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So when will anet compensate us for better servers due to warclaw addition?


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> @"erKo.9586" said:

> I did start to play GW2 again 5 days ago (WvW). After a year break.


> And I was reacting to the lag in blob-fights, Im on a super-CPU & a 1000/1000 internet-line, so yes the new addition of mounts probable causing this.


The lag we're talking about is not FPS lag it's skill lag where none of your skills go off in a fight. You'll get low FPS if your computer is a potato or you have options jacked up that shouldn't be like Character model limit etc. Most players get bad FPS because of their options

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > @"Optimator.3589" said:

> > The problem isn't so much the server as it is the game engine. GW2 is built on a heavily modified DX9 original Guild Wars engine, and it's just not optimised at all for the numbers of players and effects. So don't hold your breath waiting for any improvements to performance.

> >

> > Maybe City State will license the CU engine to Anet a year or two after CU launches, and GW3 can be built on something less awful :trollface: .

> >


> Now days, you can just feel it when a mount zerg is coming.

> I saw something about a dx12 add-on in the forum, not sure if using it is bannable using it but does it make any difference if anyone's tried it?


I use the mod and it increased performance by a ton.

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Rationally thinking; Warclaws haven't brought any more skill lag than what we had previously. The mount itself is not spamming out skills that creates an overload on the server. The server only needs to tell the clients what mount skin to load with what dyes, which is all minimal data. It does need to keep track of the mount's health and conditions ticking on it, that is true, but I don't see how that creates any more lag than when the server keeps track of this on a player character. I also think it's basically all tracked on the player entity regardless. The more people who are mounted, the less lag we should basically get as far as I see it, since there'd be less skills being used by everyone at once. I have also not had any single experience since the release of the Warclaw where skill lag occurred during a 1 server on 1 server large scale battle. It's only when all 3 servers gets involved with their bigger teams that the skill lag occurs. Just as it has always been. Skill lag existed in 2012, it exists in 2019. The only solution would be to drastically lowering the amount of people who can be in a map at any given time, as there are just too much for the server to handle when upwards of 150 people clash, all littering the ground with fields, damaging one another, having active conditions ticking, buffs coming and going, while healing each other up. It simply becomes too much to keep track of, and I think it's understandable that the servers choke. But with less people being allowed in, we'd complain about that instead. We already complain about queues.

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> @"Absconditus.6804" said:

> Rationally thinking; Warclaws haven't brought any more skill lag than what we had previously. The mount itself is not spamming out skills that creates an overload on the server. The server only needs to tell the clients what mount skin to load with what dyes, which is all minimal data. It does need to keep track of the mount's health and conditions ticking on it, that is true, but I don't see how that creates any more lag than when the server keeps track of this on a player character. I also think it's basically all tracked on the player entity regardless. The more people who are mounted, the less lag we should basically get as far as I see it, since there'd be less skills being used by everyone at once. I have also not had any single experience since the release of the Warclaw where skill lag occurred during a 1 server on 1 server large scale battle. It's only when all 3 servers gets involved with their bigger teams that the skill lag occurs. Just as it has always been. Skill lag existed in 2012, it exists in 2019. The only solution would be to drastically lowering the amount of people who can be in a map at any given time, as there are just too much for the server to handle when upwards of 150 people clash, all littering the ground with fields, damaging one another, having active conditions ticking, buffs coming and going, while healing each other up. It simply becomes too much to keep track of, and I think it's understandable that the servers choke. But with less people being allowed in, we'd complain about that instead. We already complain about queues.


Are we playing a different game? What server are you on?


On the EU Server, the difference before patch and after patch is night and day. During the lag you can't even autoattack and cast instant skills which has **never** been a thing since I started playing in early 2013.

