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Fun Things to Do With Warclaw


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > This is widely know. The first recorded instance of someone asking for mounts for WvW was Angry Joe in his review. That is at least one person, and that alone is enough to make "No one ever asked for mounts in WvW" a lie beyond hyperbole.

> > Then we got the Blessings of Elements and the jump pads in the Desert Borderlands, which also were received positively, since "running to get to the fun" was always the most boring part of WvW.

> Of course its a lie. You only need a simple google to see that. 13th october 2017... a poll with "mounts in WvW?". 40% said yes, 59% said no. 1% presumably vanished in the ether from being infracted.


> So there you go. If representative of the community, **almost half of it wanted mounts in WvW**.


> Edit: and going back further there was *another poll* 22nd september, 2017 with twice as many voters. "Do you want mounts added to WvW?". 43% said yes. 45% said no. 11% wanted blueberry muffin.


> So let me reiterate the previous statement: **Almost half of the community wanted mounts in WvW**.


polls are useless unless hidden away on website..


half wvw community used to be on Wvw forum not even from gw2 now all of em are shattered over discord/reddit.

many dont even come here cus why bother being ignored by anet for 6 years straight, and when they do hype us up we get some crap no1 ever wanted.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > I found a new hobby.

> > Stand among duelers pretending to watch the duels.

> > Then when the enemy goes down, mount up immediately and spike him with maul.

> > Then re-mount and try to escape the other duelers who are now trying to get you.

> > If I escape successfully, I go back to the dueling spot and hide in a corner to wait for the enemy downed icon to show on the map.

> > Then I remount and charge back in to spike with maul.

> > Then I try to run again.


> So, I would consider that tanking and toxic, but you do you.



I'd probably be annoyed at this if I were duelling, but if you did the zoidburg whoop while running I'd forgive it xD

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