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OST appreciation thread

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Hi guys,


I consider the sound aspect of any videogame to be a crucial factor that greatly defines the kind of experience that I am going to get.


Guild Wars featured an awesome OST composed, among others, by music god Jeremy Soule, whose tracks can also be found in Guild Wars 2.


Now, even though I'm not that much into Guild Wars 2, I reckon that this game's OST is absolutely amazing too. In fact, I've discovered most of it from without the game (i.e. Spotify). For me, it is so powerful that every time I listen to HoT or PoF OST I feel the urge of purchasing those two and playing them straight away (I'm sorry ANET, but I'm not that impulsive... yet).


So... My favourite track so far seems to be Lena Chappelle's HoT Attack on Tarir. It shows such strength... Which one's yours and why?


[https://youtube.com/watch?v=E2418tO_wNo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2418tO_wNo "https://youtube.com/watch?v=E2418tO_wNo")

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[Tomb of the Primeval Kings](

) will probably always be my favorite. I first heard it while resting overlooking Prophet's Fall in Desert Highlands, where Kralkatorrik killed Glint, and it was beyond beautifully fitting. I was about to take off and battle more branded when I heard it and I just... stopped and listened.


[Aurene's Fate](

) is a very close second to my favorite, it plays during Aurene's visions of her death.


Some other favorites include [battle in Draconis Mons](https://soundcloud.com/arenanet/battle-in-draconis-mons), [Who Needs the Light](

) (I'm not much of a fan of the original - blasphemy in this community, I know, but it's just been overused to the nth degree), and [Lion's Arch Lament](


I really wish there was an officially done version of [Alas, Alas](

). I bet if it were done by people who could properly sing and not some mismatch of various voice actors of varying quality, it'd be as beautiful as [Aurene, Dragon Full of Light](


I also wish Zhaitan got more than [an extended version](

) of the [generic world boss music](
), as good as both versions are. But... alas, alas.... ;)
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I was just listening to the soundtrack when I came across this thread...


[Fear Not This Night](

"Fear Not This Night"). That's my favorite soundtrack in the entire game, bar none. I can't adequately explain *why* I love it so much, though. I suppose I'm just biased toward the sylvari? XD

...well, that, and it's the first piece of music I ever heard from the Guild Wars franchise. It's part of what got me interested in this game in the first place. Before hearing this song, I didn't know Guild Wars even existed.

(And of course, the ["corrupted" version](

""corrupted" version") is stunning, too. Instant chills...)


Aside from that, pretty much everything by Jeremy Soule in the vanilla game, and then Maclaine Diemer/Brendon Williams/Stan LePard/Will Roget in the expansions, is genius. One of my other favorites is [Mouth of Mordremoth](

"Mouth of Mordremoth"). Plus all the [combat](
"combat") [music](
"music") Maclaine Diemer does for HoT...oh, and [Tomb of Primeval Kings](
"Tomb of Primeval Kings").

There's also [Enter the Fire God](

"Enter the Fire God") by Will Roget.


...aaaaand if I stayed to list *all* of my favorite OST's, this post would be a mile long. :tongue: So I'll cut it short here.

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Thank you all for sharing! I'm listening to the ones you suggest. Keep it going!


PS: "The Jungle Provides" started playing ([https://youtube.com/watch?v=vE9I_MBPk6k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vE9I_MBPk6k "https://youtube.com/watch?v=vE9I_MBPk6k")) and its "ostinato" in the background made me wonder if it's somehow connected to FFVII's "The Forgotten Capital" ([https://youtube.com/watch?v=0Xt0S6taFeI&](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Xt0S6taFeI& "https://youtube.com/watch?v=0Xt0S6taFeI&")). An unlikely crossed inspiration?

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