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Normally I stir the pot but this is different.


Seems that many are frightened at the thought of roamers having a dismount skill, apparently this will make the mount useless...


I just want to go over some facts here on the matter.

- Mounts will still have the extra movement

- You'll still be able to get to your zerg safely due to travelling faster in your own territory.

(think about how most zergs move and leave a trail of thier territory behind them after flipping stuff)

- It will still provide an extra health pool

- it will still give WvW that new momentum we've felt since it's introduction



Some facts that aren't being thought about.

- Yes its true you could be dismounted by a roamer, but you could also use a zerg to dismount a roamer.

- Roamers tend to stick to enemy territory, so roamers will have it worse off with the dismount change due to being slower than thier prey. (You came to the wrong neighborhood mofo)

- Solo roamers will have it the worse (those dirty gankers) as they will be dismounted by everyone they come across, losing thier edge in the process which is usually "ganking" someone who isn't aware of thier presence.



It's open world PvP, solo roaming the open world should have a sense of danger tied to it.


Conclusion: The change will only effect those who treat WvW as a PvE map.

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I mean, I mostly agree.

Though I don't think solo roamers will care about being dismounted too much -- if someone comes along and evens the playing field by dismounting the roamer and themselves the roamer will be at an advantage due (likely) to being more mobile. If a zerg were to come along and dismount the roamer, that speaks more to the roamer's lack of peripheral vision than the new mechanic.

Thieves can outright keep up with mounts while unmounted, revs can teleport/burst (usually long enough to knock the player off of the mount), rangers can build for enough mobility in conjunction with their ranged attacks to deal with the mount's low health pool, mesmers just need to get off a small burst for a few conditions and then wait a couple of seconds -- It doesn't feel to me like the whole mounted thing has changed the roaming scene _all that much._


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> I mean, I mostly agree.

> Though I don't think solo roamers will care about being dismounted too much -- if someone comes along and evens the playing field by dismounting the roamer and themselves the roamer will be at an advantage due (likely) to being more mobile. If a zerg were to come along and dismount the roamer, that speaks more to the roamer's lack of peripheral vision than the new mechanic.

> Thieves can outright keep up with mounts while unmounted, revs can teleport/burst (usually long enough to knock the player off of the mount), rangers can build for enough mobility in conjunction with their ranged attacks to deal with the mount's low health pool, mesmers just need to get off a small burst for a few conditions and then wait a couple of seconds -- It doesn't feel to me like the whole mounted thing has changed the roaming scene _all that much._


> ~ Kovu


The only change I felt was class switching, I was a bruiser DD temp that occasionally switched to staff to zerg if it was near enough and also the obvious running away and staring competitions we have now.


I get a sense of thrill from the dangers of solo roaming on Elementalist, a thrill that doesn't exist anymore in the current state of things. I admit, I find myself running from just about every 3v1 engagement now but the thrill used to be knowing how to avoid them or separating them for divide and conquer reasons.





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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> I get a sense of thrill from the dangers of solo roaming on Elementalist, a thrill that doesn't exist anymore in the current state of things


I have to agree with this in almost a majority of my engagements now. I used to enjoy using different classes to run around with, knowing the weaknesses of my build and the risks I take with confrontations - knowing that swiftness wasn't always a necessity if you knew how to outplay your enemies or use the terrain to juke them. Now it's just... meh. A lot of the fun is gone from what should always be an ever present risk wherever you travel. Now you can take pve builds or literally any random build [i've tried this lol] and basically do a lot of things without risk. It's important to have that [sense of danger], which is what a lot of people enjoyed and pulled them to this mode.

"I can die any moment now, let's see how long I survive this time".

