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Legendary Fractal Armor

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Well considering there’s no hybrid category...


The goal of the game mode is to beat the enemy teams so "hybrid" wouldn't make any sense unless each team had NPCs actively working against the status quo or they introduce a fourth fraction made out of NPCs.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> There was a topic I can't find it now.

> Let me refresh this request. With upcoming build temples etc, please consider giving us Legendary Fractal Armors.

> At the moment we can get ascended with selectable stats from fractal vendor. It has default ascended(craft) skins.

> Would be nice to get fractal themed skins and way to upgrade ascended into legendary.

> Seriously I don't know any other mod where stat swaps could be used as intense as in fractals. maybe sPvP.

> But anyway. Game needs mat sink and play-time added for goal(s). Fractals deserve to have own set of legendary armor.




I wanted this for years... And I'd like to thumbs you up. Right now I really enjoy Fractals, and the Ad Infinitum skin is awesome. I also love the skins of weapons. So please give us this. I share your feeling. To finish... I think Fractals is one of the most accessible ending game mode for PvE. Honestly, I don't enjoy PvP nor WvW anymore, so I don't see any other way to get Legendary armor. I've got Ad Infinitum and Aurora already. And I've only had the opportunity to raid 2 times... So please, make a way to get Legendary Armor in Fractals.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Well considering there’s no hybrid category...


> The goal of the game mode is to beat the enemy teams so "hybrid" wouldn't make any sense unless each team had NPCs actively working against the status quo or they introduce a fourth fraction made out of NPCs.


Remove the PvP aspect, what do you have? The majority of the points in WvW come from holding those assets which you can obtain without PvPing.


Do you consider EotM a WvW map which is no different than the other WvW maps? Many players labeled it as a PvE map because players used to just karma farm all day and not really attack each other.


How many players disliked the desert map for reasons such as too many PvE elements?

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:


> Remove the PvP aspect, what do you have?


Nothing cause without its PvP aspects the whole game mode would be utterly dysfunctional. Now you might be referring to "direct combat vs. other players" here in which case you would still be competing against the other teams for the highest score, you're just not using the basic combat mechanics against other players in order to do so but "attacking your opponent" has never been a requirement for the label "PvP" or do you also want to argue that mount races are somehow not PvP just cause the racers don't attack each other?




> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:


> How many players disliked the desert map for reasons such as too many PvE elements?


Yeah, I've also seen people in the sPvP section complaining about "minion master necros" cause "too many PvE elements". So going by your logic sPvP would also have to count as "PvE hybrid" now.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Please add legendary fractal armor, especially so you can see your already basically non-existent raid participation numbers to decline even further.

If raids are on such shaky ground that removing the carrot of legendary armor kills them, then they're not sustainable as a game mode and should be removed from the game.

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> @"phs.6089" said:


> Can you read? Have you seen patch notes? Did ever say skill/trait balanced for WvW separate for sPvP and separate for PVE, it's WvW/sPvP AND PVE, how is that makes 3 mode?

> This skill is split between game modes — select one to view:

> Game mode version PvE Game mode version WvW / PvP Game mode version

> e.g. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Portal_Entre


I do not know about the entire history of all skills and traits but the more unusual skill splits do exist right now.

PvE / WvW / PvP example: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Echo_of_Memory

PvE&WvW / PvP example: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Feedback

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:


> > Remove the PvP aspect, what do you have?


> Nothing cause without its PvP aspects the whole game mode would be utterly dysfunctional. Now you might be referring to "direct combat" here in which case you would still be competing against the other teams for the highest score, you're just not using the basic combat mechanics against other players in order to do so but "attacking your enemy" has never been a requirement for the label "PvP" or do you also want to argue that mount races are somehow not PvP just cause the racers don't attack each other?



Worked pretty fine for EotM.



> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:


> > How many players disliked the desert map for reasons such as too many PvE elements?


> Year, I've also seen people in the sPvP section complaining about "minion master necros" cause "too many PvE elements". So going by your logic sPvP would also have to count as "PvE hybrid" now.


Well Stronghold was argued as being a little too PvE.


Anyway, this is diverting too much from the thread topic.


WvW is its own separate game mode just like PvE and sPvP. Each mode has its own legendary armor acquisition method. You’re well within your right to disagree with this which you’ve already expressed.




Others who consider it three game modes


> A character can be used to play any game mode available in Guild Wars 2: PvE, Structured PvP and World PvP




> This buff was so huge that it made an impact in all 3 game modes




EDIT 3: And this is only an argument in the thread because some people want equality when it comes to legendary armor acquisition so they combine WvW and sPvP under the same ‘mode’ in order to justify PvE needing another.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> WvW is its own separate game mode just like PvE and sPvP.


