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And here they go again, back to square one. I remember how op scrapper was back in hot release in pvp. Since you know standing on a point, sustaining and letting the enemy come to you was always hammers thing. Then it took a steady non stop series of nerfs that lasted years until it wasn't even found in the mode it was designed for (small scale, stationary pvp on a point). Now they will once again nerf things in all modes based on scrappers hogging nodes one convenient hammer swing across, probably including old balanced stuff like rapid regen (honestly, compare it to heat therapy on a glass cannon spec with no healing power).


All they needed to do was to not kill final salvo. But hey its fun to play wvw scrapper again.... And to not feel like you are doing something wrong by not playing holo.


And to clarify, i agree that scrapper is once again incredibly strong. I just worry that they will treat them like they did last time. Its fun to see both holo and scrapper around, and i much prefer the bruiser support playstyle to the holo in pvp.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> The new sneak gyro is insane. 1 skill for 18 seconds worth of pulsing aoe stealth on a 45 second cooldown. Like compare it to Mesmer's Mass Invisibility to compare another stealthing elite. It's too much. At least the previous sneak gyro despite the crazy levels of aoe stealth was balanced around knowing there was a sneak gyro there you could see and destroy. The stealth field should be visible to enemy players. As soon as anyone on the team starts getting low in a team fight sneak gyro is always up and there for them to resustain or be rezed.


Or you can use sneak as you go down and self rez using skill 4 because there's enough time to do so...


I gotta say mid fights are fun tho... Theres an empty point, all players are stealthed and the first to come out of stealth is bombed by the other team

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I don’t play engi so I don’t know how scrapper was before but from what I’ve seen in few yrs playing which was basically no scrappers and constant scrappers are kitten threads I’m glad they got some good stuff,hopefully if arenet tones them down they don’t badically make it Un played as it was before.

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> @"Captain Swag.5893" said:

> I would just like it if we left Scrapper in a good place for a while. We've waited too long for Scrapper to be good for it to be cut short so soon. It's not like we haven't had other unkillable classes before, let Scrapper have its thing for a bit. :p


Scrapper could be left in a very good place without being left broken. Again, just tune down some of the numbers for barrier, superspeed regen, and the heal and scrapper would be balanced and competitive without being a 1v3 monster.

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> @"SoulSin.5682" said:

> I don't know what people are complaining here.


> Isn't Scrapper pretty much a bunker? What is wrong on it fighting 1vs3?


> Fighting 3 and killing 3 are two completely different scenarios.


worried that the bunker meta will return

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Use this and you will kill scrapper easily:




Save shroud 5 for their stealth (it reveals)


Don't want to see any more threads about people on their knights amulet with smoldering sigil weaver being unable to kill a scrapper. Try using what actually counters the scrapper...

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> @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> Use this and you will kill scrapper easily:


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQRArY4djc0Q5N2TD20A/NOwFq4GkvjAtLKjvAOABwBA-jJR3wAfKDw8JAAY/BgnAAA


> Save shroud 5 for their stealth (it reveals)


> Don't want to see any more threads about people on their knights amulet with smoldering sigil weaver being unable to kill a scrapper. Try using what actually counters the scrapper...


This doesn't come close to killing scrapper.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > seen a kitten of scrappers in rank. Most sucked but some of them were able to hold well on a node in same cases. For example @"Chaith.8256" has been the only 1 i seen in rank actually play it well(not saying others can't). Issues i notice Warrior and Rev can shut down scrapper fairly easy IMO.

> >

> > Thank god we got 1 week left of rank so we can see whats gonna be nerf and fixed.


> If you are expecting balance changes before next season or anytime soon, I have bad news for ya... Anet track record on balance changes and frequency over the last 6 month is terrible.


> What ever is broken, or unusable, will remain so at least till May. And the the unusable is highly unlikely to be addressed.


nope not expecting anything till the next 2 months give or take. However I'll take those changes next season because let's be honest....scrappers are a bit over tuned as fuck at the moment.


