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Warclaw has Revolutioned Roaming

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Hehehehe in the past everyone could outrun a Necro and not give him a fight if he chooses not to...

> And no one felt sorry for us Necros who could not catch anyone who didn't want to fight...

> And no one felt sorry for us Necros who had to fight to our deaths because we couldn't run...(Though when I look back retrospectively, having to fight to my death made me a better player than I would have if I could run whenever things turned sour.)

> because hey man that's your problem for using a non-roaming class...

> Now we are all in the same boat hehehehe


And how many times have you lost to such class inside a camp where they can't use stealth or mobility?

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Hehehehe in the past everyone could outrun a Necro and not give him a fight if he chooses not to...

> And no one felt sorry for us Necros who could not catch anyone who didn't want to fight...

> And no one felt sorry for us Necros who had to fight to our deaths because we couldn't run...(Though when I look back retrospectively, having to fight to my death made me a better player than I would have if I could run whenever things turned sour.)

> because hey man that's your problem for using a non-roaming class...

> Now we are all in the same boat hehehehe


"Roaming as necro sucks, therefore it needs to suck for everyone else too"


Schadenfreude at it's best.

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> @"GaijinGuy.8476" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > Revolutionized roaming? You mean, wait until one person blows cooldowns to get you off your mount, then retaliate while you have all cooldowns up? Because that's all I've seen when it comes to "Roaming" in the past 2 days.


> This


Not only this, but it results in extremely dumb situations. When two mounted players meet, the one that dismounts (even with maul), just throws away 11k barrier, 3 dodges+ extreme mobility. So what's actually happening right now is, the two players just ride around each other, doing nothing but mean staring. This would be hilarious, if the whole state of WvW wasn't kind of depressing.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> Trying to discredit the notion and label it as biased opinion? What he said before is valid and i can bet 100g that you play one of those cheap gank builds.


Oh you would lose your 100g soo easily. Fought Dawdler a few times and it was every time a refreshing fight with non-meta and non-gank builds.



But yes, Warclaw has revolutioned WvW, I really have to get used to super-mobile enmies. Once someone is on the Warclaw it is nearly impossible to get them back to the floor again (except for the already mentioned classes) and the Feeling of a single enemy Walking around freely in our territory while on warclaw leaves a bad Feeling in my stomach. Before this it was basically thiefes that did those things but that changed now.

Did not yet have many warclaw-zergfights, so now idea about the lags,

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> @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > Hehehehe in the past everyone could outrun a Necro and not give him a fight if he chooses not to...

> > And no one felt sorry for us Necros who could not catch anyone who didn't want to fight...

> > And no one felt sorry for us Necros who had to fight to our deaths because we couldn't run...(Though when I look back retrospectively, having to fight to my death made me a better player than I would have if I could run whenever things turned sour.)

> > because hey man that's your problem for using a non-roaming class...

> > Now we are all in the same boat hehehehe


> "Roaming as necro sucks, therefore it needs to suck for everyone else too"


> Schadenfreude at it's best.



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> @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > @"displayname.8315" said:

> > So basically the complaints are.. we couldn't catch and kill/bm this one solo player pls Nerf... we got marked and had to do a fight pls Nerf.. cant gank as hard as before pls Nerf

> >

> > Once you commit to a fight the mount goes away and dosent come back till ooc... Y'all know that right. Stop chasing the solos like a dog with a squirrel and do real fights


> No. You just dont read and choose to twist words like most people who are in favor of the mount. Nice try tho. Its more about the fact you can avoid any and every fight and you'll do it unless you know you'll win it. Leaving roamers with no gameplay loop. Roamers do not equal gankers, but anyone who kills you does because youre bad and you choose to blame anything but your own skill for your losses. Its more about you being a coward and less about us wanting to kill you.


Trololo.. you can't avoid a gate and go right to the Lord... If you want that camp then you won't run away. Trust me Bros you don't want to fight the guys that run away. If you like fights give it a min and a pvp'er will show himself.

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> @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > @"Drecien.4508" said:

> > Seems to me that the people with the most issues about the mount are the gankers. They can stay salty. If they enjoy pvp, we'll there is a whole game mode for that. Wvw isn't about 1v1. It's about zerg VS zerg. Maybe some people need to be reminded of that. Justsayin.


> Ah. You're one of those people who think your way of playing a game is more important than anyone else's. If you consider getting attacked 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 etc ganking then you need to reevaluate. Nowhere does anything say WvW is 'all about zerg vs zerg'. Maybe you should just get good. Justsayin.


I never said my way was better, but remind me how 1v1 points help more than a zerg taking towers and killing other zergs.

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