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I don't understand why people claim Viper is better than Carrion


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Expertise -

> Expertise is a secondary attribute that increases Condition Duration. Every 15 points of Expertise adds 1% to condition duration.

- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Expertise


Expertise is 1% damage increase per 15 stat points (in form of extended duration). You will not get any better bang for your buck anywhere.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> your condi's lasts longer and the extra precision helps with "condi/might on crit" traits (if you've got any)


In addition Vipers has higher Power and the Precision helps with crits on power attacks (what we used to call 'white damage' in WoW), which are separate from your ticks of condi damage, but add up to your total damage done.


But from what I've read, Expertise is the single greatest multiplier for condi DPS in the game. Your ticks might look lower because your condition damage value is lower, but since they tick for extra seconds before falling off, you are inflicting more total damage per hit than with Carrion.

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Depending on what you're doing, and what you're hitting, different stats will yield different results. A low hp mob dies quicker so you won't need too much duration, so stats that increase both power attacks and raw condition damage are more preferable. But the longer it goes, you want to invest in more duration. You may want to use different sets of stats for thrash mobs before getting to the bosses, and change afterwards.


If you're doing wvw/pvp, you may want to find out if you think they're half decent to understand proper cleansing of conditions (not cleanse instantly before damage ramps up/waiting for the cover condi to go etc) as to kill someone it's always your/you and your buddy's burst > their sustain (includes cleanse/blocks and other damage mitigation) + escape potential (LOS/reset distance/side stepping out of hit range etc). You'd probably find investing in duration is not all that good sometimes, and that you want a really high condition tick as it'd end up being cleansed anyway.

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It really is not hard to max out burn duration without expertise and depending on where you are playing it may not even be necessary like @"Kolisch.4691" said.


this rune set is already 50% burn duration and it gives +10% health:



this sigil gives +20% burn duration:



this trait gives +20% burn duration:



this food gives +15% burn duration:



The two ways I would run a burn guard with power damage as a side would be,

* Carrion/Rabid (Condition, Power/Precision/Vitality/Toughness)

* Grieving (Condition/Power, Precision/Ferocity)

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It depends of game mods that right, and situation.

Sinister(/grieving) is better against pack of trashmobs, due to higher higher condition dmg and cleave, but on golem you get higher dps with vipere. Same in pvp/WvW, you want to deal the maximum dmg before people cleanse conditions, you don't really need a lot of condition duration.

There is also some difference of sustain between DH and FB, between Condi and power. There is a small dmg delay with condition ; and with 12kHp in open world sometimes you lose time because you just can't facetank enemies, so yes it can be easier and so faster with vitality and toughness. Otherwise with group, support etc, it's simple math : vipere is far better than carrion.

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