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is it worth jumping back into GW2

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I bought and played the game at launch until level 30 before life stuff got in the way, fast forward last week i remember my login and reinstalled the game, so my question is how active is it still and is it worth being a new player and starting back at level one, would it be any fun and is there any new players to play with?


If it is please feel free to add tips for newbs, i don't really play MMOs much.

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The very short answer is yes. It's great fun, overloaded with content, more active than it's ever been with a large player population, and the community is helpful to new and returning players. There are hundreds of threads on here and on the GW2 reddit where people have asked the same thing and I would find those and read through their tips and answers. Welcome back btw.

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Yes the game is great fun and very active. As a new/returning player you might find some of these threads helpful:





And this one from the old forum. Some of the info is a bit out of date by now though:


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First of all, welcome back! Hope to see you in game, and there are tons of new players either just starting out or just returning after a long time.


Quick word of advice: I would recommend against deleting your old character(s). If you've had them since launch, you have ~7 years of birthday presents to collect! If for whatever reason you don't like them any more, there's always Makeover Kits to redesign them.

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> @"slider.8239" said:

> i don't really play MMOs much


The game has been made for people who don't play MMORPGs. You'll likely enjoy GW2 more than those who have played WoW for 15 years.


The game is still very active. Play it a bit; if you enjoy the game, I strongly suggest buying the two expansions. The storyline is very underwhelming, but the features they add to the game (gliding, mounts, new specialization) completely change the way we play.



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There are always people making new characters, and playing in old zones. I make a weekly throw away character for key farming, and I am never alone. The best thing to do, imo, would be to get to 80, then jump into Path of Fire content, considering you plan on buying it. PoF has mounts as the mastery focus, so leveling any alts after at least getting the first mount (one of the fastest getting around maps). There is also an extensive, and expensive flying mount, but you can glide with the mastery from Heart of Thorns (also, if you plan on buying it).


For your first time through, without knowing the glory of the expansion masteries, lol, you should still have fun, considering this is the style of game you are looking for. I would also suggest using the action cam by setting the on/off to a button not used, but easy to get to. It makes your camera move with your mouse, and the first weapon skill is your left click. The setup I use is


Movement- W,A,S,D

Weapon- LMB,Q,E,R,F

Utility- 1,2,3,4

Heal- T

Class skills- Z,X,C,Shift+C,Shift+V

Dodge- MB4 (gaming mouse)

Weapon swap- MB5

Mount- `

Auto run- MMB

Action cam on/off- shift MB5


*MB= mouse button


Obviously this won't be entirely the same without a mouse with a few extra buttons, but you could tailor it to fit your needs. I do suggest getting a cheap mouse with the 4th and 5th buttons at least, it makes things so much easier when gaming, after you get used to it.


I hope this helps. I recently came back after a 6 month break, and I'm having more fun than ever after picking a new class.


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WOW, great thanks everybody for the overwhelming positive response, this really did answer all my questions and i am definitely looking forward to give it another go, and maybe see you in game some time.

also the community seems very helpful and friendly, thanks again everybody.

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> @"slider.8239" said:

> one last question i kept my old characters but i started new one i really wanna play as, i transfered what i gotout my gifts to the new character is there anyone other reason to not start a new characters?


There's no reason not to start a new character. In fact, it is recommended to those coming back after a long absence. There's a tutorial included in naturally leveling up characters, and it's probably the easiest way to become familiar with the game (again).


Welcome return, and good luck.

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> @"slider.8239" said:

> I bought and played the game at launch until level 30 before life stuff got in the way, fast forward last week i remember my login and reinstalled the game, so my question is how active is it still and is it worth being a new player and starting back at level one, would it be any fun and is there any new players to play with?


> If it is please feel free to add tips for newbs, i don't really play MMOs much.


Yes. I did exactly the same as you. You will also have a ton of lovely birthday gifts if you used all of your 5 character slots (6 years of cool stuff, enjoy!)

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this is the end of the discussion really i just wanted to add 3 days in i made some new friends, found a guild and having much more fun than i was expecting, if anyone else stumble across this thread with the same question i did, i would highly recommend giving it an shot and the community has been overwhelming positive and helpful, an very different experience for me than i had in WoW , thanks again to community and everybody who helped.

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> @"slider.8239" said:

> this is the end of the discussion really i just wanted to add 3 days in i made some new friends, found a guild and having much more fun than i was expecting, if anyone else stumble across this thread with the same question i did, i would highly recommend giving it an shot and the community has been overwhelming positive and helpful, an very different experience for me than i had in WoW , thanks again to community and everybody who helped.


Im not quite as new as you- i have been around for 7 weeks or so, but i had exactly the same experience- and yes the community is a big improvement on that of WOW. I think some of that is down to game design

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I once was at the same spot you are


Back in the forums asking if the game still good


The best answer I've got was "are you trying to skip the 32 GB download or what, just play the game and you'll know the answer within a week"


And that's what I've done, this was dec 2017, since then I've played almost every single day. Even with just 1 hour or so to play i was still able to craft my ascended gear and actually get the feels that I can actually achieve something in the game.

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