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Can't connect.

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I went to my characters' screen to switch characters and was unable to log into them. When I closed the game to restart, it took forever just to log in - now I am logged in and still can't connect to any character. I don't get any error, it just won't do anything after the character screen.

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Same, the login servers are totally messed up todasy, has for sure also somethign to do wioth their gemstore/Tp problems that they had before ...


its so annoying not to be able to login, cause the game keeps telling you not to be able to get these silly login servers to run, always gettign only to character screen and not further ...

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same problem.

i was in game i could not get into HotM nor into any running arenas, logged out and now i cant get back in...

i guet to the character selection screen then disconnect with an error saying that the cliet was unable to connect to the log in server and tells me it's MY FAULT ...

some firewall issue... ofc it is...

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thats just the typical standard point a fault always first to others text you will see in error messages liek that. The fact is, the EU login servers just are messed up right now somehow, and this basicalyl always affects a wide array of things which won't work then anymore for EU, be it the Gemstore, be it the Tradepost, or be it like now in our case even so far to not becoming able to log in with our characters anymore, cause one sid,e either ours, or that side of the login servver receives currently no signal response to basicalyl recognize our accounts wanting to get into the game... either our signal doesn#t arive the login server, or the response of the login servers doesn't get to our client so that we can log in.

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