This is a prime example why balance patch updates shouldn't be mid season. Make them start off the season or the end of the season it'll make things easier for everyone in the long run imo. Imagine have 2 scrappers on each team every game who can't die to 1vs1 or even 1vx ? Would possibly be far worse then Condi mirage.

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > seen a kitten of scrappers in rank. Most sucked but some of them were able to hold well on a node in same cases. For example @"Chaith.8256" has been the only 1 i seen in rank actually play it well(not saying others can't). Issues i notice Warrior and Rev can shut down scrapper fairly easy IMO.

> > >

> > > Thank god we got 1 week left of rank so we can see whats gonna be nerf and fixed.

> >

> > If you are expecting balance changes before next season or anytime soon, I have bad news for ya... Anet track record on balance changes and frequency over the last 6 month is terrible.

> >

> > What ever is broken, or unusable, will remain so at least till May. And the the unusable is highly unlikely to be addressed.


> nope not expecting anything till the next 2 months give or take. However I'll take those changes next season because let's be honest....scrappers are a bit over tuned as kitten at the moment.


> This is a prime example why balance patch updates shouldn't be mid season. Make them start off the season or the end of the season it'll make things easier for everyone in the long run imo. Imagine have 2 scrappers on each team every game who can't die to 1vs1 or even 1vx ? Would possibly be far worse then Condi mirage.


“Ideally,” Anet should make big changes at the end of the season, then minor tweaks before the season starts. This way you do not have major changes during the season and you catch-up outliers before the season starts.


However, Anet does.. not sure what. The timing (and sometimes the changes) seem to be driven by random number generator.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > Use this and you will kill scrapper easily:

> >

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQRArY4djc0Q5N2TD20A/NOwFq4GkvjAtLKjvAOABwBA-jJR3wAfKDw8JAAY/BgnAAA

> >

> > Save shroud 5 for their stealth (it reveals)

> >

> > Don't want to see any more threads about people on their knights amulet with smoldering sigil weaver being unable to kill a scrapper. Try using what actually counters the scrapper...


> This doesn't come close to killing scrapper.


Maybe show me a video of you trying to kill scrapper as core necro and I'll help you (tell you what you did wrong)

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> @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > > Use this and you will kill scrapper easily:

> > >

> > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQRArY4djc0Q5N2TD20A/NOwFq4GkvjAtLKjvAOABwBA-jJR3wAfKDw8JAAY/BgnAAA

> > >

> > > Save shroud 5 for their stealth (it reveals)

> > >

> > > Don't want to see any more threads about people on their knights amulet with smoldering sigil weaver being unable to kill a scrapper. Try using what actually counters the scrapper...

> >

> > This doesn't come close to killing scrapper.


> Maybe show me a video of you trying to kill scrapper as core necro and I'll help you (tell you what you did wrong)


You're the one that made the claim "This kills scrappers quick!" If you're going to make a positive claim, it's YOUR job to post evidence. I don't have to believe you until you do.


I've seen one menders scrapper stall indefinitely against a reaper, a scourge, a condi mirage and a holosmith all at once in conquest. Sorry but I just doubt there's going to be some sort of silver bullet build that is some how going to out pressure those four all at once

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > > > Use this and you will kill scrapper easily:

> > > >

> > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQRArY4djc0Q5N2TD20A/NOwFq4GkvjAtLKjvAOABwBA-jJR3wAfKDw8JAAY/BgnAAA

> > > >

> > > > Save shroud 5 for their stealth (it reveals)

> > > >

> > > > Don't want to see any more threads about people on their knights amulet with smoldering sigil weaver being unable to kill a scrapper. Try using what actually counters the scrapper...

> > >

> > > This doesn't come close to killing scrapper.

> >

> > Maybe show me a video of you trying to kill scrapper as core necro and I'll help you (tell you what you did wrong)


> You're the one that made the claim "This kills scrappers quick!" If you're going to make a positive claim, it's YOUR job to post evidence. I don't have to believe you until you do.


> I've seen one menders scrapper stall indefinitely against a reaper, a scourge, a condi mirage and a holosmith all at once in conquest. Sorry but I just doubt there's going to be some sort of silver bullet build that is some how going to out pressure those four all at once



Was his name "Maccaroni and Cheese"?

