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Seriously.... What about All or Nothing: Requiem?

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It's been over 1 and a half month since we got Rytlock's story. If it's not monthly, then how long will we have to wait to get 2nd story (not talking about 3rd)?


For such giant lore nerds as me and many others, it's very important to get into details as soon as possible, and we can only speculate what 2nd and 3rd stories will be about, but it's not healthy to keep us in suspense for so long, if it's simply just a text. Unless I'm wrong in thinking that those stories were written few months ago.


Well, the worse is not having a cadence, and then just say: 'this story was supposed to be released on March 19, but it will be delayed for a bit.' But I guess my expectations are just too high.


Thanks for reading, though. :)

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I also would like they talk about other characters than only Rytlock-Caithe-Zaphirah, like the other ones we met recently: Gorrik / "Blish" ah yeah can't it seems that he is dead...

Canach? would be pretty cool, Taimi maybe. Cap'n sly the best! Maybe more infos about what zojia is doing?

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Probably they're still recovering from the recent layoffs and this is lower priority and going to be delayed for a while longer.


However, I did enjoy the first story and would also like to see more about other characters. If they don't revisit Joko's past in game anymore, one of him would be nice to see his backstory in more detail.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> Yeah, the total silence is frightening. We’re gettjng a patch next week, for what? SAB? Episode 6 but no trailer? We just got balance so not that right? What the hell is going on?


No guarantee we’ll even get a patch next week. I would have thought we’d have something today about Sab at the very least but nothing. Lol


And everything in game feels so dead right now. I groups hardly in lfg for any of the new maps. Just a few here and there for heart of thorns metas and people still hanging around in wvw but they’re the same people that always hang out in wvw.


Feels like half of my guilds have gone into complete silence as well.


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> @"Poormany.4507" said:

> Probably they're still recovering from the recent layoffs and this is lower priority and going to be delayed for a while longer.


> However, I did enjoy the first story and would also like to see more about other characters. If they don't revisit Joko's past in game anymore, one of him would be nice to see his backstory in more detail.


But its not the game content. We know that the dev that wrote first story is still with us - he also wrote the lore for Warclaw and was talking about it in the last Guild Chat.


So I guess it's just willingness to keep us in suspense.


They can also release last two stories 2 weeks before episode hits, but it will be like 3 months after first came out...


The reactions after first story were great, I hope they wont abandon such a small bite sized story content.



EDIT: Rytlock’s story was written by Alex Kain of the ArenaNet Narrative team. [source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/all-or-nothing-requiem/]

Alex Kain in the Guild Chat [source:


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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> Yeah, the total silence is frightening. We’re gettjng a patch next week, for what? SAB? Episode 6 but no trailer? We just got balance so not that right? What the hell is going on?


Who said that? Patches come when they come. They’re rarely announced.


Its written in stone LWS chapters are always buffered by a week with a trailer. So that wont come.

SAB is possible (i dont want it, but its likely to come coming or following tuesday)


Balance patches are also often made public on reddit by the devs before the patch

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