"I want to get better, so I don't die so often"

"That person killed me, what could I have done to prevent that next time"

"I wonder what the weakness in their build is"

"Can I beat this guy? I'll try anyway"

"I need to survive better in the zerg and deal more damage"

"I need to learn better positioning in my zerg"

"I need to learn how to support my group better without dying"

Not many want challenges. Not many want to improve. The majority of the time, the method of "adapting" is to cry on forums until something gets nerfed. We live in a backwards world. When people fail at something, they lash out at what caused them to fail, instead of looking back at the situation and see where they went wrong. I for one, would like more skill plays in all areas, where everyone is striving to get to top notch levels, and bringing up in turn the skills of newer players. I do not mean I want some crazy form of elitism, I just want the standard of players that we have now to be much better than it is currently. It's actually funny to see some players "fighting" by mashing buttons and wasting all dodges, it's like a circus playground. It's not really the players fault as there is a curve that people need to get over to start progressing in wvw and feel that they have advanced just that little bit, but it is rewarding. I died so many times, I have the worst ping ever, but I keep playing... why? Because I am motivated to get over that and this game has such a beautiful combat/movement system and mostly I want to deal with that challenge and overcome it. If the combat devolves into simpler mechanics for casual play, people get bored quickly and move to other games because there is no challenge.


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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > I get a sense of thrill from the dangers of solo roaming on Elementalist, a thrill that doesn't exist anymore in the current state of things


> I have to agree with this in almost a majority of my engagements now. I used to enjoy using different classes to run around with, knowing the weaknesses of my build and the risks I take with confrontations - knowing that swiftness wasn't always a necessity if you knew how to outplay your enemies or use the terrain to juke them. Now it's just... meh. A lot of the fun is gone from what should always be an ever present risk wherever you travel. Now you can take pve builds or literally any random build [i've tried this lol] and basically do a lot of things without risk. It's important to have that [sense of danger], which is what a lot of people enjoyed and pulled them to this mode.

> "I can die any moment now, let's see how long I survive this time".

> "I want to get better, so I don't die so often"

> "That person killed me, what could I have done to prevent that next time"

> "I wonder what the weakness in their build is"

> "Can I beat this guy? I'll try anyway"

> "I need to survive better in the zerg and deal more damage"

> "I need to learn better positioning in my zerg"

> "I need to learn how to support my group better without dying"

> Not many want challenges. Not many want to improve. The majority of the time, the method of "adapting" is to cry on forums until something gets nerfed. We live in a backwards world. When people fail at something, they lash out at what caused them to fail, instead of looking back at the situation and see where they went wrong. I for one, would like more skill plays in all areas, where everyone is striving to get to top notch levels, and bringing up in turn the skills of newer players. I do not mean I want some crazy form of elitism, I just want the standard of players that we have now to be much better than it is currently. It's actually funny to see some players "fighting" by mashing buttons and wasting all dodges, it's like a circus playground. It's not really the players fault as there is a curve that people need to get over to start progressing in wvw and feel that they have advanced just that little bit, but it is rewarding. I died so many times, I have the worst ping ever, but I keep playing... why? Because I am motivated to get over that and this game has such a beautiful combat/movement system and mostly I want to deal with that challenge and overcome it. If the combat devolves into simpler mechanics for casual play, people get bored quickly and move to other games because there is no challenge.



I just want the mount to not be a free out of jail card to have this back, all that would need to be done is reduce the speed to swiftness walk and make the dodges 2, reduce HP but remove CC on dismount, we don't even need a dismount ability then, it would still offer everything else it does.

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I agree. As a mode of transport it is fine [the speed is faster than a glider? it's only slower compared to it in a certain situation of terrain]. It's also fine that it was given an evade which helps those that are less than willing to fight a chance to escape - but the amount of dodges can be a problem, especially coupled with CC immunity on top of the hp of the mount. One could just dismount before the last 1k hp runs out, still have 2 [or 3 dodges depending on class], have swiftness [if applicable], maybe a few more leaps, and then be out of combat to mount again away from the enemy. It should be difficult, but doable for a unmounted/mounted person [melee/ranged] to dismount a mounted enemy , but the mounted person should never be given such immunity to the point where they can literally run circles around people with no consequence. It has become a crutch that people use, and they are now by default mounted wherever they are for that extra hp/immunity/dodge. This dependancy will just lead to more players not actually depending on the crux of their builds which in turn leads to less skilled players, which then leads to more screaming on forums for nerfs when they get killed by something and then it will be followed by more hand holding.

