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Make a no mount map


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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"Karnasis.6892" said:


> Change doesn't always equate to being positive though. It can either be positive/negative.


Sure, except a good portion of the WvW Population basically went "We don't want mounts" BEFORE even getting to play it, hell before they announced it they were saying this. I think we just don't have enough data to say whether this change is good or bad (though some folks say it's bad).



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One of the things I find amusing is 'They don't want mounts - they've left the game!' Yet at the same time 'ZOMG, the queue times!'


I suspect many of said players will be back once they're done sulking that the universe doesn't spin to their demands and learn everyone else has adapted.


I would rather 100s of PvE-ers find joy in WvW and replace the handful of bitter souls that can't cope with a new challenge that evens the odds.

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> @"Heartpains.7312" said:

> Justine, because if they waited 6 months to make one of the current maps, a map that you can't use mount in, the people who doesn't want this mount would probably have already left the game or just went to another game mode and don't bother with wvw anymore, not because people wouldn't fill the map which you can't use mount in first =p


So what you are saying is that if they don't make a map with no mounts allowed you will ~~quit~~ threaten to quit the game. Why not try holding your breathe and stomping your feet too.

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Yup there is two, EOTM and OS. So is this idea mainly for roamers or everybody?


Can just imagine it. Its reset day.. which commanders are going to mount map and no mount map? dont wanna go mount map dont wanna go no mount map lol.


In Guild Hall... GL/Commander says ok which map are we raiding on today? lets vote, mounts or no mounts lol


In a squad, rushing to callouts... mount map, no mount map oh which map is this mounts or not?


Damn.. why isnt my mount key working? must be broken... where am I? Oh no mount map!!!


Anet just lost a heap of employees. They dont need to worry about BS like this.

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I honestly doubt it would be very popular to have a map without mounts. It might be combined with other aspects, to make an "oldschool map" ? Don't know how many such changes they could apply, and I imagine it would just make the majority of players annoyed in general. I mean if they disabled the elite spez etc to make a "core map", all the players tha tlike those would refuse to join, and then all the ones that likes mounts would refuse.


Anyways, if they where to make a no mount map, I'd suggest either Alpine. But I'm curious of the impact of either.


* Example Blue Alpine gets "no mounts", does that mean defenders won't bother going there? Enemy zergs won't bother to go there ? Would this make the blue map the safest to keep ? Or the least defended?

* Green, same problem, I couldn't guess at which way it would swing, it might swing different for each server/link.


But it could be interesting, as it would likely cause Desert BL to no longer be the least liked map.

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> @"Heartpains.7312" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > Nobody would play on it because nobody would play on it. Even if YOU would play on it, you soon would stop because there is no one to fight.


> What makes you so sure that nobody would play on it? I mean I don't like the desert map and rarely go on that map, but some people like it and they play on it regardless.


Because not even you want to play on the map that has no mounts now. If there is enough people that hate the mount, meet up on EotM and fight there without mounts as long as you wish. I bet nobody bothers you there. But stop, you want another map? Why? You already have one.

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I guess fighting forums players is a lot harder than fighting players in game, this is tiring, well good luck with your mount, go on spend much time balancing the mount and when you are done balancing your mount talk about classes balance, and since people talk much about "roaming classes balance", I want them to also talk about "zerg classes balance". (this is because people act like oooh people complaining because roaming class can no longer do that or this now that the mount is here).


And people who keep saying to go to eotm, I think you should go to PVE then along with your mounts you have many maps there, you don't need extra maps.


Anyway, have fun with your warkitty =)

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > So with all the issues in WvW that take presidence over the mount...you want them to say "forget updating WvW, forget alliances....lets get our teams together to make new maps that can take months and use any resource we could use to improving the more important aspects of WvW"?

> >

> > The want of the many outweighs the want of the few. Sorry kid.


> It's “The Needs of the Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few”.


> Dont tell me that balance and better and skilled gameplay request are still lower than dev's numbers xD





I am aware of that saying....I used "want" on purpose as there isnt a dire "need" for maps that are free from mount usage but more of a "want".

