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Idea to Help Roaming/Fights

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There is debate on whether or not mounts are good for roaming, and I personally think there should be some areas in wvw where mounts arent allowed. I was thinking that mounting could be restricted from the ruins on the 3 BL's, if the majority of people eventually agreed that mounts were hurting roaming. This could encourage roamers (and maybe even fight guilds) looking for fights to converge to a smaller (but still pretty large) area. I thought it would be an interesting idea to give roamers their own area to fight over, though i could understand if people would rather fight over the regular objectives.

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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> There is debate on whether or not mounts are good for roaming, and I personally think there should be some areas in wvw where mounts arent allowed. I was thinking that mounting could be restricted from the ruins on the 3 BL's, if the majority of people eventually agreed that mounts were hurting roaming. This could encourage roamers (and maybe even fight guilds) looking for fights to converge to a smaller (but still pretty large) area. I thought it would be an interesting idea to give roamers their own area to fight over, though i could understand if people would rather fight over the regular objectives.


I would rather just have normal fights over normal objectives, but I'm open to anywhere they want to remove the ability to mount.

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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

>This could encourage roamers (and maybe even fight guilds) looking for fights to converge to a smaller (but still pretty large) area.


Little known fact: We had this area once. Was called WvW. People went there to fight other people. Crazy times.


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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Haha yeah us wvw players are narrow minded cuz we’re not playing by pve’rs set up made up rules where u should be able to pick all ur fights etc **how dare someone attack them without there consent** in a PVP based open map mode lmao


in the same way one could ask : how dare you demand a fight without the ability to force it?

they do not demand the ability to avoid some fights, they simply can. you want something, so convince them.

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Thing I don't get about self proclaimed "roamers" not liking the mount is you can force a fight with PPT'ers if you want. There's these points of interest in WvW people fight over.. things like supply camps, and towers, keeps too they are on the map. Funny thing is you attack them and people come and try to stop you. Guess there is no roamer ranking so not sure how much clout these anti-mount statements have.

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When i'm defending a camp

a.) players show up and instantly waypoint as soon they see me

b.) players show up and instantly go for the guards while completely ignoring me (and therefore they die within few seconds).

c.) players show up with too much numbers, so it is pointless for me to stay and try to defend.

d.) nobody shows up - often after a.) or b.) happened


If Players don't want to fight, they aren't going to fight over objectives.

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> @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

> When i'm defending a camp

> a.) players show up and instantly waypoint as soon they see me

> b.) players show up and instantly go for the guards while completely ignoring me (and therefore they die within few seconds).

> c.) players show up with too much numbers, so it is pointless for me to stay and try to defend.

> d.) nobody shows up - often after a.) or b.) happened


> If Players don't want to fight, they aren't going to fight over objectives.

A -They run from you solo aww maybe they know you or something.

B - funny they just go die on the guards and don't even notice you there.. at least you get a laugh.

C - If they show up with more you could always stay around within reason.. maybe you'll get more come help you too. That's kinda a server/MU problem hope alliance helps.

D - No PvP'ers showed up huh? Well you could try staying in a high tier with some cheap link transfers. Up there even some of the PPT'ers fight well enough.


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It would be great if they can design a map for more smallscale fights. I.E., perhaps have objectives where you stand in a square if you're interested and 5 people can start the the escort(insert objectives). This would also require the enemy to start the objective on their end.


How to stop a zerg from crashing the party? Perhaps have an aura for those who are part of the objective(like agony resist and if you don't have that aura your health will drop fast) if you attack those with the aura. These maps should have smaller queues, perhaps 25 max?, and many objectives can go on at the same time. Perhaps rewards for the main maps(supply drops,etc).

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