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Which Salvage Kit Should I Use? [Recommendations March 2019]

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[This spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qLrFPcTJeoM-QvYl49OwgEXHwfHVN_-R4aSKopr98xk) recommends specific kits for specific niches, using values using current market rates. The second tab shows the actual break down of values.

([Original Post from January](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/64720/which-salvage-kit-should-i-use-recommendations-now-with-data))




* **Rares with upgrades that drops ectos** (non-Elonian, L68+): Mystic (Silver-Fed & Master are close in value) → Runecrafter (not quite as close) → Sell on Trading Post

* **Non-ecto rares (

* **Masterwork *with* an upgrade:** Mystic → Runecrafter (close 2nd) → Copper-Fed (distant 3rd) → Silver-Fed (barely break-even)

* **Non-ecto-bearing gear *without* an upgrade:** Base → Copper-Fed

* **Exotics:** TP (use BL Kit if it has valued upgrades)



**Purchase recommendations**

These are convenience items; none are necessary and none will pay for themselves for 99% of the community. (You have to buy hundreds of stacks of things to salvage to come close to reaching the numbers required to break even.) Given that...


* If you have Mystic Forge Stones, mystic kits are good for any item with an upgrade. If you lack spare MF stones...

* Copper-Fed is a good first choice, as it's best for non-upgraded items, 'decent' for masterwork with upgrades.

* If you own Copper-Fed, Silver-Fed is (currently) the best second choice, for use on ecto-bearing rares and non-ecto, upgrade-laden rares

* Runecrafters is the choice for those who want it all, and is best for these upgrade-laden items: cheap-non-ecto-bearing Exotics & Rares, and Masterwork



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**Usage recommendations**

In the list below, Copper-Fed can be replaced by Basic & Silver-Fed by Mystic (much better) or Masterwork (slightly worse). There's no benefit to the blue or green kits (except in making master's).


* Fine or below: Copper-Fed

* Masterwork _without_ upgrades: Copper-fed

* Masterwork _with_ upgrades: Runecrafter's (1s better than copper-fed, 0.5s better than Silver-Fed)

* L68+ Rares _without_ upgrades: Silver-Fed, Mystic are close; Runecrafter's nearly as good (don't use Copper-Fed)

* L68+ Rare _with_ upgrades: Silver-Fed (Runecrafter is close)

* Exotics: sell on TP (sub 33s with upgrades: use Runecrafters)




* Changes in the market yield new recommendations. The price of ecto and of charms|symbols matters a lot.

* There are some "salvage items" that might benefit from a different kit; for the tiny number of these that most people get, it's not worth worrying about, i.e. use the copper-fed.

* Power traders/salvagers will have different usage patterns and therefore want different recommendations; these are meant for "typical" players.



##### Sources


* [Comparison Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qLrFPcTJeoM-QvYl49OwgEXHwfHVN_-R4aSKopr98xk/edit#gid=946737751)

* [salvage Rates of Minor, Major, Superior upgrades](https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/9wrctg/psa_salvage_kit_rarity_doesnt_influence_salvage/)

* [Which Upgrades Salvage to Which Charms|Symbols](https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/9xa0rh/psa_if_you_are_wondering_which_runes_and_sigils/)


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Interesting sheet, but I think there is a limitation by only considering the rune salvage returns and not considering the alternative of simply merching the gear. Take masterwork cloth leg armor. It sells to merch for 1.85 silver. For the alternative best case salvage where it has a brilliance-linked rune, you're getting a 1.9% chance of the charm worth 115 silver as I write this. So 0.019 *115 silver * 0.85 = 1.86 silver for the charm. Add 8 copper for the mote and subtract the 30 copper cost of the runecrafter kit use and you're at 1.64 silver. The silk puts you slightly ahead a about 2.08 silver (vs. 1.85 to merchant), but this is for the best case charm. For the same cloth leggings with runes linked to the other charms, you're barely cracking 1 silver in salvage returns for potence-linked runes and 0.5 silver for skill (-0.85 and -1.35 vs. merch, respectively). Mithril is cheap enough that I"m pretty sure that some of the metal weapons and armor are better to merch too.

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> @"thehipone.6812" said:

> Interesting sheet, but I think there is a limitation by only considering the rune salvage returns and not considering the alternative of simply merching the gear.

Agreed. I want to run that analysis as well, but I need to set up my own spreadsheet. (I have the data; I have all the formulas set up. It's on my to-do list.)


The problem is... you have to be _very_ familiar with the math and the market and evaluate each item on a case-by-case basis. As you can see, the 'simple' rule of thumb is already quite involved. Further, vendoring has three opportunity costs that are hard to evaluate: it interrupts your playing time, it takes more clock time than salvaging+deposit-all, and it requires a lot more clicking.


Near as I can tell, the vast majority of players value avoiding those extra clicks and gaining the simplicity of salvage, so the advice above probably makes sense for most people. For those who want to squeeze every last copper out of gear, I will follow-up using vendor costs. (Requires combining @"Wanze.8410"'s detailed unID gear data with drop rates for everything, with which symbol|charm matches which upgrade etc. Okay, I'm tired again just thinking about it.)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> * **Rares with upgrades that drops ectos** (non-Elonian, L68+): Mystic (Silver-Fed & Master are close in value) → Runecrafter (not quite as close) → Sell on Trading Post


Huh? What do you mean by "non-Elonian"? For me Elonian **do** drop ectos and I always salvage them in this group. ...

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> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > * **Rares with upgrades that drops ectos** (non-Elonian, L68+): Mystic (Silver-Fed & Master are close in value) → Runecrafter (not quite as close) → Sell on Trading Post


> @"Wubbbi.8172" said:

> Huh? What do you mean by "non-Elonian"? For me Elonian **do** drop ectos and I always salvage them in this group. ...


> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> I believe Elonian has a lower, but not zero, ecto drop rate.


Correct. It has a much lower drop rate for ecto: 0.492 from elonian using Mystic|Master|SF , versus 0.875 from non-Elonian rares

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