There is no such thing as a game mode called "PvE". PvE is just a label attributed to certain types of content, just like how sPvP and WvW are at their core PvP based game modes so are Tyria maps, FotM and raids at their core PvE based game modes.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > WvW is its own separate game mode just like PvE and sPvP.


> There is no such thing as a game mode called "PvE". PvE is just a label attributed to certain types of content, just like how sPvP and WvW are at their core PvP based game modes so are Tyria maps, FotM and raids at their core PvE based game modes.


To be fair that's just semantics, not a profound discussion!

I mean even Anet speaks about PvE, PvP and WvW and it has well established in the community that there are these three modes. PvP heavily differs from WvW and both can be seperated from pure PvE maps & instances.


Is it about winning the discussion here or what?

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:


> To be fair that's just semantics, not a profound discussion!


Exactly which is why "WvW and sPvP are different game modes" is a nonsensical argument to make. Saying "sPvP heavily differs from WvW" means nothing as you can make the exact same argument about Tyria maps and FotM but I'm not the one bringing it up and if you don't like seeing people responding to it then you might wanna tell that to the people who do. Maybe then we can finally move on to actual arguments against more legendary sets (if there even are some cause I've yet to see one).



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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> I mean even Anet speaks about PvE, PvP and WvW and it has well established in the community that there are these three modes. PvP heavily differs from WvW and both can be seperated from pure PvE maps & instances.

That's true. The point here is however, that the raids and non-instanced pve content, even if they are officially considered by devs to be the same mode are different to at least the same degree (if not greater).


> To be fair that's just semantics, not a profound discussion!

Indeed. Because, in the end, to this discussion the way Anet partitions the content is irrelevant. What is relevant is whether raid armor can be truly a set representative of all PvE - and the truth is, that it _can't_.


So, saying "but PvE already has a legendary set - the envoy one" is also merely semantics, not a profound discussion. Because, while one pve submode may have a legendary, most of PvE still doesn't.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > I mean even Anet speaks about PvE, PvP and WvW and it has well established in the community that there are these three modes. PvP heavily differs from WvW and both can be seperated from pure PvE maps & instances.

> That's true. The point here is however, that the raids and non-instanced pve content, even if they are officially considered by devs to be the same mode are different to at least the same degree (if not greater).


> > To be fair that's just semantics, not a profound discussion!

> Indeed. Because, in the end, to this discussion the way Anet partitions the content is irrelevant. What is relevant is whether raid armor can be truly a set representative of all PvE - and the truth is, that it _can't_.


> So, saying "but PvE already has a legendary set - the envoy one" is also merely semantics, not a profound discussion. Because, while one pve submode may have a legendary, most of PvE still doesn't.


I really don't care about that. It was just stupid to read the discussion whether there are three or two game modes. Doesn't make sense at all and went way too hard off-topic.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> It was just stupid to read the discussion whether there are three or two game modes. Doesn't make sense at all and went way too hard off-topic.


It's actually not off-topic as this (while just a bunch of nonsensical semantics) seems to be the main argument against having more legendary armor sets.

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Yes. Should've happened years ago, same as when they put in WvW and sPvP legendary armors. It doesn't have to have it's own skin (but it should, a unique skin similar to the ones that were designed by that one player years ago) but even if it's faceless it should be in game. Fractals is by far the most successful PvE content in terms of people running it.


The question is not SHOULD we have fractal legendary armor, the question is only how difficult it should be to get said armor. Obviously it should have similar time/difficulty/cost sink as raids. Maybe even a slight premium considering fractals have easier accessibility (in terms of finding a competent group) than raids. You already have Ad Infinitum as a benchmark (on a per each piece benchmark), just add 6 pieces with a slightly modified recipe.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > It was just stupid to read the discussion whether there are three or two game modes. Doesn't make sense at all and went way too hard off-topic.


> It's actually not off-topic as this (while just a bunch of nonsensical semantics) seems to be the main argument against having more legendary armor sets.


It **IS** off-topic if you argue against each other over 20 posts in a thread where people want to talk about legendary fractal armor. People always find the most stupid explanations helping to support their views.

And in this specific case it certainly doesn't matter if we talk about "every game mode has its own leggy armor" or "but _the PvP area_ (or whatever people call sPvP & WVW together) has 2 armors". It's just utterly bs, nothing more.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> It **IS** off-topic if you argue against each other over 20 posts in a thread where people want to talk about legendary fractal armor.


