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My Interpretation of a GW2 Monk Profession

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The following document started as an idle daydream, and I decided to write this post outlining my interpretation of what a Monk profession in Guild Wars 2 could look like.


Please understand, I have never played the original Guild Wars, and as such, none of these ideas are rooted from that version of a monk. Any similarities are the product of the archetype itself.



**Introduction to the Monk**

Trained by masters in the ancients martial ways, Monks walk along the path of physical and spiritual self-mastery.


Years of dedicated training have forged their bodies beyond the capacity of the average being, and sharpened their minds to see the hidden with clarity. The most skilled of these individuals can tap into the cosmic power of the universe, using it to perform incredible feats of strength, speed, and perception.



**Amour Type - Light**

When preparing for a fight, Monks will don light robes to allow for the least amount of restriction in their movements, and maximum amount of mobility.



**Base Health - Medium High**

Monks start with a medium high health pool. Their lifestyle of mental and physical training has built up a resistance to harsh conditions and hostile attacks. They can tolerate blows with a correct balance of mental discipline and martial skill.



**Professional Mechanic - Martial Forms**

Trained in various styles of combative movements, the Monk’s Martial Forms are designed to aid them in combat. Each form was created for specific situations and engagements.


There are four base Martial Forms, and each is assigned to one of the F-Keys from F1 to F4. Activating any one of them will benefit the monk with passive bonuses, but will end any other forms previously activated.



**Skill Costs**

The Monk has no special resource. All Monk weapon skills and slot skills are entirely based on cooldowns.




Monks are trained with a variety of weapons, thinking of them as merely an extension of their body.



**Staff (Melee):** A simple walking stick in the hands of a master can be more effective than a novice with a blade. Equally useful for attacking and defending, the staff can manage both long ranged and close up melee combat.



**Swords (Melee, Both Hands): **The sword can be considered one of the most versatile weapons in existence. Some Monks wield not one, but two swords. Others combine the sword with other weapons.



**Maces (Melee, Both Hands): **From the earliest times of weapons, the idea of hitting an enemy

with a big stick has always been there. Yet, this should not be underestimated. It’s still as effective as it was thousands of years ago.



**Torches (Melee, Both Hands):** Some would say, “better than a stick, is a stick on fire”. Some Monks have mastered the style of “fire dancing”, a fluid form of combat, if not just as risky to the wielder as the target.



**Shortbow (Ranged):** Of the two most common ranged weapons available to the Monk, the short bow exells at firing quickly while maintaining a high rate of maneuverability.



**Longbow (Ranged):** Unlike it’s short counterpart, the longbow is used by Monks for a slower, more precise style of ranged combat. Masters will enter the “state of nothingness” and become one with the arrow, the target, and the space between them.



**Trident (Melee, Underwater): **While a spear works adequate underwater, Monks prefer to use the trident. Its three prongs aid in striking targets, even through the water’s visible refraction of light to the eyes.



**Harpoon Gun (Ranged, Underwater):** Sometimes there are things in the water best faced from far away. In this case, Monks will use the harpoon gun. Because aiming with the eyes can be difficult, Many monks have learned to aim by feeling the water.



**Slot Skills**

The Monk has access to several types of slot skills.



**Mantra: **Repeated words and affirmations in the mind are powerful tools. Monks know they can tap into the hidden meanings of these words, and evoke a power to aid allies or hinder foes.



**Meditation: **The training of one’s body can only take them so far. The training of the mind can unlock shrouded secrets within one’s self, becoming a more transcendent individual. Daily routines of mental exercises brings each Monk closer to that perfection.



**Stance:** Each martial form is rooted in the many stances a Monk learns during training. These positions emphasises a certain style of movement, and aids in the flow of combat.



**Physical:** The physical movements of martial arts is the bread and butter of a Monk’s combative style. Jumps , leaps, pounces, and dodges are all built into the various systems.



**Cosmic:** Monks train to connect to the cosmic forces of the universe. Some can manifest this energy into supernatural affects.




The five base Monk traits are as follows:



**Conditioning: **Rigorous physical conditioning is required to master the martial arts. Monks learn how develop their muscles and structure to both deliver more powerful blows, and take blows with a lessening effect.



**Balance: **Power and evasiveness is nothing without balance to support it. Feeling inside oneself, being aware of the subtle positioning of the muscles and bones, allows the Monk to master their body control.



**Focus:** The mind must be as forged as the body. There are countless distractions and stimuli in combat. Being able to sift out the unnecessary and focus only on the vital is key to victory, both in combat and in life.



**Timing: **There are critical moments in time, and acting on them is the difference between success and failure.



**Stillness:** The most important lesson a Monk can learn is to live fully in any given moment, to be in the now. So many look to far forward or back and dwell on what cannot be changed or seen. Finding the stillness in the body and mind is the key to self actualization.



**Specialization #1: The Shadowfoot**

Monks are trained to see balance, and live a life in harmony. Some forget, however, that this means embracing the darker aspects of the universe.


Shadowfeet understand this aspect. They’ve embraced it. They do what others are not willing to do.


Working as assassins, scouts, agents, and spies, Shadowfeet have adapted their skill sets to aid them with their work.



**Added Martial Form: “Shadow Based Form”**

This form is added to the F5 button, and is available to them along side the other four forms.




The Shadowfoot gets access to both main hand and off hand daggers.



