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RIP Istan

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I’m disapointed it got nerfed since I found it to be the most fun farm, I enjoy the great hall and palawadan metas more than RIBA laps.


You can even get some graveyard-akili-smoldge bounty done in between for more variety.


I may have not minded much if they improved the other PoF metas at the same time but now it just feels like overkill.

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> @"thehipone.6812" said:

> Why? Because Istan was generating materials from shipments and other loot at a rate that was unsustainable. It cut prices in half for a lot of max level loot and made playing in other maps just feel bad and unrewarding.

Trust me, most of those maps felt unrewarding even before Istan. And will still feel that way even after Istan nerf.

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I'm a big fan of the Sandswept Isles meta - everything is rewarding, but the last bosses who are just sponges with many millions of HP that give you champion loot after fighting them for sometimes up to 20 minutes... not so much . If bosses weren't so ridiculously overscaled the Subject meta would be perfectly fine to be honest.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"thehipone.6812" said:

> > Why? Because Istan was generating materials from shipments and other loot at a rate that was unsustainable. It cut prices in half for a lot of max level loot and made playing in other maps just feel bad and unrewarding.

> Trust me, most of those maps felt unrewarding even before Istan. And will still feel that way even after Istan nerf.


Not if you actively did stuff, killed, gathered, and did events. Or maybe if you don't pay attention to what actually drops and just hit deposit/salvage all without looking. Other maps felt crummy on a relative basis because of the existence of this unbalanced farm that people would literally do for hours on end and dump materials onto TP. Istan was actively contributing to making every other map worse and needed to die.


As far as the fun and reward factor of other maps - There's a Sandswept praise thread right now on front page. Inquest and Choya now drop 50 silver totems, directly improving at least two LS4 maps and PoF. The PoF trade crates are now a bit better. If gold is the metric then there are now tons of things to do to hit 20 gold/hr with just a bit of focused effort or 10-15 from just casual running around. Yes, even in PoF maps. All of the other LS4 maps got better too because volatile magic is now worth even more.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Emberstone.2904" said:

> > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > @"Emberstone.2904" said:

> > > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > > The original farm was far more valuable than anything else in the game. I am surprised that people think that nothing was going to happen to it. It's still very lucrative, even if it's not necessarily best in the game.

> > > >

> > > > I made less than 5g from a full GH run (from breaking the bar to Amala) after tagging all champs. I don't know what you're smoking, but for the time invested, that is anything but lucrative.

> > >

> > > Yep, that seems much more balanced and in line with other events, if not still a little better than others, so .. where is the issue?

> >

> > The issue is that Istan, like other now-similar events, is something I will never run anymore because it's a waste of time to do so. I could make more gold doing other things, so it is now a net loss in gold for me to run it vs. doing something else (which honestly doesn't make that much more gold, either).

> >

> > That's the issue. ArenaNet just made Istan a completely useless map, unless you think 5g for 20 minutes of work is valuable, for some reason. Here's a hint: it isn't.

> >

> > I don't really think it's a conspiracy theory anymore to say that Anet is nerfing Istan so people buy more gems instead of farming them now that they just laid off 140+ people. Pretty sure that's what they're doing here: eliminating easier means of getting gems, so people instead pull out their credit cards instead of playing the kitten game.

> >

> > I just took a two month or so break from the game because I wasn't liking the rune salvage change pushing people toward the gem store to get the extractors instead of just letting us use salvage kits, like we have been able to for 6 years. I come back today to this, to find out that they're pushing people toward their credit cards even more with these nerfs. I just uninstalled the game, and probably won't be back unless something changes. Anet was just put on the same tier as Activision and EA to me.

> >

> > I miss the days when game companies made money by selling compelling content instead of trying to nickel and dime us.


> 5G for 20mins is pretty decent imo.

> Interesting.. you want compelling content but you choose to farm a single piece of content 24/7 .. for what purpose, to make gold to buy gems to spend on stuff... where does the compelling content thing come into your ideology?


I guess thats because most of the compeling content ins gemstore content?

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