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> @"Heartpains.7312" said:

> I guess fighting forums players is a lot harder than fighting players in game, this is tiring, well good luck with your mount, go on spend much time balancing the mount and when you are done balancing your mount talk about classes balance, and since people talk much about "roaming classes balance", I want them to also talk about "zerg classes balance". (this is because people act like oooh people complaining because roaming class can no longer do that or this now that the mount is here).


> And people who keep saying to go to eotm, I think you should go to PVE then along with your mounts you have many maps there, you don't need extra maps.


> Anyway, have fun with your warkitty =)


Or you could just embrace the change and stop worrying so much? It's a good shake up to the obviously stale WvW meta, just as the original introduction of the DBL was supposed to be (and still sort of is, but not like it was). It boils down to "I Want change, but I don't want change" that I have been reading on these forums for a while.

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> @"Heartpains.7312" said:

> I guess fighting forums players is a lot harder than fighting players in game, this is tiring, well good luck with your mount, go on spend much time balancing the mount and when you are done balancing your mount talk about classes balance, and since people talk much about "roaming classes balance", I want them to also talk about "zerg classes balance". (this is because people act like oooh people complaining because roaming class can no longer do that or this now that the mount is here).


> And people who keep saying to go to eotm, I think you should go to PVE then along with your mounts you have many maps there, you don't need extra maps.


> Anyway, have fun with your warkitty =)


That's a nice sentence you put together, sadly it makes no sense. Why should "we" go to pve which isn't the game mode "we" want, just because you "dislike mounts" won't switch to the map where you don't need and can use mounts?

The wvw game mode works with and without mounts. I like mounts, so I log into wvw every day and enjoy the game mode. You are the one who doesn't. Your solution already exists, it's EotM.

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> @"Karnasis.6892" said:

> Or you could just embrace the change and stop worrying so much? It's a good shake up to the obviously stale WvW meta, just as the original introduction of the DBL was supposed to be (and still sort of is, but not like it was). **It boils down to "I Want change, but I don't want change" that I have been reading on these forums for a while.**


Every single update response could be summed up like that, and then they will still complain that nothing ever changes. Really, screw the vets, shake up the mode.



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> @"Heartpains.7312" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > Nobody would play on it because nobody would play on it. Even if YOU would play on it, you soon would stop because there is no one to fight.


> What makes you so sure that nobody would play on it? I mean I don't like the desert map and rarely go on that map, but some people like it and they play on it regardless.


You kind of answered your own question. Why would no one play it? For the same reason no one does EotM or likes going onto DBL. Some people do, so "no one" is an exaggeration, but so few do that it might as well be no one from a WvW perspective.


Now don't take me wrong, as a casual WvW'er, I wouldn't mind a case where every map has its own gimmick to it. But "no mount, no gliding" seems to be one of the main gimmicks for EotM (not that I really agree with the no gliding part; EotM just hasn't really been touched much, which resulted in these extra gimmicks). But atm, just going up and saying "okay this map? No mounts" wouldn't be the way to go about it without creating gimmicks for the other maps. And you'd have to be careful about creating gimmicks since they could very easily destroy all interest in the map. And I think just going "okay this map? No mounts" will be a gimmick that destroys population in that map if that is the one and only change done.


> @"Heartpains.7312" said:

> I didn't say new map, one of the current existing maps, besides that mount thing is obviously taking all their manpower to balance and everything, soon skins to it too =p


Mount skins aren't handled by the WvW team but by the gemstore team which is no doubt mostly artists while the WvW team no doubt mostly isn't artists.


The mount won't take up any time once its balanced better, which seems to be getting close to if not there by now.

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> @"Heartpains.7312" said:

> I guess fighting forums players is a lot harder than fighting players in game, this is tiring,


What an interesting thing to say since when you respond to people you frequently have not quoted or linked their name. I guess debates feel better when people don't get notifications to know they are being addressed in a topic for rebuttal.

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