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> @"Kraljevo.2801" said:

> > @"Absconditus.6804" said:

> > Rationally thinking; Warclaws haven't brought any more skill lag than what we had previously. The mount itself is not spamming out skills that creates an overload on the server. The server only needs to tell the clients what mount skin to load with what dyes, which is all minimal data. It does need to keep track of the mount's health and conditions ticking on it, that is true, but I don't see how that creates any more lag than when the server keeps track of this on a player character. I also think it's basically all tracked on the player entity regardless. The more people who are mounted, the less lag we should basically get as far as I see it, since there'd be less skills being used by everyone at once. I have also not had any single experience since the release of the Warclaw where skill lag occurred during a 1 server on 1 server large scale battle. It's only when all 3 servers gets involved with their bigger teams that the skill lag occurs. Just as it has always been. Skill lag existed in 2012, it exists in 2019. The only solution would be to drastically lowering the amount of people who can be in a map at any given time, as there are just too much for the server to handle when upwards of 150 people clash, all littering the ground with fields, damaging one another, having active conditions ticking, buffs coming and going, while healing each other up. It simply becomes too much to keep track of, and I think it's understandable that the servers choke. But with less people being allowed in, we'd complain about that instead. We already complain about queues.


> Are we playing a different game? What server are you on?


> On the EU Server, the difference before patch and after patch is night and day. During the lag you can't even autoattack and cast instant skills which has **never** been a thing since I started playing in early 2013.


My server is in the forum signature and the skill lag haven't really changed since 2012. As has been the case for over half a decade, it occurs during 3-way clashes between the servers when there's a larger number of players involved on each side. That can occur elsewhere on the map too, not just where you are of course. Sometimes it's easy to not notice the orange swords elsewhere when you are in a fight in your current location. Technically speaking, not all servers needs to be together in one small location either, as long as there are large clashes occurring simultaneously all across the map, the effect on the server would be the same obviously. There's no night and day difference, it feels exactly the same and occurs during the same exact situation. The only night and day difference may be that there are now far more players in WvW if you were on a lower populated WvW server. That should technically be a good thing, as more players playing the mode should correlate to ArenaNet wanting to put more efforts into improving it. But I wouldn't expect them to be able to resolve the skill lag anytime soon. It's obviously a lot for a server to keep track of with all the conditions, boons, fields and players being affected at the same time during these large clashes.


Logically, how is the Warclaw itself causing skill lag? Think about it critically. What does the Warclaw do that would be a factor in creating skill lag? Is it spamming out fields? No. Is it spamming skills? No. Is it applying boons and/or conditions? No. What logical reason could the Warclaw have in being the supposedly sole reason suddenly that skill lag which has existed since 2012 is experienced? The only thing I can logically think of is that there are more players partaking in World vs. World across all servers, thus the same skill lag I have experienced since 2012 is now experienced on what has been smaller WvW servers as well, as they've picked up more players together with other servers in their matchup.


I'm not a fan of skill lag either. It's frustrating. But I understand it's not necessarily an easy thing to fix and it's not necessarily related to the hardware the servers are running on. There's so much data the server needs to track all at once during the large clashes, so it throttles/chokes. It doesn't just need to track your applied Bleeding and Torment, your applied Poison. It needs to track everyone's applied sources of any given condition, how long they last related to modifiers and Expertise, how much damage they do in relation to everyone's respective modifiers and Condition Damage, how much longer is x boon going to last? How much is that Regeneration ticking for based on modifiers and Healing Power? Etc., etc., etc. — there is _so much data_ to keep track of during a large clash.

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> @"Absconditus.6804" said:

> > @"Kraljevo.2801" said:

> > > @"Absconditus.6804" said:

> > > Rationally thinking; Warclaws haven't brought any more skill lag than what we had previously. The mount itself is not spamming out skills that creates an overload on the server. The server only needs to tell the clients what mount skin to load with what dyes, which is all minimal data. It does need to keep track of the mount's health and conditions ticking on it, that is true, but I don't see how that creates any more lag than when the server keeps track of this on a player character. I also think it's basically all tracked on the player entity regardless. The more people who are mounted, the less lag we should basically get as far as I see it, since there'd be less skills being used by everyone at once. I have also not had any single experience since the release of the Warclaw where skill lag occurred during a 1 server on 1 server large scale battle. It's only when all 3 servers gets involved with their bigger teams that the skill lag occurs. Just as it has always been. Skill lag existed in 2012, it exists in 2019. The only solution would be to drastically lowering the amount of people who can be in a map at any given time, as there are just too much for the server to handle when upwards of 150 people clash, all littering the ground with fields, damaging one another, having active conditions ticking, buffs coming and going, while healing each other up. It simply becomes too much to keep track of, and I think it's understandable that the servers choke. But with less people being allowed in, we'd complain about that instead. We already complain about queues.

