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PoF maps: Aggro mobs everywhere


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I just wanna enjoy sometimes the beautiful view of these new landscapes in PoF. But unfortunately i'm getting attacked every 2 meters. It's just not fun anymore. What did the devs think? This makes it more challenging for players? No it only makes it more annoying. The mobs are easy to kill. I just wanna stand still and chill sometimes, looking into the AH or looking at gw2 nature.


Pls reduce the amount of mobs in PoF. Thanks

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Your instincts for what's a dangerous spot haven't caught up to the desert yet. Give it some time. My original impression matched yours: every couple of meters (yards), new foes, some would seem to smell out my location from afar. In practice, however, there are loads of great spots to take time to sniff the branded crystals or catch your breath.

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i agree, mobs are bit dense and it doesn't help that aggro never goes away unless you can get up high. If you get knocked off your mount you can't call it again till you lose aggro, which sometimes isn't possible even when in stealth, unless you can make it to a rock. They need to add a de-aggro button tbh.

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> @Boysenberry.1869 said:

> I only stop moving inside a "safe" NPC filled area

A-ha. First waypoint of Riverlands, I was selling junk to an NPC vendor and went a little afk. When I returned I saw 70% of my health gone and a choya trying to eat me. It was wandering like 30 meters away from me and agroed. **The mob agro range is outrageous.** It is even worse than in bloodstone fen. That is not fun.

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> @Boysenberry.1869 said:

> I only stop moving inside a "safe" NPC filled area or after I've hopped up onto a tall rock. Tall rocks give a better vantage point to the scenery anyways.


Yup. I only stop on tall rocks, not even in NPC towns anymore, because ive came back dead one to many times inside those locations. Hell, ive came back dead, ontop of a rock with the only thing around me being a Sniper mob, that was hitting me from below the rock pillar(I guess balthazar gave them the ability to penetrate solid objects).

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Here is a perfect example of why this is annoying. Go into Fallback Fissure and collect all that you can collect and then tell me you still feel the same after trying to get out without suicide. Even my Shadow Refuge did no good. It just happened that I barely lost aggro long enough to get mount back out, barely.


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They need to be toned down.


I went to get a Mastery point that needed a sand jackal to get through portals. So, of course while going through the mobs I get knocked off my mount. That’s fine. What wasn’t fine was killing all the mobs in the area then killing all the mobs from across the room that agro’d also. Then I was waiting in a corner to get out of combat and the first set of mobs respawn, so I kill them. Then I’m waiting to get out of combat and the far off mobs respawn and come running over, so I kill them. Then the nearby mobs respawn, so I kill them. It was only after that point that I was able to resummon my jackal and continue.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> They need to be toned down.


> I went to get a Mastery point that needed a sand jackal to get through portals. So, of course while going through the mobs I get knocked off my mount. That’s fine. What wasn’t fine was killing all the mobs in the area then killing all the mobs from across the room that agro’d also. Then I was waiting in a corner to get out of combat and the first set of mobs respawn, so I kill them. Then I’m waiting to get out of combat and the far off mobs respawn and come running over, so I kill them. Then the nearby mobs respawn, so I kill them. It was only after that point that I was able to resummon my jackal and continue.


Was this the Deadhouse MP? If so, I had the exact situation.

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I was heading over to a story thing earlier, and I passed by the djinn Hero Point in Crystal Oasis (the one in the middle of the sand dunes with some roaming hydra and sand lions nearby). Two other people were fighting a hydra, so I helped kill it. As we were doing that, two sand lions "nearby" decided to run over and join in. Once that was all dead, we started the hero challenge. About 10 seconds into that fight, another hydra appears. And then the sand lions respawned. And then the Forged Patrol event walked within a mile of our location and decided to join in on the fun. It was . . . interesting.

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> @Makai.3429 said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > They need to be toned down.

> >

> > I went to get a Mastery point that needed a sand jackal to get through portals. So, of course while going through the mobs I get knocked off my mount. That’s fine. What wasn’t fine was killing all the mobs in the area then killing all the mobs from across the room that agro’d also. Then I was waiting in a corner to get out of combat and the first set of mobs respawn, so I kill them. Then I’m waiting to get out of combat and the far off mobs respawn and come running over, so I kill them. Then the nearby mobs respawn, so I kill them. It was only after that point that I was able to resummon my jackal and continue.


> Was this the Deadhouse MP? If so, I had the exact situation.


yep. That’s it.


Maybe the going to character select trick will work to get out of agro. Might depend on the speed to get back on though. My connection isn’t fast and it takes a bit to completely get back. Might draw agro again while the game finishes reloading.




