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Fresh air - new opportunities - how is it going?

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Hi, I only bought the base game some years ago and been dropping and playing the game ever since. I've always kind of loved it, maybe it was the graphics, the player base that was so friendly, I don't know. Many always talk about how the game is going to evolve and all that but I'd really want to get back but I lack of interest, I can't find a true objective here: **many will disagree** with me and maybe none will agree. Searching through internet I found this reddit (

) and I wanted to get some **recent** feedback on how the game is going, if now there is actually something that makes you want to spend time on it without feeling that is a waste.

This post is not meant to insult anyone, if you felt so, pardon me.

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All games are a waste, their purpose is entertainment. If you are asking if there will be an expansion /shrug who knows. I hope so. But if you are asking what to do in game, well thats on you. What do you want to do? I find i log on after work and do my daily, then frac daily, then some wvw, then some boss events , run around jabbering with guildies,maybe a dungeon or guild missions if in on that night, raid a little one night a week. There are collections and achievements i try to squeeze in. You just have to know what you want.

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I never seen that playing video games is ever productive or functional(except maybe e-sport). So it is to spend your leisure time. If you want it to be effective, you need to question what you need in your leisure time. Do you need to unwind? do you want to dive into a fantasy world? Relax? feel you have accomplished something while you actually didn't?


Nobody can answer if this game is good for you, specially not if you do not know what kind of leissure time you are looking for.

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> I never seen that playing video games is ever productive or functional(except maybe e-sport). So it is to spend your leisure time. If you want it to be effective, you need to question what you need in your leisure time. Do you need to unwind? do you want to dive into a fantasy world? Relax? feel you have accomplished something while you actually didn't?


> Nobody can answer if this game is good for you, specially not if you do not know what kind of leissure time you are looking for.


Ill add to this by stating, look for your own opinion, instead of others opinions. There have been lots of things in life that if i had listened to others would never have experienced. Sometimes its best to make up your own mind instead of following others.

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Yeah, I understand. I know that it is just wasted time, but I like to think that, as @"mercury ranique.2170" said, I have accomplished something even tho I actually haven't.

@"Tiviana.2650" it's not that I don't have an opinion, I share part of his point of view. Moreover, there is a comment that a guy made that seems good. (


Anyway, I haven't been playing and I don't know what's new and what not, so I might just be saying wrong and wronger stuff, sorry if that's the case, but I'd really wanna try getting back here and having a different point of view that makes me enjoy it completely.

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> @"Joppy.5801" said:

> Yeah, I understand. I know that it is just wasted time, but I like to think that, as @"mercury ranique.2170" said, I have accomplished something even tho I actually haven't.

> @"Tiviana.2650" it's not that I don't have an opinion, I share part of his point of view. Moreover, there is a comment that a guy made that seems good. (


> Anyway, I haven't been playing and I don't know what's new and what not, so I might just be saying wrong and wronger stuff, sorry if that's the case, but I'd really wanna try getting back here and having a different point of view that makes me enjoy it completely.


Well, there's a promotion going on right now to introduce some of the newer content to players that have been away (or are new). You might consider checking that out.




Good luck.

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The game may not be worth your time now as the dev team will no longer be adding future xpacks/classes/races/etc. There is no progression either, so once you have your max armor, you're done. Since they will not be supporting the game with any real detailed, meaningful content, your time may be spent better elsewhere. I dunno, game is on its way out.

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The problem with your post is that it doesn't tell us what you're after, what you consider fun, what you think is worthwhile. Considering GW2 really is a game about setting your own goals, thus finding your own motivations, your post doesn't really give us a question we can answer.


Note that most people aren't even going to click to read links, so if it was relevant to your post/opinion you should at least give a summary from it. After reading it it looked mostly to be about different types of incentive, I can agree with some of them but not with others. Especially the point about adding in a progressive gear grind system is likely going to be very unpopular here, as that is a selling point for many GW2-players (like me).




To be fair, it always amused/surprised me that this game is considered such a "casual mmo", considering the action combat, build system, and that the best way to progress in the game has always been player skill. So just because the game doesn't have Gear Treadmill from doing Raids it considered casual? I mean, there are parts of this game that is much harder for the average player than doing a raid in random standard MMO, but another player can manage in green gear simply by being skilled enough at the combat.

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> @"Joppy.5801" said:

> Yeah, I understand. I know that it is just wasted time, but I like to think that, as @"mercury ranique.2170" said, I have accomplished something even tho I actually haven't.

> @"Tiviana.2650" it's not that I don't have an opinion, I share part of his point of view. Moreover, there is a comment that a guy made that seems good. (


> Anyway, I haven't been playing and I don't know what's new and what not, so I might just be saying wrong and wronger stuff, sorry if that's the case, but I'd really wanna try getting back here and having a different point of view that makes me enjoy it completely.


Reading the comment you linked, I get the impression that your main lack of motivation is the lack of Gear Progression ?


This game has been designed from the bottom up to avoid just that, which also means that it would bring a good deal of problems to the current game to implement it. Considering that everything in the game is (and should) be possible to do in Exotic80 gear (Notable exception Fractals, because of Agony/Resistance mechanic, which requires at least mostly Ascended gear).


So, if ANet started adding gear progression now, this would further trivialize a lot of content, that is already trivialized by other power-creep in the game (Specializations, 4stat gear, build imabalances, overstacking damage modifiers, runes and food etc). And this would add another layer on top of this. For example from the game before the first expansion, to the current state, Maximum possible damage is almost 4x. There is honestly too much power-creep in the game as it is, more gear-progression would just further that problem. Heck, PvP/WvW is almost unplayable as is because of this, so much 1shot builds and carpet bombing.


On the other hand, they added the Agony Resistance mechanic, which is ironically a pretty clever take on the Gear Progression. To play higher and higher fractals, you need more and more Agony Resistance, and you need to play (and grind some) to get more and more. In this way they've added a Gear Progression system that doesn't affect or impact the rest of the game.


Also, this game's combat is primary skill-based, which means the main progress you make as a player isn't gear, but getting better at controls/build/class in general. Example, one of my guildies is constantly too broke to get Ascended gear, but he still wrecks 90% of everyone he runs into in WvW (with full ascended) with Exotic stats. And people can solo Dungeons, not because they're overgeared (Scaling removes that issue), but because they're just good enough at the game to handle and compensate for the extra difficulty. Adding a Gear Progression on top of that, and we would end up like BDO where if the item levels are too different, no matter how good you are, you just can't hurt the opponent, doesn't tempt me one bit, it's actually what I consider one of the largest design problems with BDO as a game.

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> @"wickedkae.4980" said:

> The game may not be worth your time now as the dev team will no longer be adding future xpacks/classes/races/etc.

Where was this stated?


> Since they will not be supporting the game with any real detailed, meaningful content, your time may be spent better elsewhere.

Where was this stated?


> I dunno, game is on its way out.

Where was this stated?


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