just as easy or easier to play. Others will lament how "OP" it is while again sitting in a class/build so strong it comprises a full 1/3 of the players logged in. Guardians have been so OP since launch and seen so few nerfs nobody can find a time when they weren't a high functioning meta class.


You paid for the game, you are actively playing WvW so all the "haters" can go kitten themselves. When they get pissy with you, go tag their EBG keep for an hour while one shotting their zerglings and keeping their yaks from getting anywhere. Let their hate flow through you. Welcome to the dark side.

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  • 2 months later...

Dear DE,


If the squad isn't full, (which on my server is the norm), they will be happy to have you no matter what you play. Having said that, I've decided recently that I much prefer WvW roaming, and highly recommend it. I've found my Necro easily takes out camps alone, and I often hook up with other drop in, drop out roamers that I meet, "on the road", to take larger targets than you might expect is possible. The creative means in which this is accomplished is fun and often really exciting to participate in.


Sweet Freedom. You can join a zerg anytime you like to help take out SMC or similar without joining the squad. And then? Go off to do your own thing afterwards without a hello or farewell needed. I'd like to point out here that I've joined up and played with some great commanders while new and learning the maps, and do appreciate what they do. But honestly? It surprises me how little they utilize the skilled gypsies I am having the pleasure to bump into these days, now that I'm enjoying the roamer play style.


What ever you decide to do, it's your time. Don't waste it playing for somebody else's pleasure.


Terri aka Mayrynn of Stormbluff

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This kind of threads appear quite alot now. I remember when squads first came out and people voiced their concerns about it. It took us quite some time but I guess those concerns are starting to come true now.


As players we're getting so used to being "taken along" in squads now that we're entirely dependant upon it and feel left out when we're not. That is interesting since the game is still primarily party-oriented and in the past (which lived on at least in our perspectives of the game) the norm was that the tag was just a tag and people who felt inclined would build parties around it. We would befriend other players and invite them, so "being apart" socially only meant staying around the tag.


With that said, if you want to play Thief, a Staff Daredevil can be very useful even in a full-squad scale of gameplay. It is just that you may not necessarily be given a spot in a squad simply because you don't need it. There's no need for alot of shared boons for you to be useful on a Daredevil and you do not necessarily want to soak damage together with a Firebrand on a Daredevil.


This goes for most off-classes and most off-builds but there are certainly builds at the fringes of the meta that are more useful at large-scale gameplay than others. A Daredevil over a Deadeye being one. It just takes some understanding and ability to make it work for what you want to do with it. Get some friends on suitable classes/builds and do it with them. You can be very useful to a squad, just not necessarily in a squad. Your issue more likely stems from you wanting to follow other players (eg., a commander) and your class not being suitable for that, rather than that your class being unable to remain useful in the content produced. People tend to conflict what classes get carried by a Firebrand with what works in the gameplay available. The meta is entirely built around what classes best get carried by a Firebrand/Commander.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still holding onto the hope they’ll release new sets of elite specializations in the future that give new role choices for professions in wvw. Ie support for thieves and warriors, pure dps for guards, frontline option for rangers, long ranged dps option for engs and necros. Etc.


One thing I always wanted is for warrior banners to be worn on their back similar to banner skills in path of exile. This way they can provide aoe buffs around them at all times if they spec into banner build. That would be a powerful offensive support option in wvw.

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