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Warclaw kills Roaming

Woody Woody.8356

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Even if Anet doesnt agree that roaming is actually thing, me playing 6 years wvw i can tell you it is what me and friends have been doing most, just running arround, duelling and outnumbering. The warclaw totally destroys that, since no single class or build is able to deal 12 k dmg to a guy that is fater than you, that has 3 dodges and has 12k hp. The only change that would make sense like in many other games is, that u get dismount once u get infight, easy as that!


change my mind

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Solution: Mounts have no defense against conditions. Play with a buddy who can condi-bomb. Alternately, be the condi-bomb. Bomb the mount and prepare burst for when they're forcefully dismounted (which counts as a KD).


Mount HP is trivial and even if you're straight DPS most classes have a ranged option.


On an unrelated note, I wish we could use the skill 3 option to lasso another mounted player and force a confrontation. That would be cool. They could also add a new trick/trap that forces players off their mount and disables it for a good bit.

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> Solution: Mounts have no defense against conditions. Play with a buddy who can condi-bomb. Alternately, be the condi-bomb. Bomb the mount and prepare burst for when they're forcefully dismounted (which counts as a KD).


> Mount HP is trivial and even if you're straight DPS most classes have a ranged option.


> On an unrelated note, I wish we could use the skill 3 option to lasso another mounted player and force a confrontation. That would be cool. They could also add a new trick/trap that forces players off their mount and disables it for a good bit.


Condi. Gross. Almost blockworthy amounts of gross.


Trivial? Ya lmao stupid people not thinking that a full zerk ele's health bar is trivial when added on top of a spellbreakers health bar. Are you also considering cds used to do the burst dmg before they Idk... press a dodge button 3 times and theyre gone?


Ive thought of that as well and I think it could be interesting. Im not very interested in traps. Band-aid fix for something they refuse to spend the proper time to fix. Essentially thats what all traps are.

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> @"Magnuzone.8395" said:

> Play against ppl who are interested in fighting you, problem solved. Noone likes a ganker.


Agreed, ganking and stealth ambushes are 2 reasons I never cared for WvW.

It can still happen in the gamemode but at least the mobility gap between classes has been diminished thanks to the mount.

Now everyone has the freedom to choose to fight or flight rather than being forced into it constantly by classes that can easily get away from you when you gain the upper hand thanks to a cheap mechanical advantage.. stealth and shadowstep/teleports.


It hasn't killed these tactics.. it's just made them more difficult to pull of solo and that's a good thing.

WvW should never be an easy place for a solo player to go around killing.. it's a massive multiplayer pvp game mode for a reason.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Magnuzone.8395" said:

> > Play against ppl who are interested in fighting you, problem solved. Noone likes a ganker.


> Agreed, ganking and stealth ambushes are 2 reasons I never cared for WvW.

> It can still happen in the gamemode but at least the mobility gap between classes has been diminished thanks to the mount.

> Now everyone has the freedom to choose to fight or flight rather than being forced into it constantly by classes that can easily get away from you when you gain the upper hand thanks to a cheap mechanical advantage.. stealth and shadowstep/teleports.


> It hasn't killed these tactics.. it's just made them more difficult to pull of solo and that's a good thing.

> WvW should never be an easy place for a solo player to go around killing.. it's a massive multiplayer pvp game mode for a reason.


You are talking about the classes with the lowest sustain. You do realize that right? Thief is the worst profession in the game 1v1 imo. They have mobility because they lack elsewhere. The fact you weren't able to keep up with them tells me you likely played a class more than capable of dealing with them. People seem to not believe that mobility is an important factor when balancing.

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> @"Woody Woody.8356" said:

> The warclaw totally destroys that, since no single class or build is able to deal 12 k dmg to a guy that is fater than you, that has 3 dodges and has 12k hp.

No need to be rude, the guy is probably just big boned.


Also every single class has a build that can bring down a mount. Whether the same build is good at fighting the player on the mount is a whole other matter.



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Mounts could be changed into a timed summon - 10-15s per summon with 5-8s CD. This is enough to get to their destination whilst giving a sense of urgency and risk still, and people have more chance to catch them instead of the mount running circles around groups of people or singles trying to stop them.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> Mounts could be changed into a timed summon - 10-15s per summon with 5-8s CD. This is enough to get to their destination whilst giving a sense of urgency and risk still, and people have more chance to catch them instead of the mount running circles around groups of people or singles trying to stop them.