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while the patch had a negativ effect on my roaming experience, it is not because people can avoid fighting me (i actually do think that its perfectly fine, that it is harder to get a roadkill). its much more because it is now harder for me to avoid fighting them, when they outnumber me too much.

i was mainly playing deadeye when solo and i got nerfed in 2 ways this patch. my stealth got gutted on the rifle wich is the weapon one would use in outnumbered fights and my opponents got faster so i cannot leave a fight at will as easily. imo the ability to solo roam mostly depends on the ability to disengage on demand, you can kill people with any profession if you play it to its strength. so with this patch after the mark changes a while back, i see little reason to bring my thief to WvW. i roam more on other professions. for example reaper as they are pretty good if you can start any fight in melee due to mount and i can on demand switch to a good zerg build. i even went roaming with staff ele as i can burst little groups much faster than my thief and can control the fight better with area CC/dmg all while being usefull to a blob. i just wish i had a reason to play my thief for anything in WvW.

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > - Solo roamers will have it the worse (those dirty gankers)

> >

> Sorry guy, I don't think that's how that word works.



It isn't, but that's how it's being portrayed in the forums by some, and they are just having a jab at it.

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > - Solo roamers will have it the worse (those dirty gankers)

> >

> Sorry guy, I don't think that's how that word works.



Solo and gank in the same sentence makes zero sense, how hard is it to understand for these people.

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verb: gank; verb: ganked; gerund or present participle: ganking; 3rd person present: ganks; past participle: ganked


take or steal (something).

"if I have the money, I won't have to gank the books"

defraud or rob (someone).

"they can take trade-ins of new releases and sell them for $55, essentially ganking the publishers"


(in a video game) use underhand means to defeat or kill (a less experienced opponent).

"that troll just ganked me"



1980s: origin uncertain; perhaps imitative or perhaps a shortening of an altered pronunciation of gangster.


Might I point you to definition #2.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> gank

> /ɡaNGk/Submit


> verb: gank; verb: ganked; gerund or present participle: ganking; 3rd person present: ganks; past participle: ganked

> 1.

> take or steal (something).

> "if I have the money, I won't have to gank the books"

> defraud or rob (someone).

> "they can take trade-ins of new releases and sell them for $55, essentially ganking the publishers"

> 2.

> (in a video game) use underhand means to defeat or kill (a less experienced opponent).

> "that troll just ganked me"

> Origin


> 1980s: origin uncertain; perhaps imitative or perhaps a shortening of an altered pronunciation of gangster.


> Might I point you to definition #2.

Also this proves all thieves are gankers.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > gank

> > /ɡaNGk/Submit


> > verb: gank; verb: ganked; gerund or present participle: ganking; 3rd person present: ganks; past participle: ganked

> > 1.

> > take or steal (something).

> > "if I have the money, I won't have to gank the books"

> > defraud or rob (someone).

> > "they can take trade-ins of new releases and sell them for $55, essentially ganking the publishers"

> > 2.

> > (in a video game) use underhand means to defeat or kill (a less experienced opponent).

> > "that troll just ganked me"

> > Origin

> >

> > 1980s: origin uncertain; perhaps imitative or perhaps a shortening of an altered pronunciation of gangster.

> >

> > Might I point you to definition #2.

> Also this proves all thieves are gankers.



I see what you did there. ?

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> gank

> /ɡaNGk/Submit


> verb: gank; verb: ganked; gerund or present participle: ganking; 3rd person present: ganks; past participle: ganked

> 1.

> take or steal (something).

