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You know what really GRINDS MY GEARS?


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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > Chaith isn't going out of his way to defend engineer so much as point out inconsistencies in Mortrialus' argument. Mortrialus is downplaying some of the OP abilities of Mirage in order to exaggerate how OP Holo (or scrapper) is. Spin like this convinces nobody who isn't already agreeing with you.

> >

> > If he was going for spin, I don't think he would have been so forthcoming about his class. He's quite open about it, going so far as to say "this is my inner mesmer talking..." He pretty much starts off by saying this isn't necessarily a balance discussion but more an opinion piece on things he personally dislikes. It all seems pretty candid I think. That, and he evidently has at least working knowledge of, and ample hours on, a number of other classes. As I said above, many of his points seem to be falling victim to his disclosure of his class. For many on this forum, a cognitive wall goes up at the mere mention of the pink and purple butterfly class.


> There is an element of truth to that. **A lot of people have a gut reaction to mesmer which I think is a bit over-reactionary.** The trick is that when it comes to discussing whether something is OP or not, you shouldn't try to up-play or down-play any particular set of abilities or skills. For example, if we're comparing holo leap and jaunt... yeah, numerically they're identical in terms of distance traveled. But one lets you teleport over obstacles, the other does not. That's a massive difference, and ignoring it just seems like spin.


They are "the most cyberbullied class" after all. ;)


(This micro-meme will never be lived down.)

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> So don't act like I'm just on here slinging baseless personal attacks.


Gonna read the rest of the post now but just mentioning that I was speaking generally there, because of how I've seen people lean on threads like this. That quote was just the closest thing I could anchor my point to. That being said, I'll edit this in a min~




Both you and I are on the same page mostly, my whole hangup was with the idea that people have used and will use what essentially boils down to "bias" to not look at what the person is actually saying. I didn't intend to assert you particularly did that, but that tone seemed like it was developing in the thread.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Mesmer got all the nerfs I said were coming that people whined about me not talking about enough even though we all knew they were coming. Scrapper and Holo somehow escape without any real nerfs two patches in a row. Sic Em and Unstoppable Union untouched despite being one of the most toxic interactions in the game at this point, Spellbreakers are still outrunning Sonic the Hedgehog, DP Daredevil of all things got one of the most brutal nerfs with a 50% reduction in steal range completely out of left field. Elementalist, Necro, and guardian receive minor changes that won't really address much.

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