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How do you handle the periodic boredom

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Fairly simple for me. I only log into GW2 (or any game) if I feel like playing it. The entire purpose of a game is to be fun, so if I'm not enjoying it I'm not going to force myself to play it.


> I play very slowly compared to a lot of people and I have 11 characters so I still have a lot of stuff left to do, but part of that playing slowly is only playing for relatively short periods of time. Some days I won't log in at all, some days I'll only play for an hour or so, and on rare occasions when it's a quiet day I might play for 4 or 5 hours in total. I can't see myself ever running out of content I want to do unless the game stops being developed, but I'm also not going to force myself to play it just because it's there, I'll just do what I feel like playing, when I feel like it.


This hits it perfectly for me.

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To be honest, I don't have periodic boredom. I believe it is because I have a lot of different activities inside the game, what puts me in a situation where my problem is to set priorities rather than having nothing to do (I have a big pile of things I put aside for later...). Aside of playing for me personally, I tag up regularly as commander in PvE to help others (nice time consumer), I am officer in a guild (nice time consumer) and I have several real life friends in game (nice time consumer). Last but not least, I have a busy real life (more or less nice time consumer ;) ). I believe that the combination of all that ensures that I never get bored at the game: I simply don't have the time to get bored! :3


So the key is probably to vary the type of activities we have in game. Now when I read replies above my, I also believe that to dash between several games is a good solution. Personally, if I would have lot of time available, as far as playing so much GW2 that I reach boredom at it, I would probably be happy to try other games. :)

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Currently replaying old LS episodes. Many times I finally understand some hidden signs, after knowing the "whole story." A positive side effect from the constant power-creep: You are a lot stronger. So the fights can be done a lot quicker and you have a good chance of completing achievements on the go, which have been impossible for you in the past - happened to me twice yesterday.


On the other hand, I never really rushed any content, so I have plenty of achievements to do. In addition my To-Do-List is not really getting any smaller. After I noticed that even 3 full ascended sets are not enough, I finally decided to go for the legendary armor. Considering that raiding is not a real option for me, only WvW is left. I started a few weeks ago with the Warclaw with a rank of 70 ... so you probably have an idea about what journey I have started. WvW turned out to be a good alternative when I am either short in time or totally don't know what to do. Progression is easy, a bit tedious to be honest, but it is imho better than grinding Istan/SW.


Other things I work on:

- 32 slot bags (still only own the Olmakhan)

- Elite Specialization skins (I own 3 from HoT and 2 from PoF)

- Funerary Armor & Weapons

- Bounty Hunter Armor

- Elegy & Requiem Armor (note: take a look on TP, the price for the sigil did drastically drop imo)

- Dragonsblood, Astral, Stellar weapons/skins

- Arah Jotun (for almost 6.5 years on my to-do list)

- Finishing my Quickbrand (leveling, unlocking the skins, gearing). If my calculations are correct, the quickness-distribution will be balanced the instant I finish the character.

- Several theorycrafted builds

- Boba Fett cosplay which is hopefully capable to pin down roaming thieves in WvWvW (gearing, finding skins, training)

- Bahamut cosplay (plan is almost 3 years old)

- Helping friends with: beetle mount, griffon mount, other collections, LS & PS

- Getting back into fractals one day

- investigating a couple of mysteries (obviously no wiki entries)

- searching for bugs & exploits to report (I don't really have to do it on purpose. I just play the game and after a few hours I am in an unusual spot.)

- flying with the griffon & playing "I bet you cannot reach ..." with myself"


... the list goes on and on. Let's just say I won't run out of tasks until the servers shut down for good. When I feel stuck or cannot decide what task I pick, I just go for my Jumping Puzzles. That is the only thing in the game I can always do and never feel bored of.

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1. Just like everybody else. play another game. I have a HUGE Steam backlog then there's the Switch and PS4 too T_T

2. If i dont want to play games then i watch some anime to catch up on the new seasons

3. There's also books, lightnovels, webnovels, manga :)


i guess its just a matter of cycling thru things that you know interests you.

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Time is precious. I have a personal library and a switch backlog I’ll never catch up on. Plus two other mmos,


I have many, many gw2 projects ongoing



- more legendaries

- Collections

- Alts at various story stages


and plenty of other bits I can leap in or out of. I’m often pretty bored with gw2 due to very poor story content and an inconsistent ls4 which has continued sending gw2 into a direction I didn’t want to see 6 years ago. That means I play in small bursts instead of long sessions, but does mean should my interest reignite, I have tons to finish.

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Start a real life family.


You’ll go from having too much time to play a game to trying to work out how to get an hour to play once a week and never be able to keep up with the updates, not matter have few and far between they are.


Gaming then becomes your therapy, and escape a few nights a week which you crave. Hehe

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> @"Terc.5736" said:

> What is your secret to get out of the periodic boredom the game can bring after years of playing?


None. I play GW2 12 hours every day consistently and haven't felt bored in years. There's always a new goal to strive towards. Something to be excited about.

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Give yourself breaks during play hours. Especially if you're one to farm something for long periods of time... then give yourself multiple breaks. Then find other things to do in game that are important to you.


Breaks are key here. There's a reason every computer operations manual/booklet/guide/whatever tells you to take breaks

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> @"Kienda.4187" said:

> Start a real life family.


> You’ll go from having too much time to play a game to trying to work out how to get an hour to play once a week and never be able to keep up with the updates, not matter have few and far between they are.


> Gaming then becomes your therapy, and escape a few nights a week which you crave. Hehe


Depends on the dynamic of the relationship...when I had a family I still managed to play 2 or 3 hours a night, usually after the kids went to bed and before I absolutely had to in order to get up for work. She had her TV shows that she liked to watch and I had my gaming, it just worked.


Otherwise, I just go play some single player game I'm currently not finished with, or start another character in one of the Fallout or Elder Scrolls games(heavily modified of course)...or just take a few days off from gaming all together.

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Play Divinity 2 Definitive edition instead,its amazeballs and really complex.The atmosphere is great,the music is Superb,everything is voice acted and the narrator adds even more atmosphere. The maps look great and are very detailed,you can talk with every npc/animals/ghosts,theres tons of things to do in multiple ways.Im usually not into these kind of rpg's but this one got me hooked.


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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> Commit to a new achievement


I decided to finish all my T1 legendary weapon collections (not that I'll ever go past T1 on most of these) because it was interesting to me. It took me places I'd overlooked before and inspired me to learn more about the game world (Jotun and Malchor for example). Howler was cute and fun. Chuka and Champawat was an engaging story. I pondered many historical statues that I never stopped to consider before. It helped me realize what a rich world Tyria is and how much thought the designers put into it.


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