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Kryta Diving Point 8

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> @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

> > @"Neural.1824" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> >

> > > A couple of JPs can have that effect on people. ;) You obviously have not tried the Chalice of Tears yet (it was named that for a reason :'( ).

> >

> > I personally find Chalice of Tears to be the most challenging Jumping Puzzle in the game. Not So Secret is not challenging, it's just terrible content.

> >


> It is a terrible puzzle. Who puts a bunch of little pillars that you need to jump across to, and then put a bunch of ranged mobs just below to slow you down mid leap!? I had to do jump shot many times just to get through this puzzle.


That is annoying, but is actually along the lines of challenging. The reason I think it is terrible design/content are the differences between what you see, and what you can physically interact with. Guild Wars 2 is utter chaos when it comes to what slopes you can go up, which you cannot, which objects you can jump onto, and which are invisible walls or simply allow you to go right through etc. There is a distinct difference between the challenge of figuring out how to do something, and simply needing to blindly do it over and over until you've memorized the path.

While it's not my personal favorite, Retrospective Runaround is one of the most well designed puzzles in the game as the mechanics of it go. The checkpoints, etc. allow you to not have to worry about falling to your death (gliding and Griffon of course help here).

With memorization being the key, all you need to do is watch a dulfy guide a few times, and you are good to go, which is how I completed the puzzle on my own.

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> @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

> I have someone in my guild who has a guaranteed way of getting the diving achievement for Aetherblade/Not So Secret. He has helped me on my account and three others that I know of, all on first time. It has to do with standing in the right place, looking in the right direction and then dodge rolling off the platform and you fall right into the water. I cannot speak for him, but If someone here is interested, I can message him and see if he is willing to post here.

Yes, there's a spot (and direction) where you can just stand, hit the dodge button, and you will fall right into water, evading the one obstacle on the way. Unforunately i've lost the link to it, but there's a YT movie that explained it in a clear and easy to follow way.


As far as the JP itself goes, it is indeed hard, but doable. My only problem comes from one of the JP mechanics that got changed at some point in a way that can be a problem to someone that isn't aware of it. Specifically, i am speaking about the launch gears.

if anyone does't know it yet, the distance you get launched forward is affected by you base speed - thus, if you are doing it on a character with permanent speed enhancement from traits or signet skills, you end up overshooting the target.

Hint: such a speed enhancement is, for example, part of a base minor trait for chronomancer, so anyone doing this JP with mesmers (for backup portal safety) should probably try doing it on core spec.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

> > I have someone in my guild who has a guaranteed way of getting the diving achievement for Aetherblade/Not So Secret. He has helped me on my account and three others that I know of, all on first time. It has to do with standing in the right place, looking in the right direction and then dodge rolling off the platform and you fall right into the water. I cannot speak for him, but If someone here is interested, I can message him and see if he is willing to post here.

> Yes, there's a spot (and direction) where you can just stand, hit the dodge button, and you will fall right into water, evading the one obstacle on the way. Unforunately i've lost the link to it, but there's a YT movie that explained it in a clear and easy to follow way.


> As far as the JP itself goes, it is indeed hard, but doable. My only problem comes from one of the JP mechanics that got changed at some point in a way that can be a problem to someone that isn't aware of it. Specifically, i am speaking about the launch gears.

> if anyone does't know it yet, the distance you get launched forward is affected by you base speed - thus, if you are doing it on a character with permanent speed enhancement from traits or signet skills, you end up overshooting the target.

> Hint: such a speed enhancement is, for example, part of a base minor trait for chronomancer, so anyone doing this JP with mesmers (for backup portal safety) should probably try doing it on core spec.



Thanks for the tip! Once you start jumping from platform to platform in the sky, it gets a little tricky. There's two launchs that toss you forward. They're consecutive too so I had to learn the hard way that you can't jump both at the same time.


If you wait till the first one almost ends, you can then jump onto the second platform without worrying about the second platform launching you into open air.


Also, jumping straight up from one to another works better if you have swiftness applied

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Ah, gotta love those mesmers. While running around Gendarran Fields yesterday I saw someone announce in chat that they would portal people up to the Not So Secret dive point for 5 gold. Immediately thereafter, another mesmer said they would portal anyone who wanted up there for free. If anyone took that second mesmer up on their offer I hope they remembered to tip. :)

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> @"Chichimec.9364" said:

> Ah, gotta love those mesmers. While running around Gendarran Fields yesterday I saw someone announce in chat that they would portal people up to the Not So Secret dive point for 5 gold. Immediately thereafter, another mesmer said they would portal anyone who wanted up there for free. If anyone took that second mesmer up on their offer I hope they remembered to tip. :)


Had to do that JP twice. Both time mesmer were the answer. 5 gold was a good price for the time they saved for me. Firsts one was kind enough to show me the point where to stand and how to jump to get that diving achievement.

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  • 4 months later...

