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Theory about Kralka (spoil)


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Hi i would like to share with you my theory about Kralkatorik.



First of all this is Kralkatorrik from guild wars 1:


concept art : https://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fichier:Kralkatorrik.jpg


in game screen : https://s3.amazonaws.com/galleries.guildlaunch.net/279736/gw6041047Pop.jpg


We can see his spine.


Well the second things i want to speak about it's Menzies and The margonite.


Mallyx the Unyielding : https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/gwwikia/images/e/e5/Mallyx_the_Unyielding.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20061220163323


Margonite concept art : https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:%22Margonite%22_concept_art_1.jpg


In game model (guild wars nightfall):




So, now maybe some of you know where i want to go.


Now, what we have in guild wars 2 ? Well take a look !


The Shatterer: https://images5.alphacoders.com/415/415674.jpg


Branded Human: https://paletreetales.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/gw007.jpg


I think there is a great resemblance between margonites and branded.


So, let's speak about Menzies. In guild wars 1 he wanted to usurp Balthazar and take his power in order to take the control of the fissure of Woe. To do so he concludes an alliance with Abaddon and Dhuum's servants. (for more details check this https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Menzies )


In Guild wars 2, we've killed Balthazar. Which leaves a place of choice in the pantheon of 6 for Menzies. (PS: We know that Menzies is in the Realm of Torment located in The Desolation, where we killed Abaddon in Nightfall)






Now there is my theory: I think Menzies may have taken control of Kralkatorrik or made an alliance with him to lend him his powers. Or maybe I'm wrong and I imagine too many things. But honestly I think the resemblance between the Margonites and Branded is striking, maybe it's Anet did not think but it seems too big for me to be the case.




PS: i don't have read books from Guild wars. So if i miss something forgive me and sorry for my poor english !

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There is literally nothing in this connection at all. Apart from the lack of any connection, a God or God-like being cannot just takeover an Elder Dragon. If any one actually God could do this, the Elder Dragon problem would have been solved a long time ago instead of the Gods leaving.

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> @"tyti.3071" said:

> I think there is a great resemblance between margonites and branded.


> So, let's speak about Menzies. In guild wars 1 he wanted to usurp Balthazar and take his power in order to take the control of the fissure of Woe. To do so he concludes an alliance with Abaddon and Dhuum's servants. (for more details check this https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Menzies )


> In Guild wars 2, we've killed Balthazar. Which leaves a place of choice in the pantheon of 6 for Menzies. (PS: We know that Menzies is in the Realm of Torment located in The Desolation, where we killed Abaddon in Nightfall)


> tl;dr


> Now there is my theory: I think Menzies may have taken control of Kralkatorrik or made an alliance with him to lend him his powers. Or maybe I'm wrong and I imagine too many things. But honestly I think the resemblance between the Margonites and Branded is striking, maybe it's Anet did not think but it seems too big for me to be the case.


There isn't a relation between Margonites and Branded; their similarity you see is pure coincidence born out of misunderstanding the visuals. The Margonites' blue/purple glow is transparent water and their skin turned to fish scales, meanwhile for branded it's solid crystal or in the Shatterer's case for his chest, air, and their skin turned to stone (basalt based on the books, in fact). These are very different elements. Branded also lack the iconic six eyes of Abaddon.


Besides that, I'm not sure where the incorrect notion of Margonites and Branded looking similar is at all related to Menzies. Menzies might have allied with Abaddon, but his minions were the Shadow Army - a group of Nightmares, which are basically blackened souls, and something that Dhuum is capable of creating and commanding in large quantities as well.


Also, there is no place in the pantheon. A god's divinity cannot exist without a living host, and Balthazar was stripped of his divinity well before GW2's time. We don't know who replaced him, but based on lore, there **must** be a replacement already.


There's also implication in Path of Fire, and dev comments, and Menzies has been dead for a while, and part of Balthazar's lust for battle against the Elder Dragons was driven by the lack of a current rival.


Lastly, Kralkatorrik is not really a being to make alliances, and would be far more likely to corrupt Menzies should they encounter each other (presuming that he could corrupt Menzies; we do not know what kind of being Menzies is/was, after all). Plus, if a god or god-like being could take control of or replace an Elder Dragon, then there was no point in the Commander antagonizing Balthazar in Season 3/Path of Fire.

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