Because Ive been doing exactly that since yesterday lmao


I wanna kiss @"Ario.8964" for the build

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > > > > Use this and you will kill scrapper easily:

> > > > >

> > > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQRArY4djc0Q5N2TD20A/NOwFq4GkvjAtLKjvAOABwBA-jJR3wAfKDw8JAAY/BgnAAA

> > > > >

> > > > > Save shroud 5 for their stealth (it reveals)

> > > > >

> > > > > Don't want to see any more threads about people on their knights amulet with smoldering sigil weaver being unable to kill a scrapper. Try using what actually counters the scrapper...

> > > >

> > > > This doesn't come close to killing scrapper.

> > >

> > > Maybe show me a video of you trying to kill scrapper as core necro and I'll help you (tell you what you did wrong)

> >

> > You're the one that made the claim "This kills scrappers quick!" If you're going to make a positive claim, it's YOUR job to post evidence. I don't have to believe you until you do.

> >

> > I've seen one menders scrapper stall indefinitely against a reaper, a scourge, a condi mirage and a holosmith all at once in conquest. Sorry but I just doubt there's going to be some sort of silver bullet build that is some how going to out pressure those four all at once



> Was his name "Maccaroni and Cheese"?

> Because Ive been doing exactly that since yesterday lmao


> I wanna kiss @"Ario.8964" for the build


Nah it was someone else.


But yeah, calling it now. I've seen more games stall until the timer runs out today than I have literally all throughout Path of Fire. I'm seeing anywhere between 2-6 scrappers every match. Games have gone from averaging 10-15 kills for me to 2-5 on victories. _Victories_.


The bunker meta is back. Just as bad as the Season 1 chronobunker meta. Scrappers are going to dominate and clog up ranked for the indefinite future until they are eventually nerfed.


Funnily enough I'm also seeing a lot more tempests and weavers bring tornado just so they can CC people off nodes for the decap because no one has any hope of killing anyone in a timely fashion. Ele is good again guys!


It's also reaaaaaally funny seeing certain people whine about "Mirage are to Op and never die!" immediately reroll scrapper.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > > > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > > > > > Use this and you will kill scrapper easily:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQRArY4djc0Q5N2TD20A/NOwFq4GkvjAtLKjvAOABwBA-jJR3wAfKDw8JAAY/BgnAAA

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Save shroud 5 for their stealth (it reveals)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Don't want to see any more threads about people on their knights amulet with smoldering sigil weaver being unable to kill a scrapper. Try using what actually counters the scrapper...

> > > > >

> > > > > This doesn't come close to killing scrapper.

> > > >

> > > > Maybe show me a video of you trying to kill scrapper as core necro and I'll help you (tell you what you did wrong)

> > >

> > > You're the one that made the claim "This kills scrappers quick!" If you're going to make a positive claim, it's YOUR job to post evidence. I don't have to believe you until you do.

> > >

> > > I've seen one menders scrapper stall indefinitely against a reaper, a scourge, a condi mirage and a holosmith all at once in conquest. Sorry but I just doubt there's going to be some sort of silver bullet build that is some how going to out pressure those four all at once

> >

> >

> > Was his name "Maccaroni and Cheese"?

> > Because Ive been doing exactly that since yesterday lmao

> >

> > I wanna kiss @"Ario.8964" for the build


> Nah it was someone else.


> But yeah, calling it now. I've seen more games stall until the timer runs out today than I have literally all throughout Path of Fire. I'm seeing anywhere between 2-6 scrappers every match. Games have gone from averaging 10-15 kills for me to 2-5 on victories. _Victories_.


> The bunker meta is back. Just as bad as the Season 1 chronobunker meta. Scrappers are going to dominate and clog up ranked for the indefinite future when they are eventually nerfed.


> Funnily enough I'm also seeing a lot more tempests and weavers bring tornado just so they can CC people off nodes for the decap because no one has any hope of killing anyone in a timely fashion. Ele is good again guys!


> It's also reaaaaaally funny seeing certain people whine about "Mirage are to Op and never die!" immediately reroll scrapper.


yea my kills have dropped slightly compared to normal and bumped into a few players working around it with decap builds..