If we just want mounts to be a travel tool, automatic dismount on entering combat end of story. Much simpler implementation than any cds.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > Mounts could be changed into a timed summon - 10-15s per summon with 5-8s CD. This is enough to get to their destination whilst giving a sense of urgency and risk still, and people have more chance to catch them instead of the mount running circles around groups of people or singles trying to stop them.

> If we just want mounts to be a travel tool, automatic dismount on entering combat end of story. Much simpler implementation than any cds.



or ppl could try to adapt to the changes instead of crying to the forums that their deadeye/mesmer can no longer one shot ppl uninterested in small scale fights (and don't have the build/gear to do so anyway)

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> or ppl could try to adapt to the changes instead of crying to the forums that their deadeye/mesmer can no longer one shot ppl uninterested in small scale fights (and don't have the build/gear to do so anyway)


Or Zerger could try to adapt their build/skills/find an other ways when they want to join the zerg...? But its to hard for so many people I know...

I never had any problem to join the zerg with my war GS S/X sooo..


Personaly I tried to roam last few days, only cheesy build with high mobility/burst works so no problems i'll play them even if it's not the game style I like.


I just want they :

-Nerf the speed

-reduce the hp pool to 5K

-no immune against CC

-2 leap


After that change they can let it in WvW but without those changes, its casu Versus casu world



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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > > Mounts could be changed into a timed summon - 10-15s per summon with 5-8s CD. This is enough to get to their destination whilst giving a sense of urgency and risk still, and people have more chance to catch them instead of the mount running circles around groups of people or singles trying to stop them.

> > If we just want mounts to be a travel tool, automatic dismount on entering combat end of story. Much simpler implementation than any cds.

> >


> or ppl could try to adapt to the changes instead of crying to the forums that their deadeye/mesmer can no longer one shot ppl uninterested in small scale fights (and don't have the build/gear to do so anyway)


or people could have learn how to fight and enjoy wvw like how it was for the past 6 years, instead of depending on a mount to avoid fight.


If you get one shot by de/mesmer on any of the meta zerg class, you're just bad, maybe get good?

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > > Mounts could be changed into a timed summon - 10-15s per summon with 5-8s CD. This is enough to get to their destination whilst giving a sense of urgency and risk still, and people have more chance to catch them instead of the mount running circles around groups of people or singles trying to stop them.

> > If we just want mounts to be a travel tool, automatic dismount on entering combat end of story. Much simpler implementation than any cds.

> >


> or ppl could try to adapt to the changes instead of crying to the forums that their deadeye/mesmer can no longer one shot ppl uninterested in small scale fights (and don't have the build/gear to do so anyway)


do small scale fights even exist nowadays?

warclaw has destroyed it for glass cannon classes and dont give me bullshit that it didnt.

i play thief main i cant do a shit to stop some1 from getting off his mount.


i played rev the other day and i could just stop people from capping camp by constantly running rounds, they cant mount up they cant catch me they cant do anything at the end i was the one winning the fight cus i just kept running untill reinforcement came.

yay the joy?


warclaw needs speed nerf to the point a swiftness character has equal speed to warclaw, why should HoT/Core players not be able to play WvW proper?

HP nerf

remove 1 dodge bar (if it was up to me 2 of them 1 dodge enough :))

no CC immunity


do the above 4 things and u got it balanced.



o btw i never really had problem getting 1 banged by mesmer/thief, yes im thief main im pussy thief also according to you hiding all day long.

nope i barely ever used hide on my thief actually i was roaming on staff thief so no point to hide all the time.

there is no thief/mesmer in perma hide waiting along road for you to pass by they saw you, most of the time u could have seen them also u could predict a attack coming u could prepare but u didnt.


this is like me saying well i play thief and well i run backwards over map and everytime a big fat blob runs over me.

give me a mount to run faster backwards and has like 200k hp so i can survive and can keep roaming...

u need pay attention to your surroundings this why i dont understand some people, if u dont wanna pay attention go play PvE in PvP games u always need keep your eyes open for anything.


for record ofcourse i play scourge also ones in a while and again i never had problem being ganked so bad by thief or mesmer, maybe u should try play thief/mesmer know the play style know their weakness play with it.

