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My GW 2: Expansion 3 - We must explore the ocean!!!


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> @"Monad.9837" said:

> I would love an underwater expansion but I only know 2 other people who like the idea. It would be a bad move financially yes, but man I would totally dig it. Need to rework skills a bit though. I hate being condi and not having much of condi skills underwater. Also just in case there is ever gonna be an underwater map I am gonna start making ascended underwater weapons on all my toons.


that's some powerful necromancy there

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If content like that, underwater should have 0 issues. So underwater mount, a medium to move faster underwater (nah infuz are a joke) + another update for some uw skills. The map itself shouldn't be full water, but more an archipelago with dunno why not some pirates and treasures? And a great underwater boss fight.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> With all of the work in creating mounts and the investment players have made in skins for mounts, I think that it would be a mistake for Anet to release a full expansion that would practically render all of that moot.


Island hopping would be fun though. We could go to the fallen remains of the zaishen isles.

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> Listen, I know some people want underwater content thinking if they revamp the combat it would be good, but the truth of the matter is that it won't because it's underwater content. I have played too many MMOs where they have underwater content, and they all stink. Making fun and engaging combat in a 3-d environment like underwater is not possible because of it's 3-d nature and how we attack.


> It will be a pain in the but to traverse and fight if they ever do it.



Because other 3d based games have never been done and the combat is terrible. Gee I guess the makers of Tomb Raider, Destiny and Anthem should just shut up shop now....

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An underwater expansion could be a mix of underground areas (underwater cities and caverns) and water (deep sea). After all, the Largos can walk so maybe they live in underwater caverns and built cities which keep out the water. It would be fun to explore underground caverns and that would make it feel like a classic dungeon crawl.

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Would love to see more of the underwater content, but not meaning that would be draining out of the terrestrial content. HATERS WOULD BE ALWAYS HATERS and I do even know people who never played underwater content YET and still moan that it is shit, ONLY cause of the public opinion!


I don't see a problem in the current underwater actions, except the lack of skills, and those people who just die underwater to a mere shark are just noobs!!! Aside from the underwater world, which is absolutely fantastic and breath taking, I am anticipating the idea of exploring actual places we never visited in Guild Wars 1 and broadening the borders beyond the usual map of Tyria, Elona and Cantha! The world is too big to be unexplored and I do hope that at the end of the Guild Wars series journey (hope I wont be dead by then) we would explore the most of this world, cultures and ethno elements specific for each region!!! NAVAL CONTENT PLS! NEXT EXPANSION - SHIPS instead of mounts!!!


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  • 2 months later...

> @"ScyeRynn.4218" said:

> I really hope they have been working on this. It's time to explore the oceans, Largos, Unending Ocean, Janthir Bay, ect. So much history and new places in the depths of the ocean and Tyria.


> This was very similar: http://guildwars2.waveofshadow.com/



Agreed, except janthir bay is likely another expansion (or even LW material if they’re serious about seasons delivering expansion content and can put in the work to create assets for an entirely new region and all). A fight against the deep sea dragon would likely go into the south end of the map we have now

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  • 10 months later...

> @"Javelin.7960" said:

> Guildwars 2, with it's focus on making sure movement feels good, could knock a large underwater map or maps out of the park. Add in underwater mounts, it could be really amazing. Underwater content isn't always clunky and irritating, it's been years since it came out but the game Aquaria is one of the best 2d platformers ever made. Entirely underwater.


Yes but its 2d not 3d. That makes it totally different.

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> @"Javelin.7960" said:

> Guildwars 2, with it's focus on making sure movement feels good, could knock a large underwater map or maps out of the park. Add in underwater mounts, it could be really amazing. Underwater content isn't always clunky and irritating, it's been years since it came out but the game Aquaria is one of the best 2d platformers ever made. Entirely underwater.


Have you actually played underwater in the current game? It takes everything you like about GW2 combat and movement, and makes it suck. We definitely don't need more of that!


Edit: Oh, just noticed date on original thread. But hey, whatever! It still stands! Underwater combat is garbage. It was a nice thought, but please never make it a focus of anything you do in this game moving forward!

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