> "if I have the money, I won't have to gank the books"

> defraud or rob (someone).

> "they can take trade-ins of new releases and sell them for $55, essentially ganking the publishers"

> 2.

> (in a video game) use underhand means to defeat or kill (a less experienced opponent).

> "that troll just ganked me"

> Origin


> 1980s: origin uncertain; perhaps imitative or perhaps a shortening of an altered pronunciation of gangster.


> Might I point you to definition #2.


This technically means that any tactic can be classed as ganking tho, depending on your definition of underhanded. I mean, abusing OOC on a condi build is underhanded, but I'd hardly consider that ganking.

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > gank

> > /ɡaNGk/Submit


> > verb: gank; verb: ganked; gerund or present participle: ganking; 3rd person present: ganks; past participle: ganked

> > 1.

> > take or steal (something).

> > "if I have the money, I won't have to gank the books"

> > defraud or rob (someone).

> > "they can take trade-ins of new releases and sell them for $55, essentially ganking the publishers"

> > 2.

> > (in a video game) use underhand means to defeat or kill (a less experienced opponent).

> > "that troll just ganked me"

> > Origin

> >

> > 1980s: origin uncertain; perhaps imitative or perhaps a shortening of an altered pronunciation of gangster.

> >

> > Might I point you to definition #2.


> This technically means that any tactic can be classed as ganking tho, depending on your definition of underhanded. I mean, abusing OOC on a condi build is underhanded, but I'd hardly consider that ganking.


Hey, I'm just posting the definition of Gank when you look it up in Google. Somebody else was trying to say that a SOLO person doesn't count as a Gank. That it had to be a Gang Kill, which is where they thought the word came from for some reason as a combination of the two words. Just pointing out that a Single Person can Gank and that it can be called a Gank.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > gank

> > > /ɡaNGk/Submit

> > > verbINFORMAL•US

> > > verb: gank; verb: ganked; gerund or present participle: ganking; 3rd person present: ganks; past participle: ganked

> > > 1.

> > > take or steal (something).

> > > "if I have the money, I won't have to gank the books"

> > > defraud or rob (someone).

> > > "they can take trade-ins of new releases and sell them for $55, essentially ganking the publishers"

> > > 2.

> > > (in a video game) use underhand means to defeat or kill (a less experienced opponent).

> > > "that troll just ganked me"

> > > Origin

> > >

> > > 1980s: origin uncertain; perhaps imitative or perhaps a shortening of an altered pronunciation of gangster.

> > >

> > > Might I point you to definition #2.

> >

> > This technically means that any tactic can be classed as ganking tho, depending on your definition of underhanded. I mean, abusing OOC on a condi build is underhanded, but I'd hardly consider that ganking.


> Hey, I'm just posting the definition of Gank when you look it up in Google. Somebody else was trying to say that a SOLO person doesn't count as a Gank. That it had to be a Gang Kill, which is where they thought the word came from for some reason as a combination of the two words. Just pointing out that a Single Person can Gank and that it can be called a Gank.


Yes, one person can Gank another person who's busy fighting a third person.

If player A is fighting player B, and player C joins in, attacking one of the two, then player C is ganking that player.

But one guy starting a pvp fight with one other guy isn't a Gank. There's ganking, regular fighting, and afk killing.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > gank

> > > /ɡaNGk/Submit

> > > verbINFORMAL•US

> > > verb: gank; verb: ganked; gerund or present participle: ganking; 3rd person present: ganks; past participle: ganked

> > > 1.

> > > take or steal (something).

> > > "if I have the money, I won't have to gank the books"

> > > defraud or rob (someone).

> > > "they can take trade-ins of new releases and sell them for $55, essentially ganking the publishers"

> > > 2.

> > > (in a video game) use underhand means to defeat or kill (a less experienced opponent).

> > > "that troll just ganked me"

> > > Origin

> > >

> > > 1980s: origin uncertain; perhaps imitative or perhaps a shortening of an altered pronunciation of gangster.