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I do agree. The mobs aren't hard , but the respawn is too fast and aggro range is huge, way larger than core or HoT even. I was able to sneak past mobs in HoT. Not here, they'll come at you from the other end of the area. But that wouldn't matter as much if I could just kill them and clear them out for a while so I can enjoy myself a little bit, check the map or a guide, or even AFK for a minute. But they respawn like almost immediately. I've had this happen so many times, where it was just so obvious. I just killed it and before I killed the second thing in the area, the first respawned. At the very least, make the respawn way slower. Then I wouldn't mind clearing out enemies from a location. At this point, in order to do anything, you HAVE to skip past mobs somehow and keep running. Can't stay still

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I was just going to make a thread concerning the exact same thing. So many trash mobs around you can't even take a second to view your map for reorientation or look at the scenery with out getting agroed. It really hinders travel. Lately, I try to traverse the area mounted so i can zip past futile creatures however that only lasts until the raptors health runs down then I get a bumrush train of enemies on my tail. Either spread out the trash, lower the spawn rate or reduce the hitpoints.

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Gotta say that I found HoT maps way more annoying. Especially with the tight spaces you often had to travel through, and the sometimes impossible-to-get-back-to areas -- like above the canopy when you die just before the helicopters go away. Plus the mini-raptors and other knock-down mobs can really hurt you if they get the jump on you. Plus if you walk into one of ANet's errors where they spawn too many mobs and you suddenly have three or four snipers on you... Yeah, I really don't like HoT that much.


That said, there are definitely places in PoF I can look ahead and see I really don't want to head through. Though it's usually obvious that there are three landsharks ahead, don't go there, or crossing this bridge involves passing several traps and guards (see advice #2 and #3, below).


Getting dismounted is definitely bad. But a couple of tips I've found that may help:


1. If you're dismounted and running, try hitting the mount button a lot. I've been surprised at how quickly aggro seems to drop and mounting works even when I'm nearly certain a mob is still chasing me. (In fact, I think mounting works at times while I still have aggro. It's hard to really tell, but I've been saved at times by mounts working when I really didn't expect it to.)

2. Go ahead of the story if necessary and work your way to fancier mounts. Don't bother fully mastering up your mounts before moving on to others, unless necessary. You'll need the lizard canyon leap to get to the bunny. You'll want the bunny extra-high leap. You don't need any particular mastery of the skimmer. You really want the Jackal. I use the Jackal whenever possible for multiple reasons: a) its phase jump dodges attacks, making it WAY easier to not be dismounted, b) it handles more smoothly and responsively than the other mounts, and c) it can fall unlimited distances and survive if you phase jump at the last second.

3. In addition to being useful in its own right, you want to master up the Jackal to maximum as quickly as you can. Its phase-jump dodge then applies to the jump capability of the other mounts. For example, you can have a continuous, 3-4-second dodge on your skimmer by holding down the space and going up, for example, which revolutionizes water/poison travel. Your lizard can now dodge with its leap, making it the fastest level or down-hill travel in the game and much less likely to dismount you.

4. Don't park your character anywhere and leave the screen unless you're up high enough and somewhere that something's not going to respawn on you. There are several transport points and right-next-to-NPCs where veteran mobs show up for some reason. (I think this is a bug. The only time I've seen that in GW2 base or HoT was if someone dragged a mob to you, but in PoF it seems to happen without that.)


Once you've gotten the Jackal and maxed its mastery, go back and get the higher soar for the skimmer, etc.

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> @Boysenberry.1869 said:

> When I get into an aggro-loop I just quickly relog and can instantly remount. It's faster than actually killing a mess of dull trash mobs.


But the bottom line is ....Why? The aggro range for a lot of the mobs I've run through, around and over are in need of reduction. It reminds me of old Orr maps where the undead respawned instantly, every 2 or 3 steps you took.

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Mobs are a bit too much sometimes. you talk to an important NPC, bam! Mobs of eels arrive. You're trying to do a hero point? bam! Mob of sand sharks and whatnot arrive. Even outposts and waypoints are fair game for mobs. Maybe Anet should slack a bit not only on their large aggro circle but also their zone of influence.

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All I wanted was the commune point. Sure okay, fight off a veteran forged. And a few gunner units. That don't move, so I have to move to them.

...and pull more gunner units. And the melee units are adjacent. And the other veteran, and his gunner buddies.

A few minutes later, I slaughtered an entire Forged camp, praying nothing would respawn for 5 seconds.

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