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Question about Order weapon skins

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As I have recently returned to GW2 after quite a long hiatus, I have actually forgotten a lot of story/plot. Not a bad thing.


As I went through my level 30 PS chapter, I was reminded how you get rewarded an Order weapon. So my questions is this: is this the only way to unlock the Order weapon skins? Because that would mean you would have to make one character for each weapon (because you only get to pick one), which is 19 skins, times 3 (Priory, Whispers, Vigil) to get all the weapon skins for every Order. AKA, 57 different characters (or at least playing 57 characters to level 30) in order to do this.


Is this correct or am I missing other ways to obtain the Order weapon skins?

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Buying the Order skins is a pretty expensive endeavor, but it can be done.


I prefer to do a weekly "key farm" and then tack on a few extra story missions to unlock the skins for free. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Key_farming

You just need 1 character slot that you play on and delete each week until you have all the skins unlocked. The added bonus is the free Black Lion Chest Keys. You can get both the level 10 and level 40 keys since you're going up to 30 anyway for the Order skin.

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