> > >

> > > Might I point you to definition #2.

> >

> > This technically means that any tactic can be classed as ganking tho, depending on your definition of underhanded. I mean, abusing OOC on a condi build is underhanded, but I'd hardly consider that ganking.


> Hey, I'm just posting the definition of Gank when you look it up in Google. Somebody else was trying to say that a SOLO person doesn't count as a Gank. That it had to be a Gang Kill, which is where they thought the word came from for some reason as a combination of the two words. Just pointing out that a Single Person can Gank and that it can be called a Gank.


Yeah, that's fair. Tbh what has been considered ganking is pretty subjective as it depends what that person considers fair. I've always seen it as there's good and bad strategies, and those that allow unnecessary room for counterplay are bad, so anything goes as long as it works.

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > > gank

> > > > /ɡaNGk/Submit

> > > > verbINFORMAL•US

> > > > verb: gank; verb: ganked; gerund or present participle: ganking; 3rd person present: ganks; past participle: ganked

> > > > 1.

> > > > take or steal (something).

> > > > "if I have the money, I won't have to gank the books"

> > > > defraud or rob (someone).

> > > > "they can take trade-ins of new releases and sell them for $55, essentially ganking the publishers"

> > > > 2.

> > > > (in a video game) use underhand means to defeat or kill (a less experienced opponent).

> > > > "that troll just ganked me"

> > > > Origin

> > > >

> > > > 1980s: origin uncertain; perhaps imitative or perhaps a shortening of an altered pronunciation of gangster.

> > > >

> > > > Might I point you to definition #2.

> > >

> > > This technically means that any tactic can be classed as ganking tho, depending on your definition of underhanded. I mean, abusing OOC on a condi build is underhanded, but I'd hardly consider that ganking.

> >

> > Hey, I'm just posting the definition of Gank when you look it up in Google. Somebody else was trying to say that a SOLO person doesn't count as a Gank. That it had to be a Gang Kill, which is where they thought the word came from for some reason as a combination of the two words. Just pointing out that a Single Person can Gank and that it can be called a Gank.


> Yes, one person can Gank another person who's busy fighting a third person.

> If player A is fighting player B, and player C joins in, attacking one of the two, then player C is ganking that player.

> But one guy starting a pvp fight with one other guy isn't a Gank. There's ganking, regular fighting, and afk killing.


Well that also depends on if it was a mutual PvP fight, or if person A decided to Gank person B on their way to do something else and then person C decides to Gank person A for fighting person B.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > > > gank

> > > > > /ɡaNGk/Submit

> > > > > verbINFORMAL•US

> > > > > verb: gank; verb: ganked; gerund or present participle: ganking; 3rd person present: ganks; past participle: ganked

> > > > > 1.

> > > > > take or steal (something).

> > > > > "if I have the money, I won't have to gank the books"

> > > > > defraud or rob (someone).

> > > > > "they can take trade-ins of new releases and sell them for $55, essentially ganking the publishers"

> > > > > 2.

> > > > > (in a video game) use underhand means to defeat or kill (a less experienced opponent).

> > > > > "that troll just ganked me"

> > > > > Origin

> > > > >

> > > > > 1980s: origin uncertain; perhaps imitative or perhaps a shortening of an altered pronunciation of gangster.

> > > > >

> > > > > Might I point you to definition #2.

> > > >

> > > > This technically means that any tactic can be classed as ganking tho, depending on your definition of underhanded. I mean, abusing OOC on a condi build is underhanded, but I'd hardly consider that ganking.

> > >

> > > Hey, I'm just posting the definition of Gank when you look it up in Google. Somebody else was trying to say that a SOLO person doesn't count as a Gank. That it had to be a Gang Kill, which is where they thought the word came from for some reason as a combination of the two words. Just pointing out that a Single Person can Gank and that it can be called a Gank.

> >

> > Yes, one person can Gank another person who's busy fighting a third person.