thief is actually not so hard to keep away from you as scourge but since most scourges go like this F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 run run > get ganked by thief again > heal > spam some shades again > die by thief.


why would u spam shades? thief is like a freaking paper he wont come near u when u poo out dmg, put marks under your ass not all of them cus first mark he will dodge so use mark 2? or 4? one of them has low cd let him dodge then pop marks under your ass or maybe even wells.

yes a good thief wont die from scourge but he will most likely bugger off cus ur not being the easy quick kill he was hoping to get.



gw2 isnt that hard if thief/mesmer are your problem its because youre that quick and easy kill for them you should just wait for your commander to return so u can hide deep in ur blob safe from these badass thiefs / mesmers / rangers also i suppose?

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Mounts have definitely skewed WVW quite a ways into the zerglings favor.


To you people that keep saying stuff like "play against ppl who are interested in fighting you".... you're missing one of the intents of roaming in general. Sure, those fights are usually better quality, but it's also fun (and helpful) to stop zerglings from getting back into their zerg's fight or whatever they intend on doing that's going to be a detriment to your server.


Should zerglings always be a free kill? No. But with how mounts currently function, it's far too easy to escape. (Not to mention that it heavily favors ranged damage or condi burst and screws over less-mobile pure melee [e.g. warrior] hard.)

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> @"Magnuzone.8395" said:

> Play against ppl who are interested in fighting you, problem solved. Noone likes a ganker.


and everyone is a ganker to those who are not interested in combat, which appears to be most of the player base lately.


To the OP: Just play a 1 shot build to dismount players or play a condi stealth tank.

Warkitty encourages more of the very builds that zergers despise.

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> @"tobin.6754" said:

> If you get one shot by de/mesmer on any of the meta zerg class, you're just bad, maybe get good?


Your entire build depends on catching someone unaware. You can dismount them easily. You're BSing (or seriously terrible and the mount wouldn't play any part). It's just that it spends your burst so when they're off the mount you can't do your cheese properly.


They'll melt you instead. Frankly if you were better at your craft and a bit more flexible, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Magnuzone.8395" said:

> > Play against ppl who are interested in fighting you, problem solved. Noone likes a ganker.


> Agreed, ganking and stealth ambushes are 2 reasons I never cared for WvW.

> It can still happen in the gamemode but at least the mobility gap between classes has been diminished thanks to the mount.

> Now everyone has the freedom to choose to fight or flight rather than being forced into it constantly by classes that can easily get away from you when you gain the upper hand thanks to a cheap mechanical advantage.. stealth and shadowstep/teleports.


> It hasn't killed these tactics.. it's just made them more difficult to pull of solo and that's a good thing.

> WvW should never be an easy place for a solo player to go around killing.. it's a massive multiplayer pvp game mode for a reason.


It hasnt made it harder to pull off... Just get off the DD tempest build and roll a condi stealth abusing build or a stealth abusing 1 shot build, its what I did.

Ive essentially been forced into the very builds that players despise fighting so much lmao


it almost feels poetic... Adapting to the zerg on warkitties is going to require more stealth, mobility and cheese than it did before, its just more of everything that zergers despise, very poetic actually.


also all this talk of adapting goes both ways, using a mount to chase zerg tails has become easier, using a mount to tap keeps for hours is easier, spawn camping is easier and so on...

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Warclaw has killed ganking not roaming. People are often confusing roaming for ganking. You can still roam around on warclaw, flip camps and attack towers with a small group. You can also attack other small groups trying to take camps or towers once they're dismounted. You can also duel with other like roamers who have warclaw, just jump off and start attacking each other.


Hiding in stealth ready to ambush someone, or killing them on the way to their group or objective isn't roaming, it's ganking. Especially if the player isn't sitting in a build capable of fending off someone in a single or small group setting. That is what warclaw basically ended, and thankfully it did. We're likely to find more pve players starting to filter into WvW now because they can confidently get to their groups and participate.


Just as Magnuzone pointed out, play against people interested in fighting you (as they likely are in a build made to do so), problem solved. Ganking is not roaming.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> Warclaw has killed ganking not roaming. People are often confusing roaming for ganking. You can still roam around on warclaw, flip camps and attack towers with a small group. You can also attack other small groups trying to take camps or towers once they're dismounted. You can also duel with other like roamers who have warclaw, just jump off and start attacking each other.