> >

> > Are we playing a different game? What server are you on?

> >

> > On the EU Server, the difference before patch and after patch is night and day. During the lag you can't even autoattack and cast instant skills which has **never** been a thing since I started playing in early 2013.


> My server is in the forum signature and the skill lag haven't really changed since 2012. As has been the case for over half a decade, it occurs during 3-way clashes between the servers when there's a larger number of players involved on each side. That can occur elsewhere on the map too, not just where you are of course. Sometimes it's easy to not notice the orange swords elsewhere when you are in a fight in your current location. Technically speaking, not all servers needs to be together in one small location either, as long as there are large clashes occurring simultaneously all across the map, the effect on the server would be the same obviously. There's no night and day difference, it feels exactly the same and occurs during the same exact situation. The only night and day difference may be that there are now far more players in WvW if you were on a lower populated WvW server. That should technically be a good thing, as more players playing the mode should correlate to ArenaNet wanting to put more efforts into improving it. But I wouldn't expect them to be able to resolve the skill lag anytime soon. It's obviously a lot for a server to keep track of with all the conditions, boons, fields and players being affected at the same time during these large clashes.


> Logically, how is the Warclaw itself causing skill lag? Think about it critically. What does the Warclaw do that would be a factor in creating skill lag? Is it spamming out fields? No. Is it spamming skills? No. Is it applying boons and/or conditions? No. What logical reason could the Warclaw have in being the supposedly sole reason suddenly that skill lag which has existed since 2012 is experienced? The only thing I can logically think of is that there are more players partaking in World vs. World across all servers, thus the same skill lag I have experienced since 2012 is now experienced on what has been smaller WvW servers as well, as they've picked up more players together with other servers in their matchup.


> I'm not a fan of skill lag either. It's frustrating. But I understand it's not necessarily an easy thing to fix and it's not necessarily related to the hardware the servers are running on. There's so much data the server needs to track all at once during the large clashes, so it throttles/chokes. It doesn't just need to track your applied Bleeding and Torment, your applied Poison. It needs to track everyone's applied sources of any given condition, how long they last related to modifiers and Expertise, how much damage they do in relation to everyone's respective modifiers and Condition Damage, how much longer is x boon going to last? How much is that Regeneration ticking for based on modifiers and Healing Power? Etc., etc., etc. — there is _so much data_ to keep track of during a large clash.


2012 lag was much worse than now or did we forget about the rendering problems we had when the game was released?


I remeber zergs just randomly showing up in front of me like they all popped out of stealth...

Then there was portal bombs with no cap, a whole zerg would take it and you would be dead before anyone even rendered lol


I remember adding skill caps to skills was a great factor into addressing those problems, as much as I miss glamour bombing an entire zerg.


I am just specifically adressing that point too, otherwise I pretty much agree with you.


I dont know much about this stuff but if I were to guess why mounts make it laggier than before, Id say it has more to do with the fact more people can pile onto the fight quicker now, like a stacks on game... This could be causing the strain.

Lag in fights would thin out as players died and spent ages trying to get back too but now you can die and mount your way back before the next push is made so to speak.


I don't know if I explained my perspective properly but I hope it made sense.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" posted this recently on Reddit:

> https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/b94jzm/wvw_queue_let_me_change_toon_before_entering/ek4960q/

> We ran several load playtests during development and we decided that the increase in load wasn't unmanageable. In some cases, it might actually be cheaper to have players mounted, as while mounted, you have access to fewer player skills, which can be expensive.


> All that being said, we've been looking at a lot of new telemetry lately and are doing some targeted changes to help with server load. Things like looking at which skill scripts are very expensive. But at this point in the game, it's unlikely we'll find a silver bullet for server performance. It's going to be hundreds of small improvements.


> An example! One weird thing we discovered when going through this was that NPC AI is actually considering walls and gates when choosing targets. This makes no sense, since they can't really effectively damage them. So removing this from their behavior is coming soon. While you probably won't notice a server performance increase just from this change, it's finding more things like this that will help things over time.



