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Nourishing Ashes is worded poorly.


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"Nourishing Ashes" - "Gain life force when you inflict burning, and remove or corrupt a boon."

It is worded in a way that it could be taken that inflicting burning removes a boon. It can also be takes as gain life force when removing a boon. I know it does the latter.

I think it should Say Gain life force when you inflict burning, ~~and ~~ remove or corrupt a boon" so that it cannot be misinterprated, I had a few people being confused about it.

Or if i am mistaken and it does remove a boon when burning is applied, maybe change the wording in the other direction.

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From a German point of view. It's definitely wrong. (Playing with English client)


It's also translated the wrong way.

There it says translated: receive lifeforce and remove or corrupt a boon, when applying burning.


> @"melandru.3876" said:

> It is worded just fine, it says what it does and it does what it says.


> 1) Gain life force when you inflict burning.

> 2) "And" (implying back to: gain life force) remove/corrupt a boon


> why did they use ", and" is because it's 2 seperate actions



The "and" can also apply to the inflict burning.


Gain lifeforce


When inflicting burning


And corrupt or remove a boon


It really can be both. And should be clearified.



If you read the translation in comparison, it is even more clear, that you gain lifeforce and remove/corrupt a boon, when inflicting burning.


Which isn't how it works. The English version is a bit more clearer as it can imply both interactions, the wrong one and the right one.


To make it more clear:



Gain lifeforce when you inflict burning, remove a boon or corrupt a boon.



Just removing the "and" would make the description much clearer.

And then the German translation would make sense as well (had to be changed though).


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English is wonderfully cursed with horrible precision in its grammar and so are native English speakers as a result.


Fix the wording to be more precise is my vote. Americans need reminders that they really need to practice English to be taken seriously and the rest of the world should remind the UK that ambiguity is all their fault.

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My preference for how to handle it: double check with the devs as to how they intend the trait to work and update the wiki article(s) to include that as a reference. I don't really think it's worth worrying about phrasing and then needing to localize that three times, when it's so simply addressed.


And guess, what: the devs already did that and the wiki already includes that clarification.

[The game update that changed Nourishing Rot to Nourishing Ashes explains it](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2018-05-08#Necromancer)

> This trait has been renamed Nourishing Ashes and now grants life force when the player inflicts burning in addition to when the player corrupts a target or removes a boon


That phrasing also appears verbatim on the [wiki's article for the trait](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Nourishing_Ashes#Version_history).



For what it's worth, here's the non-English phrasing:

* Deutsch: [Erhaltet Lebenskraft für jeden Segen, den Ihr entfernt oder verderbt.](https://wiki-de.guildwars2.com/wiki/N%C3%A4hrende_Asche)

* Français: [Vous obtenez de la force vitale lorsque vous infligez Brûlure et lorsque vous supprimez ou corrompez un avantage.](https://wiki-fr.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cendres_nutritives)

* Español: sadly, no Spanish wiki page for this :(


Interestingly, the German doesn't mention burning at all, so that seems worth fixing. The French is perhaps closer to how some people would like the English to be rewritten: "Gain life force when you inflict Burning and when you remove or corrupt a Boon."

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