> Hiding in stealth ready to ambush someone, or killing them on the way to their group or objective isn't roaming, it's ganking. Especially if the player isn't sitting in a build capable of fending off someone in a single or small group setting. That is what warclaw basically ended, and thankfully it did. We're likely to find more pve players starting to filter into WvW now because they can confidently get to their groups and participate.


> Just as Magnuzone pointed out, play against people interested in fighting you (as they likely are in a build made to do so), problem solved. Ganking is not roaming.


then what do you do if you see an enemy player, cheer? Because it's certainly not engaging or "ganking" by the sounds of it lol


"Ganking" comes with the roaming territory as it does with zergs who "gank" the solo player trying to take a sentry.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > Warclaw has killed ganking not roaming. People are often confusing roaming for ganking. You can still roam around on warclaw, flip camps and attack towers with a small group. You can also attack other small groups trying to take camps or towers once they're dismounted. You can also duel with other like roamers who have warclaw, just jump off and start attacking each other.

> >

> > Hiding in stealth ready to ambush someone, or killing them on the way to their group or objective isn't roaming, it's ganking. Especially if the player isn't sitting in a build capable of fending off someone in a single or small group setting. That is what warclaw basically ended, and thankfully it did. We're likely to find more pve players starting to filter into WvW now because they can confidently get to their groups and participate.

> >

> > Just as Magnuzone pointed out, play against people interested in fighting you (as they likely are in a build made to do so), problem solved. Ganking is not roaming.


> then what do you do if you see an enemy player, cheer? Because it's certainly not engaging or "ganking" by the sounds of it lol


> "Ganking" comes with the roaming territory as it does with zergs who "gank" the solo player trying to take a sentry.




Ganking isn't dead. You just have to work harder for it. Gankers don't like to work though.

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Wait, wait, wait you said "killing them on the way to their group or objective isn't roaming, it's ganking."


So I should let the enemy get back to their group so that group can become more effective at taking my server's stuff? Is that what you are saying? I'm confused. It would seem to me that cutting off enemy reinforcements is a very effective strategy for defending your own objectives and taking the enemy's objectives.


I don't complain when a zerg steamrolls me (I wouldn't consider this ganking) so I don't see why someone from a havoc group or zerg should complain if someone jumps them while heading back to their group.


Then again why listen to me as by your definition I am a "ganker".


Edited for poor typing skillz

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"tobin.6754" said:

> > If you get one shot by de/mesmer on any of the meta zerg class, you're just bad, maybe get good?


> Your entire build depends on catching someone unaware. You can dismount them easily. You're BSing (or seriously terrible and the mount wouldn't play any part). It's just that it spends your burst so when they're off the mount you can't do your cheese properly.


> They'll melt you instead. Frankly if you were better at your craft and a bit more flexible, we wouldn't be having this conversation.


What? I think you misunderstood. I play different classes, both zerg and roam , depend on the time of day. I can't even remember the last time someone 1 shot/ganked me on a zerg class build. And I roam mostly on a warrior.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > > Warclaw has killed ganking not roaming. People are often confusing roaming for ganking. You can still roam around on warclaw, flip camps and attack towers with a small group. You can also attack other small groups trying to take camps or towers once they're dismounted. You can also duel with other like roamers who have warclaw, just jump off and start attacking each other.

> > >

> > > Hiding in stealth ready to ambush someone, or killing them on the way to their group or objective isn't roaming, it's ganking. Especially if the player isn't sitting in a build capable of fending off someone in a single or small group setting. That is what warclaw basically ended, and thankfully it did. We're likely to find more pve players starting to filter into WvW now because they can confidently get to their groups and participate.

> > >

> > > Just as Magnuzone pointed out, play against people interested in fighting you (as they likely are in a build made to do so), problem solved. Ganking is not roaming.

> >

> > then what do you do if you see an enemy player, cheer? Because it's certainly not engaging or "ganking" by the sounds of it lol

> >

> > "Ganking" comes with the roaming territory as it does with zergs who "gank" the solo player trying to take a sentry.




> Ganking isn't dead. You just have to work harder for it. Gankers don't like to work though.


Nah just switch toon, otherwise if I stayed on Tempest then yea I would have to work harder for it and youre right as its much easier to roll a 1 shot build or condi tank build, gotta adapt.

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