And in response to someone asking, "wait, I thought you reduced the map capacity (letting fewer people in)," @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" wrote:

> No. There was talk about it before we launched the Warclaw, but it was something we decided not to do. There was a team member who mentioned that to a player and that made it around. But he was mistaken.

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> @"Absconditus.6804" said:

> > @"Kraljevo.2801" said:

> > > @"Absconditus.6804" said:

> > > Rationally thinking; Warclaws haven't brought any more skill lag than what we had previously. The mount itself is not spamming out skills that creates an overload on the server. The server only needs to tell the clients what mount skin to load with what dyes, which is all minimal data. It does need to keep track of the mount's health and conditions ticking on it, that is true, but I don't see how that creates any more lag than when the server keeps track of this on a player character. I also think it's basically all tracked on the player entity regardless. The more people who are mounted, the less lag we should basically get as far as I see it, since there'd be less skills being used by everyone at once. I have also not had any single experience since the release of the Warclaw where skill lag occurred during a 1 server on 1 server large scale battle. It's only when all 3 servers gets involved with their bigger teams that the skill lag occurs. Just as it has always been. Skill lag existed in 2012, it exists in 2019. The only solution would be to drastically lowering the amount of people who can be in a map at any given time, as there are just too much for the server to handle when upwards of 150 people clash, all littering the ground with fields, damaging one another, having active conditions ticking, buffs coming and going, while healing each other up. It simply becomes too much to keep track of, and I think it's understandable that the servers choke. But with less people being allowed in, we'd complain about that instead. We already complain about queues.

> >

> > Are we playing a different game? What server are you on?

> >

> > On the EU Server, the difference before patch and after patch is night and day. During the lag you can't even autoattack and cast instant skills which has **never** been a thing since I started playing in early 2013.


> My server is in the forum signature and the skill lag haven't really changed since 2012. As has been the case for over half a decade, it occurs during 3-way clashes between the servers when there's a larger number of players involved on each side. That can occur elsewhere on the map too, not just where you are of course. Sometimes it's easy to not notice the orange swords elsewhere when you are in a fight in your current location. Technically speaking, not all servers needs to be together in one small location either, as long as there are large clashes occurring simultaneously all across the map, the effect on the server would be the same obviously. There's no night and day difference, it feels exactly the same and occurs during the same exact situation. The only night and day difference may be that there are now far more players in WvW if you were on a lower populated WvW server. That should technically be a good thing, as more players playing the mode should correlate to ArenaNet wanting to put more efforts into improving it. But I wouldn't expect them to be able to resolve the skill lag anytime soon. It's obviously a lot for a server to keep track of with all the conditions, boons, fields and players being affected at the same time during these large clashes.


> Logically, how is the Warclaw itself causing skill lag? Think about it critically. What does the Warclaw do that would be a factor in creating skill lag? Is it spamming out fields? No. Is it spamming skills? No. Is it applying boons and/or conditions? No. What logical reason could the Warclaw have in being the supposedly sole reason suddenly that skill lag which has existed since 2012 is experienced? The only thing I can logically think of is that there are more players partaking in World vs. World across all servers, thus the same skill lag I have experienced since 2012 is now experienced on what has been smaller WvW servers as well, as they've picked up more players together with other servers in their matchup.


> I'm not a fan of skill lag either. It's frustrating. But I understand it's not necessarily an easy thing to fix and it's not necessarily related to the hardware the servers are running on. There's so much data the server needs to track all at once during the large clashes, so it throttles/chokes. It doesn't just need to track your applied Bleeding and Torment, your applied Poison. It needs to track everyone's applied sources of any given condition, how long they last related to modifiers and Expertise, how much damage they do in relation to everyone's respective modifiers and Condition Damage, how much longer is x boon going to last? How much is that Regeneration ticking for based on modifiers and Healing Power? Etc., etc., etc. — there is _so much data_ to keep track of during a large clash.


I've always said on these forums that the patch that introduced Warclaw also introduced lag, it might not be warclaw itself but something went wrong somewhere and is the reason why we get lag. If you haven't experienced it idk when or how you play but my whole server has had the lag, and it is not only 3-way fights, sometimes 2-way fights and even in spawn the skills don't work. Couple of nights ago we couldn't even 1111, and that never happened before warclaw patch even in 3-way fights

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