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Question for fractal/raid runners


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I have been leveling a mesmer (60 at the moment), and despite still trying to grasp it completely, have been enjoying it. In the next few days, elite spec time!


My question is this... assume I am just an average PvE player. Not terrible at the class, but not great either. If you were in a party, what would you be more forgiving of: a mediocre mirage or a mediocre chrono?


My guess is mirage, as a good chrono can boost the dps of everyone else to sort of make up for the said mediocre mirage dps, whereas a mediocre chrono is going to affect the dps of the entire party. Or, is the chrono support not as important now as it has been in the past (first time playing in over a year btw). I like playing support roles, but at the same time, if I'm a crappy support, it kind of defeats the purpose. I'm getting old and don't have the skill/reactions I used to. I can admit that. I will never be an elite player, and I am ok with that. I just want to have fun playing my spec, but also not be the rage of every group I join.

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Speaking for chronos - practice makes perfect. They used to be so OP that being a mediocre one can still carry a party. Now, you have to get your rotations on point, know which off-hand weapon to use and when to drop your wells. However, it's not _always_ your fault if your party doesn't get their boons from you. You can't really help it if they don't stand on your wells until after they proc. _Not_ always because you still have to know when to not cast your stuff when they'll just be wasted because of incoming mechanics.

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I will tell you a little secret about chronos in PUGs, if you consider youself as a medicore chrono then you are already better than 90% of chronos in PUGS with <300li

And you can use mirage on most bosses, maybe you will not be top DPS on gorseval but definetly will have more DPS than some people who go there and press random buttons in hope that they get lucky(talking about AVG groups <300Li)

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> @"SilverArrowsMP.2957" said:

> I have been leveling a mesmer (60 at the moment), and despite still trying to grasp it completely, have been enjoying it. In the next few days, elite spec time!



Great, it's a very fun and challenging class.


> @"SilverArrowsMP.2957" said:

> My question is this... assume I am just an average PvE player. Not terrible at the class, but not great either. If you were in a party, what would you be more forgiving of: a mediocre mirage or a mediocre chrono?


I'm saying this with all the respect and compassion I can, but I will be harsh:

If you are still leveling the chrono or just hit 80 and got the specialization unlocked you will be terrible. Not mediocre, not bad, terrible.


What will be required from you will be to:

- learn multiple trait lines and individual traits and when they are useful

- learn which utilities are useful when and for what

- learn which weapons are used for what

- actually practice chrono rotations

- gear up the probably most expensive class currently to gear


After doing all that, you'll be a decent chrono ideally. Once you know fractal and raid specific mechanics and tactics you'll advance to being a good or great chrono.


What I'm trying to say is this: be humble and realize that no matter how good of a player you think you are, it will take time.


As far as chrono or mirage? Definitely chrono.


> @"SilverArrowsMP.2957" said:


> My guess is mirage, as a good chrono can boost the dps of everyone else to sort of make up for the said mediocre mirage dps, whereas a mediocre chrono is going to affect the dps of the entire party. Or, is the chrono support not as important now as it has been in the past (first time playing in over a year btw). I like playing support roles, but at the same time, if I'm a crappy support, it kind of defeats the purpose. I'm getting old and don't have the skill/reactions I used to. I can admit that. I will never be an elite player, and I am ok with that. I just want to have fun playing my spec, but also not be the rage of every group I join.


Chrono has dropped from god-support-who-has-to-do-all-mechanics (for his pleb group) to very good support who relies on people positioning correctly without him being able to carry the team any more.


If you want an easier to play, but very effective class which excels at support, give the Firebrand a try. It's basically a superior quickness bot (without alacrity) with massive utility. Most important though, it allows for more mistakes over chrono and is easier to play and has less all-or-nothing skills.

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I play my mirage in fractals. I review my rotations and look at meters from 'Archdps' to calculate and improve my my rotation/etcs. I rarely am ever the 'top' dps'er of the group--but also not the worst. Mirage condition ramp up time takes awhile and fractal (unless its a boss fight that doesn't wipe conditions) mobs die too fast. I am finding that PowerDPS spec is just generally better. However, the ONLY time I ever find that power > condition is for CM's--so everyday T4 Fractals (with mirage condition dps) are more than enough for PUG's.


I did make a Quickbrand/Healbrand and must agree with the above post. They are easy to play...fun...and really benefit the group with 100% quickness. I am seeing a lot more FB's when PUG groups fill up, so much so, people swap to some other DPS class, as there is too much support now. I might just make a Rev, but honestly, unless I am in a crappy pug group or CM---my FB can keep the group healed/buffed with no help.

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