I dont know about Ele being good again, or these certain people whining about mirage rolling to scrapper that you speak of.. I know its not me and the people that whined are still whining.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > > > > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > > > > > > Use this and you will kill scrapper easily:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQRArY4djc0Q5N2TD20A/NOwFq4GkvjAtLKjvAOABwBA-jJR3wAfKDw8JAAY/BgnAAA

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Save shroud 5 for their stealth (it reveals)

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Don't want to see any more threads about people on their knights amulet with smoldering sigil weaver being unable to kill a scrapper. Try using what actually counters the scrapper...

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This doesn't come close to killing scrapper.

> > > > >

> > > > > Maybe show me a video of you trying to kill scrapper as core necro and I'll help you (tell you what you did wrong)

> > > >

> > > > You're the one that made the claim "This kills scrappers quick!" If you're going to make a positive claim, it's YOUR job to post evidence. I don't have to believe you until you do.

> > > >

> > > > I've seen one menders scrapper stall indefinitely against a reaper, a scourge, a condi mirage and a holosmith all at once in conquest. Sorry but I just doubt there's going to be some sort of silver bullet build that is some how going to out pressure those four all at once

> > >

> > >

> > > Was his name "Maccaroni and Cheese"?

> > > Because Ive been doing exactly that since yesterday lmao

> > >

> > > I wanna kiss @"Ario.8964" for the build

> >

> > Nah it was someone else.

> >

> > But yeah, calling it now. I've seen more games stall until the timer runs out today than I have literally all throughout Path of Fire. I'm seeing anywhere between 2-6 scrappers every match. Games have gone from averaging 10-15 kills for me to 2-5 on victories. _Victories_.

> >

> > The bunker meta is back. Just as bad as the Season 1 chronobunker meta. Scrappers are going to dominate and clog up ranked for the indefinite future when they are eventually nerfed.

> >

> > Funnily enough I'm also seeing a lot more tempests and weavers bring tornado just so they can CC people off nodes for the decap because no one has any hope of killing anyone in a timely fashion. Ele is good again guys!

> >

> > It's also reaaaaaally funny seeing certain people whine about "Mirage are to Op and never die!" immediately reroll scrapper.


> yea my kills have dropped slightly compared to normal and bumped into a few players working around it with decap builds..


> I dont know about Ele being good again, or these certain people whining about mirage rolling to scrapper that you speak of.. I know its not me and the people that whined are still whining.


Ele being good was more of a joke though I have seen a lot of them running tornado. Though to be honestI've seen more scrappers use Tornado against other scrappers.


Doesn't herald have a really ridiculous decap build using ventari and knockbacks? Maybe it's time to dust that off.

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Tried out a few Scrapper builds, but my favorite so far has been Mender's Scrapper with Med Kit. All the sustain of bunker Scrapper while keeping my team alive. Love it more than Firebrand right now.


As for how tanky Scrappers are, I can confirm as well. Was on power Reaper, Scrapper contesting home, figured I could at least get him to step off for a bit so I could decap. So I threw all my wells down and greatsword 4 and went into Reaper Shroud. He stood right there, in the middle of all of that AoE damage, and survived it all. Barely made a dent in him. For those that don't know, in addition to the other changes mentioned here, Scrapper has even more access to superspeed now, which is buffing their sustain on a Mender's amulet quite a bit as well.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> The new sneak gyro is insane. 1 skill for 18 seconds worth of pulsing aoe stealth on a 45 second cooldown. Like compare it to Mesmer's Mass Invisibility to compare another stealthing elite. It's too much. At least the previous sneak gyro despite the crazy levels of aoe stealth was balanced around knowing there was a sneak gyro there you could see and destroy. The stealth field should be visible to enemy players. As soon as anyone on the team starts getting low in a team fight sneak gyro is always up and there for them to resustain or be rezed.


Why should engineers not have a better Mass Invis than mesmers? I mean they have a better Moa than mesmers and can have a better rampage than warriors so for consistency they NEED a better mass invis than mesmers. It's just fair.

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