As a returning player (played from release until end of 2013 and just returned 1-2 months ago) I still play without expansions. I remember the release of this JP back then. Was pretty hard at the beginning. But also fun to do it with a lot of others. Didn't manage the diving jump though. Now I tried this again. Took me some time. (And there are still a lot of players doing this it seems - because of the mastery point.)


I'd have preferred it it were a seperate achievement. Feels much better for completionists to have the other one completed (without 1 missing) - when they need time until they manage the hard one. (In the newer maps - like Silverwasts - there is a single separated achievement with dive and the mastery.)


Yeah ... but other than that: Keep it hard. That's the fun. Not everyone can get everything. And most people that have not played permanently since release might have missed some stuff that was available only temporary already.


Really liked to do the new one Troll something (Revenge I think it was called) in LA without mounts/gliding (but at least with a mesmer).


The hardest parts at the Aetherblade JP for me were the one near the thug - jumping on that wooden bar ... i often failed by jumping to short or too far. Then at the top when it goes to the diving goggles and there are the pads that move forward where you can overshoot. Everything other than that (after the thug) was easy. Needed a lot of time to learn/train the harder parts. (Trying it regularly for some time is the best. Won't get too frustated as it would be the case when doing it for days without break. But every few days 1-2 hours is okay.)


Overshooting because of the traits (had mechanical legs on my engineer) ... in fact problematic. And too lazy to change traits and disable the double tab autododging - when I use this most of the time and want to enabled it. (I often forget to re-enable it.) Then after the hard jumps you might die (while overshooting at the very top whiel on the way to googles). So playing your own Mesmer won't help. Then there is combat and traits might give swiftness. (Needs to be careful and wait and check if you are in combat - cause of the different speed.)


Funny thing when yesterday I was tired after trying with engineer and failed at some early part where own mesmer portal could hep - switched to my mesmer and managed that part without problem. Then I had just "walked through" and somehow did it. The jump itsself was not that bad. Seems the hints on this got improved after the years:


Jumping really might put you too far ahead. "Walking/steering" forward as in the wiki might be best. Don't know about an early obstacle though (where you might hit if not pushing forward enough). I did the (read it somewhere) "dodgerolling forward" which required me (but there was enough time) to steer a bit backwards again afterwards.


So out of 2 jumps (1st one 2013, 2nd one yesterday) - and a lot of failed attempts getting up there ... 2nd jump was successful. And if feels really f*** good. Especially since it was without others porting me and without mounts/gliding. A real achievement. (And I live the jumping a lot in this game. Despite failing a lot. On some gw effieciency site the "honors in applied jumping" title is not owned by that many people and I have it, from SAB. And tons of bauble bubbles. Waiting for when this one returns - I saw it comes regularly each year - to spend some bauble currency and complete the weapon skin collection.)

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> @"Stallic.2397" said:

> > @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

> > I have someone in my guild who has a guaranteed way of getting the diving achievement for Aetherblade/Not So Secret. He has helped me on my account and three others that I know of, all on first time. It has to do with standing in the right place, looking in the right direction and then dodge rolling off the platform and you fall right into the water. I cannot speak for him, but If someone here is interested, I can message him and see if he is willing to post here.


> Someone helped me find the exact spot on the platform to dive off of. I probably would have spent another dozen hours without their help. Thank You!


> If anyone naively takes on this challenge, I recommend finding someone who could help. Thank god for a great GW2 community!


Yes, that's how I got the dive achievement too. There is also a video that shows just how to position yourself. Stand there, hit the dodge roll key and don't touch anything else on the way down, and you fall right to the exact spot.

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I remember when I made this jump three years ago. I needed a full party of similarly clumsy mesmers to make it to the top. In hindsight, I think it was great practice for the halloween and christmas jp's, which I was unable to do the prior year.


I mean, JP's can be hard... But it's because of that difficulty that people can get together to solve a problem. Isn't that what an mmo is about?

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I died on that JP repeatedly. I had a computer with the graphics turned down (but was an excellent computer for 2011, when I bought it), which meant it was REALLY difficult to work out the spot that people were pointing to. I had a patient chrono who came down to rez me and portal me back up. I think it took me half an hour before I got it, and they were so patient. That mesmer got a rather large tip. (I always tip the mesmers; they could be doing something else in game rather than helping people.)

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Here's some very helpful advice that helped me nail the dive spot every time.


Be in the center of the water of where you need to dive into, and on the map place a custom marker directly over your location. This will guarantee where you need to land. Just make sure you also be aware of the obstacles that jut out to block your fall.

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Omg. I remember that. I got that way back. My gripe with JPs isn't with the JPs themselves in 2019, it's with the huge "no mount" zones around them.

I'm speeding around mapping waypoints on my beetle, gymkhana style of course. I have my euro beat playing in the background. I pass another WP with that dopamine inducing sound like a checkpoint. YEAH!

But then. Dismount. Wth! Every time around that strip of land going south on both Lorner's and Timberline. Underneath the JPs. Sadface walking. I didn't even want to cheat the stupid JP. I was on my beetle. Wth.

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