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[BAD] Treasure Hunting Kits is fail

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The auto-disable is definitely annoying and hopefully a bug they can fix. Don't really have any problem with them other than that, though. I'd like to see some sort indicator appear over the players' head that points in a direction just because sometimes if you're on a hill the pulse will just go straight into it and you can barely see it, but other than that, they're fine by me.


Not the most engaging content ever or anything, but its a nice little side-activity once in a while, and its nice that you don't lose the item or anything (like you do with SW Shovels).

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If they put some unique skins in the loot table I think that would help. I completely understand their reason for this mechanic though, they want to give you a reason to traverse the maps on mounts to really enjoy the movement they give you access to - just maybe they need a little extra enticement.

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I'd have to say my biggest complaint for these is that they almost always point to a chest that's on the other side of the map. I understand that traveling feels good now with a mount but going from one end to the other on the map just to get some small reward is really meh. I don't expect the reward to be great but it'd simply feel better if the chests were located closer. More akin to Silverwaste chests as far as time traveled.

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I have a 50 stack of them so far. There's no way I'm bothering doing any. I tried a few and it was so stupid running around a map chock full of vets that hit as hard as champs, trying to find some blues and greens. I don't understand how some person at anet could consider that enjoyable lol.

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Honestly I haven't really used them to know how if it works well or not. I had one equipped and came across an event in Crystal Oasis - the one where you round up dolyaks on your mount. The quest requires that the special action key is available, but mine was occupied by the map hunting action. I could not figure out what I was doing wrong for the event and why I couldn't do anything. Only figured it out much later.

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> @Shaaba.5672 said:

> Honestly I haven't really used them to know how if it works well or not. I had one equipped and came across an event in Crystal Oasis - the one where you round up dolyaks on your mount. The quest requires that the special action key is available, but mine was occupied by the map hunting action. I could not figure out what I was doing wrong for the event and why I couldn't do anything. Only figured it out much later.



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I tested one of those kits when I had maybe 25. The indicating line was sometimes not really visible at hills, I was covering quite some distance until I reached the chest, then had to fight a lot of mobs in that area, among them at least two veteran hydras. Then opened the chest and the loot was so insignificant, I already forgot what it was 23 seconds later. I then proceeded to remove all remaining kits from my inventory. I'm not even stopping and fighting those mobs for the visible chests that give similar loot, I cannot be arsed to do a treasure hunt and fight veterans. I rather spend my time digging up the Silverwastes with shovels for better stuff, and being able to share the loot with multiple other players.

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They are in fixed locations, I did around 60 of these in Desolation for a collection, and I know pretty much every location. I would pop a Kit, see the blue circle, step in the circle use it once more, and depending on where the arrow went I knew where it was.

Knowing these is a big benefit as you can actually make chest trains (or do with guild group) where 1 person is the runner, and communicates to the squad to follow him. Once uncovering a treasure the whole squad an pick that treasure up.


You can do this at a reasonable pace around 1 treasure every 2 mins or so, which makes 30 chest an hour for the whole squad. This is pretty nice honestly.

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> @Faaris.8013 said:

> I tested one of those kits when I had maybe 25. The indicating line was sometimes not really visible at hills, I was covering quite some distance until I reached the chest, then had to fight a lot of mobs in that area, among them at least two veteran hydras. Then opened the chest and the loot was so insignificant, I already forgot what it was 23 seconds later. I then proceeded to remove all remaining kits from my inventory. I'm not even stopping and fighting those mobs for the visible chests that give similar loot, I cannot be kitten to do a treasure hunt and fight veterans. I rather spend my time digging up the Silverwastes with shovels for better stuff, and being able to share the loot with multiple other players.


some at outside of blue area lol, blue are looks like lie

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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> If they put some unique skins in the loot table I think that would help. I completely understand their reason for this mechanic though, they want to give you a reason to traverse the maps on mounts to really enjoy the movement they give you access to - just maybe they need a little extra enticement.


they should use Draconis Mons mode if they wanna ppl traverse maps


maybe here has something, let try find it

not a maybe here has something, omg it on faraway map side

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Although I have been collecting them, I rarely use them. Why? On each map, they only point to the same spot. Every time. Now, what I mean by that is that I can use another one and it sends me back to the same spot. If I reenter a map, it points me to the same spot. I can just stand there and fire these off and collect the trivial loot till hell comes, and I'd have wasted that time on something odd and useless.

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> @Donari.5237 said:

> I wasn't even sure these led anywhere, since every time I use one I get a red ping heading off into the distance. Can you wp to get closer to the source or does it move if you use a wp?


WP works fine. Also you can reset it if you go to character select although I have only tested that part during the demo.

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> @etsubmariner.4690 said:

> Although I have been collecting them, I rarely use them. Why? On each map, they only point to the same spot. Every time. Now, what I mean by that is that I can use another one and it sends me back to the same spot. If I reenter a map, it points me to the same spot. I can just stand there and fire these off and collect the trivial loot till hell comes, and I'd have wasted that time on something odd and useless.


this not funny

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I dislike them. They should be pretty rare drop from mobs/chests or as event reward. It should be random generated small quest chain(2-3-5 events) that leads you around the world and to a hidden treasure at the end. With much better rewards. Maybe you should get 1 treasure map per few days.

I wont ever use them after I finished my collection in Desolation.

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[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Buried_Treasure](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Buried_Treasure "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Buried_Treasure")

Looks like you can get Freshwater Pearls from these chests though not sure what the RNG might be on these. The few I have opened looking for the surveyor tools have not had them. 4-23 trade contracts are not bad. RNG on the surveyor tools not so great either. I got none on the 4 or 5 I tried yesterday.


[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Buried_Treasure](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Buried_Treasure "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Buried_Treasure")


Looks like the regular buried treasure is a better bargain than the superior buried treasure because of the number of trade contracts and the freshwater pearl....

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