**Daggers (Ranged, Both Hands): **Throwing knives, shuriken, chakram, or war darts, Shadowfeet specialize in concealable ranged weapons, allowing for precision kills while staying discreet.



**Slot Skills**

The Shadowfoot adds Deception skills to their arsenal.



**Deception:** Sometimes honesty is something one needs to shelve temporarily to get the job done. Shadowfeet are masters of stealth, infiltration, and manipulation.



**Specialization #2: The Suncaller**

If the Shadowfoot is a call to the darker side of the universe, the Suncaller is an call to the light.


Suncallers do not merely walk in balance with the world, they create it. Sometimes, with more zeal than perhaps is needed.



**Added Martial Form: “Sun Based Form”**

This form is added to the F5 button, and is available to them along side the other four forms.




The Suncaller gets access to both main hand and off hand axes.



**Axes (Melee, Both Hands): **Suncaller’s axes are a representation of their direct principles. While less elegant than swords in themselves, a Suncaller is able to wield them with no less grace.



**Slot Skills**

The Suncaller adds Consecration skills to their arsenal.



**Consecration: **The cosmic energy filters through the sun, and the Suncallers can guide it to pool on the ground, debilitating foes and empowering friends.






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You are better off proposing a new elite spec since new professions are unlikely. But good job fleshing out your idea.


Weapon skills need something to make them unique. Conditions, power, chains, etc, rather than just saying "they use a bow." What makes their long bow different than ranger, warrior, or dragonslayer?

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> You are better off proposing a new elite spec since new professions are unlikely. But good job fleshing out your idea.


The idea is old, I myself proposed it several times. ;) The usual reaction is that people start trying to find a profession for which such an elite spec would be fitting, but the results are always the same: there is none. Hence it would _have_ to be a new profession, which I would _die_ to see. :)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > You are better off proposing a new elite spec since new professions are unlikely. But good job fleshing out your idea.


> The idea is old, I myself proposed it several times. ;) The usual reaction is that people start trying to find a profession for which such an elite spec would be fitting, but the results are always the same: there is none. Hence it would _have_ to be a new profession, which I would _die_ to see. :)


not really, the issue is that ppl have different visions when talking about monks some want martial art monks (which is just daredevil with different flavor) or a religious monk (which doesn't fit due to lore)

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> @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

> Still wanting a medium armor, high health profession. Just because.


Early on, I was quite surprised to discover Engineer was not. I had assumed them to fit the role. Perhaps Anet thought that would be "too much?" Still, odd to break the pattern.

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This is mostly just flavor. Nothing indicates to me how the class functions. Especially the class mechanic, which as far as I can tell just give some specialized passive boons, which also seems to make the two elite specs rather bland, since they are both just additional push button buff generators. They don't challenge or alter the class mechanic at all.


I think it would have been interesting if you made the Martial Forms more like Ele attunements, so they flip your weapon skills based on the style of combat you want to use: offensive, defensive, support, etc...


It's an intriguing idea, but it's mostly just a design philosophy for a Monk, not a specific design.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> not really, the issue is that ppl have different visions when talking about monks some want martial art monks (which is just daredevil with different flavor) or a religious monk (which doesn't fit due to lore)


You cannot want a cleric type when we already have Guardians (I have a "battle cleric" Dragonhunter myself), who also cover the profession with healing/protection magic. Hence there is only the option of a martial arts type of Monk left (which was also part of the Monk profession in GW1 with its smite spells).

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Curiously, this fits an Elementalist or Thief Specialization rather well (who says Specs can't alter base stats as part of their Traits?). If you compromise on the armor, it suits a Guardian just as well.


I, myself, have long-advocated Unarmed Fighter options for all professions, and have written up several possible courses and sample designs for it to take. Consider this a "+1" from me.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > not really, the issue is that ppl have different visions when talking about monks some want martial art monks (which is just daredevil with different flavor) or a religious monk (which doesn't fit due to lore)


> You cannot want a cleric type when we already have Guardians (I have a "battle cleric" Dragonhunter myself), who also cover the profession with healing/protection magic. Hence there is only the option of a martial arts type of Monk left (which was also part of the Monk profession in GW1 with its smite spells).


that's basically just daredevil. also i've never seen a monk lore suggestion where they didn't fall for the temptation to add religious believes in.


and clergy wouldn't work in gw2 as a profession (or even an espec) because there's no unified religion and one race is violently anti-religious (anet addressed this by making guardian non-religious).

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > not really, the issue is that ppl have different visions when talking about monks some want martial art monks (which is just daredevil with different flavor) or a religious monk (which doesn't fit due to lore)

> >

> > You cannot want a cleric type when we already have Guardians (I have a "battle cleric" Dragonhunter myself), who also cover the profession with healing/protection magic. Hence there is only the option of a martial arts type of Monk left (which was also part of the Monk profession in GW1 with its smite spells).


> that's basically just daredevil.


It is not. Thieves don't have access to spiritual magic.

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Hey all!

I really appreciate all the comments and discussion. I'd like to take a moment to clarify something, which I admit I didn't do a great job in the title.

When writing this, I never intended to go into specific mechanics all that much. It was more just an idea of flavor. I was thinking about what the Monk could look like in a general sense, but not specific. It was more or less an idea dump.


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I do like the idea as its not the healer type the original GW was but also draws from the inspiration from it as their dance was a form of tai chi.


That being said, if they could only add 1 new profession in as a final profession. Ritualist > Monk. Personal opinion.

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