> > If player A is fighting player B, and player C joins in, attacking one of the two, then player C is ganking that player.

> > But one guy starting a pvp fight with one other guy isn't a Gank. There's ganking, regular fighting, and afk killing.


> Well that also depends on if it was a mutual PvP fight, or if person A decided to Gank person B on their way to do something else and then person C decides to Gank person A for fighting person B.


Sure. The way I see it is there's generally nothing bad about ganking as we all do it all the time. It's only bothersome and toxic when you see people run around with 1 shot builds for example 2 DDs using stealth, effectively killing you in less than .5 seconds, not for any reason. Say you're just leaving spawn to do whatever. And they target you. Sometimes they do it over and over. But if you're just trying to stop someone to get into a tower and defend or whatever that's part of the game mode. Deliberately targeting ppl for no specific reason going 2 or 3v1 is the bad kinda ganking.

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > > > > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > > > > gank

> > > > > > /ɡaNGk/Submit

> > > > > > verbINFORMAL•US

> > > > > > verb: gank; verb: ganked; gerund or present participle: ganking; 3rd person present: ganks; past participle: ganked

> > > > > > 1.

> > > > > > take or steal (something).

> > > > > > "if I have the money, I won't have to gank the books"

> > > > > > defraud or rob (someone).

> > > > > > "they can take trade-ins of new releases and sell them for $55, essentially ganking the publishers"

> > > > > > 2.

> > > > > > (in a video game) use underhand means to defeat or kill (a less experienced opponent).

> > > > > > "that troll just ganked me"

> > > > > > Origin

> > > > > >

> > > > > > 1980s: origin uncertain; perhaps imitative or perhaps a shortening of an altered pronunciation of gangster.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Might I point you to definition #2.

> > > > >

> > > > > This technically means that any tactic can be classed as ganking tho, depending on your definition of underhanded. I mean, abusing OOC on a condi build is underhanded, but I'd hardly consider that ganking.

> > > >

> > > > Hey, I'm just posting the definition of Gank when you look it up in Google. Somebody else was trying to say that a SOLO person doesn't count as a Gank. That it had to be a Gang Kill, which is where they thought the word came from for some reason as a combination of the two words. Just pointing out that a Single Person can Gank and that it can be called a Gank.

> > >

> > > Yes, one person can Gank another person who's busy fighting a third person.

> > > If player A is fighting player B, and player C joins in, attacking one of the two, then player C is ganking that player.

> > > But one guy starting a pvp fight with one other guy isn't a Gank. There's ganking, regular fighting, and afk killing.

> >

> > Well that also depends on if it was a mutual PvP fight, or if person A decided to Gank person B on their way to do something else and then person C decides to Gank person A for fighting person B.


> Sure. The way I see it is there's generally nothing bad about ganking as we all do it all the time. It's only bothersome and toxic when you see people run around with 1 shot builds for example 2 DDs using stealth, effectively killing you in less than .5 seconds, not for any reason. Say you're just leaving spawn to do whatever. And they target you. Sometimes they do it over and over. But if you're just trying to stop someone to get into a tower and defend or whatever that's part of the game mode. Deliberately targeting ppl for no specific reason going 2 or 3v1 is the bad kinda ganking.


Completely agree. My beef with people who Gank are those that build a specific build, 1-shot Perma-Stealth Thief, to purposely seek out people to kill for no other reason than to just be able to do it and those that just sit at Spawn, again in Stealth or just out of LOS, and jump players as they respawn. If you happen to be killed just outside of a Tower as you are trying to go in to defend then that's the way it goes. If you are caught at a camp trying to defend the camp and die, again that is the way it goes. My problem, and what I consider to be Ganking, is with Stealth. I feel that it's an unfair, lazy mechanic that promotes toxic play that in the long run ends up driving a lot of players away from WvW. There is nothing more frustrating to anybody than just instantly being killed when you never saw it coming.

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