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Game Issues (access, TP, Gem Store) 10-03/04 [merged]

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The Sacrifice instance is bugged and cannot be completed anytime anyone leaves the instance. This is exploitable by nasty people. This has happened to me 3 times now., in all cases, people have left the group in some way. One way is to join the group in LFG after it starts, and then to leave, realizing you have no chance to get in. Another is to be a selfish kitten and, when one of the achievements fail, you simply leave the group like a real kitten, and stop anyone else from completing the instance.


In all cases, either Vlast never sacrifices himself, or Balthazar become incapable of downing you. One way to know for sure this will happen is that you can move after he chains you to the ground.


Please fix. Unpleasant people can stop other from progressing.

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After trying to make an offer for rodgort-precursor ... i accidantly did it twice and wanted to remove one... it s gone from TP now.. but i did not receive my gold back. :( .. one offer is still in there and i m afraid of taking it back or doing anything.. xD hope, i ll get my 212 gold back :)


EDIT: The TP just needed 2h. It is fine.. xD

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Shortly after logging in game I get a "The game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time." message. Guessing this is due to whatever's happening with the Trading Post and Gem Store because I can't select anything in the Gem Store. I've tried exiting and restarting the game, also restarted my system but that message still pops up within a couple of minutes of entering the game world.

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I just checked trading post. And it withholded a ton of money. My items are listed as sold, but i got NO money out of them. For instance 7 linseed oils, gave me 0 gold but are listed as sold. On purpose, i sold some trash items, even THEY are listed as sold and 0 copper in box. I really hope Anet doesn't say 'ok it's fixed' but leaves the gold gap there (between actual sales, and actual collection box money).


Edit, it seems some people get money back with delay. I really hope that's true, i sold so much items it's hard to track how much money TP owes me.

Edit 2: some backlogged collection money came in now, while the 'sold' section remained same. Still missing, but closing gap it seems.

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I am playing through the PoF story on my second character, a charr Mirage. I finished the step where you allign Amnoon with a faction - I chose Joko - the exit button appeared after Kasmeer spoke to me and I clicked it and nothing happened, I tried moving to the green ring and clicked leave - again nothing, so I logged out to try logging back in and now cannot access any of my characters. The character selection screen greys out the play button then does nothing, eventually I get an error 42.

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And it seems that all instances are screwed up due to the server/TP/login problems. I tried The Sacrifice solo (to avoid the issues above) and everything is done except I cannot leave the instance via the little green exit or via the "click to leave this instance" icon above the mini-map.


I am going to be really grumpy if I lose progress after all this rubbish about server problems and buggy instance behaviour.

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