Like it or not but if someone argues that we shouldn't have more legendary armor sets because X than addressing this argument is not off-topic. If you don't like this argument then complain about it to those who constantly try to make it. But do you know what's actually off-topic?: Complaining about off-topic (especially if there was non in the first place).

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > It was just stupid to read the discussion whether there are three or two game modes. Doesn't make sense at all and went way too hard off-topic.

> >

> > It's actually not off-topic as this (while just a bunch of nonsensical semantics) seems to be the main argument against having more legendary armor sets.


> It **IS** off-topic if you argue against each other over 20 posts in a thread where people want to talk about legendary fractal armor. People always find the most stupid explanations helping to support their views.

> And in this specific case it certainly doesn't matter if we talk about "every game mode has its own leggy armor" or "but _the PvP area_ (or whatever people call sPvP & WVW together) has 2 armors". It's just utterly bs, nothing more.


Add to this that trying to hold game mode rewards that should've been in place for years hostage because people won't run the game mode you want them to get legendary armor reeks of pettiness. Players should **always** have **more** options. It doesn't matter if its 2 or 3 modes if you can make it 5 modes at relatively the **same** difficulty/cost/time sink per each mode.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> Like it or not but if someone argues that we shouldn't have more legendary armor sets because X than addressing this argument is not off-topic. If you don't like this argument then complain about it to those who constantly try to make it.


Nope, I just stop to argue with them then because everyone with a clear mind knows that in this case they have no valid argument(s). If you feel the need to "fight" them to defend Anet in this place go ahead, do it. It's still bs. In the first place you don't win anything and secondly Anet won't decide based on those threads and especially they won't decide in favor of those people and their "arguments" because they are human individuals with proper thinking capacities. No company ever will choose to not install something like an additional armor due to some people think that there already is one there or there. I hope you get what I mean.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > Like it or not but if someone argues that we shouldn't have more legendary armor sets because X than addressing this argument is not off-topic. If you don't like this argument then complain about it to those who constantly try to make it.


> Nope, I just stop to argue with them then because everyone with a clear mind knows that in this case they have no valid argument(s). If you feel the need to "fight" them to defend Anet in this place go ahead, do it. It's still bs. In the first place you don't win anything and secondly Anet won't decide based on those threads and especially they won't decide in favor of those people and their "arguments" because they are human individuals with proper thinking capacities. No company ever will choose to not install something like an additional armor due to some people think that there already is one there or there. I hope you get what I mean.


Anet will add additional legendary armour if they see it fit themselves to bolster player number or keep current players from leaving by giving additional goal to set?

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> @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> Anet will add additional legendary armour if they see it fit themselves to bolster player number or keep current players from leaving by giving additional goal to set?


Don't comment on single posts only if you haven't read the whole thread before. You clearly do not know what I was referring to.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> > Anet will add additional legendary armour if they see it fit themselves to bolster player number or keep current players from leaving by giving additional goal to set?


> Don't comment on single posts only if you haven't read the whole thread before. You clearly do not know what I was referring to.


Whole thread is around 2 pages of real content and 4 pages of spam. And that statement still stand better than most posts. Anet will add whatever they seem fit to hold players from migrating to other games. It's not "will they add legendary to fractals and open world" but "when".

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> @"tim.4596" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > Can't it just be a skin/cosmetic ascended armour?

> >

> > I prefer if it remains one source of legendary armour per game mode, but would welcome ascended or even exotic fractal armour for cosmetic only.


> I think that would actually be a really good compromise.



Not at all. I don’t want some ugly gaudy skin and I think I can safely say from their posts, neither does the OP. We would like another way to get armor we can freely change stats and runes on. It would be nice if there was a way to get legendary armor from some combination of fractals and open world (like legendary weapons). I am not wishing to take anything from raids and I enjoy them myself, but it would be nice if there was an equally difficult/lengthy but more solo-able way to get legendary armor as there is weapons (yes, you need some items from fractals from those but you can get them on tier one).


And sure, give raids and/or anything else a legendary back piece if people want it, although I’m sure I don’t know why. A back piece contributes the least to one’s stats so I don’t see much advantage to being able to change them.

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  • 9 months later...

One of the main blunders of legendary armor was it being locked behind raids, which is already Very polarizing content on its own, with only a minority participating in it.

Adding a fractal legendary armor set would be amazing, as fractals are much more popular overall, and im sure people can handle it being timegated. A combination of Fractals and PoF collections, id recommend. (legendary raid armor already involves HoT collections)

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