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Stop Punishing Defenders


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Deimos.4263" said:

> > The biggest problem with the walls is that the battlements don't really work *anything* like real-world battlements. Standing on them is a death sentence, whereas standing right under them *should* be a death sentence. Where are the machicolations? Why is there nothing shielding defenders standing on these walls?


> Will we in turn get ladders so we can just climb over the walls?


> Thats realistic after all. Hell you could just toss a rope and climb up. Its not like they are particularly tall. Some you can probably parkour up.


> Haha wait what am I even saying. In universe realism dictates that we should be able to teleport up the walls. Theres no anti-teleport tech built in to them after all, its just plain walls. Its entirely unrealistic that a mesmer cant get to the lordroom in 30s.


Ladders probably will happen.than scourges will perma stack around the top of the wall that the ladders on while the whole zerg climbs up to take over the structure easy peasy.

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We need more PvE elements !

If your Stracture is Tier 3 , you can transformed into a Mobile Suit Gundam (LoL Galio) that emergies (slowlyyyy) from the walls and push backs anything+ destroy sieges weapons .

After 10 sec , its looses its knockupus abilities and get stiffen -becoming an extra price of wall (combine it other ppl tht are transformed , to create a ''second wall/line of defense'' (can be used inside the defensive area) .


It can be destroyed by siege weapons or personal single battering rams (police force) .


Using this mechanic that offers this second wall effect , damages your own nearby defensive stractures per sec (even nearby player's transformation) .

More trans = more stractural damage


After a few hits with the Battering rams or seiege weapons , creates creacks/oppoenings (small portal) that only 1 enemy can pass every sec.


Aso transformations into flame Wardogs with leash , that deals increse damage to sieges + 0 to players/but offer cc-howl/pound

The dogs are indistructable but short area they can move , but lose health(and get cced) if the chains are destroyed (cc bar) or if the dogs chooses to chew it .


Or simply the enemies to avoid all this , can attack from range :)



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