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My GW 2: Expansion 3 - We must explore the ocean!!!


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I am probably the only one to agree with deep sea exploration as I can see some mechanics come into play. Being this a DEEP sea expansion, the normal breathing aparatus just won't cut it and deep sea offers another challenge. Darkness. How about a mechanic where the pc has to go inside a "jellyfish" which both helps the player with deep sea pressure, breathing and illuminates underwater. It would help sea exploration but offers another challenge......light attracts Sea Devils/Anglers. And I mean huge anglers....no I mean...."is that a quaggan beacon or......omg! An angler boss that take most of the screen and can stun the pc soloing. Luckily, the new "Kraken" squid mount comes in. Three new masteries for the group to aid the unlucky primary player (like where noone wants to be the primary in Be My Guest/fire trap scenario) The 1)charge attack with its spear head knocks back enemies 2) ink blast blinds foes attacking the primary and 3) Jade Maw's embrace holds enemies in place like the Rangers elite bind skill. Largos outfits & story quaggan birthplace and Bubbles! Underwater cities like Atlantis, Shangri-La & "Utopia" (see what I did there?) with airdome included for normal land based play. Name the game Finding Utopia (place your finding nemo reference here), slap an anet dragon label on it and call it a day.


side note: We are finally getting some news about Wizard's Tower. Fingers crossed on Dominion of Winds. WOOT!

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> @"Temujin.7356" said:

> I am probably the only one to agree with deep sea exploration as I can see some mechanics come into play. Being this a DEEP sea expansion, the normal breathing aparatus just won't cut it and deep sea offers another challenge. Darkness. How about a mechanic where the pc has to go inside a "jellyfish" which both helps the player with deep sea pressure, breathing and illuminates underwater. It would help sea exploration but offers another challenge......light attracts Sea Devils/Anglers. And I mean huge anglers....no I mean...."is that a quaggan beacon or......omg! An angler boss that take most of the screen and can stun the pc soloing. Luckily, the new "Kraken" squid mount comes in. Three new masteries for the group to aid the unlucky primary player (like where noone wants to be the primary in Be My Guest/fire trap scenario) The 1)charge attack with its spear head knocks back enemies 2) ink blast blinds foes attacking the primary and 3) Jade Maw's embrace holds enemies in place like the Rangers elite bind skill. Largos outfits & story quaggan birthplace and Bubbles! Underwater cities like Atlantis, Shangri-La & "Utopia" (see what I did there?) with airdome included for normal land based play. Name the game Finding Utopia (place your finding nemo reference here), slap an anet dragon label on it and call it a day.


> side note: We are finally getting some news about Wizard's Tower. Fingers crossed on Dominion of Winds. WOOT!



I love this!! And about that note, where did you hear we’re gonna get wizards tower stuff?

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I would love to see an expansion like this. I always wanted to explore more of Tyrias mysterious depths and Cantha of course. Cantha is great. But I would want the underwater areas to be a little more atmospheric than the previous ones with singing whales and other mysterious, haunting sounds.

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If there's one thing GW2 can learn from another MMO (other than armor hide toggles, non-buttcapes and universal skins) is that Archeage's sailing mechanics and Big-Fish fishing mini-game are something to be inspired by (The afk/autofishing is terrible though; please never do it. No idea why game devs think it's cool). Despite Archeage being trash overall that was one feature to be praised. Ideally people would want the combat/mechanics to be fleshed out in water with all utilities available, and if dreams could come true all weapons usable in water in some manner and spears on land. I love underwater content but of course even I hate having the majority of my character locked when I enter it. Maybe even player housing could tie into boats/subs if they can pull it off. Honestly I don't know how much or how little to expect from Anet with the next expansion or what they're fully capable of at this point.

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> @"Phineas Drayke.6381" said:

> Why underwater? Why not simply water? With boats and large portions of sea with lots of islands and some (not too much) underwater locations (like largos capital)? You could simply make the big portions of water undiveable (or not to deep at least). Like a real ocean.



Because the whole point is for a whole new world and experience. The secrets and discoveries lie beneath the surface, not on it. You don't discover the true size of an ice-burg by running around just on the part sticking out of the ocean. You can't fully explore the Titanic's wreckage just sitting on a boat at the surface. You gotta get down there and discover its mysteries yourself.


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> @"Shootsfoot.9276" said:

> > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > > I would not buy an expansion that focused on underwater combat.

> >

> > Once you see the rest of the playerbase in it, enjoying all the new content without you, I'm sure you will dive in. This expansion doesn't need to focus entirely on UW content, but the part that does can and probably will be made just as well as almost every other feature they have updated and added.


> So, let me get this straight. It's a great idea because YOU think it's a great idea and you're going to project your opinion on the rest of the playerbase to back up your "fact."


> Got it.


Settle down there before you shoot yourself in the foot.


Welcome to the forums. Also known as a place of ideas and opinions. It's not necessary or credible to be so emotionally triggered by another's ideas or opinions on here. If you have your own, then present it to us with intelligence and creativity.


> Got it.


Unfortunately, you did not.



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> @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> A full underwater expansion is not a good idea (and really doesn't seem likely without a lot more experimentation first), but that doesn't mean we can't and shouldn't get the occasional mostly underwater map.


I was thinking UW areas for two pivotal parts of the expansion: the way to and into Cantha... and the final battle with Bubbles. As well as parts of the maps. The rest should be on Cantha.

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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> Another great idea. Unless of course, you enjoy Braham to which I ask... why?


1. is NOT an asura

2. Has an own opinion

3. Takes no BS from the commander

4. straightforward attitude

5. embraces the hate


Of course he also has flaws, but he is not on the top of my has to go list.


I am not particularly itchy for an underwater campaign, but I like Angler fishes who are more stomach than anything else.

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> @"Torolan.5816" said:

> > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > Another great idea. Unless of course, you enjoy Braham to which I ask... why?


> 1. is NOT an asura


Racism. SMH.


> 2. Has an own opinion

> 3. Takes no BS from the commander

> 4. straightforward attitude

> 5. embraces the hate


So, you like him because he is an overly-emotional, careless, non-perceptive, dullard that tunes out those who don't agree with him? Remember that the Commander is dumbed down for his inclusion as if they are trying to stuff two leads and main heroes into one position just to make Braham relevant. They need to meld Braham into the Commander already and reroute the conflict to a better-designed character. Enough of the story missions has been dedicated to Braham's interruptions.


I hope that arrow in the tooth was a good idea...


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I don´t like the theme of the Asura. Genocide, scientific heartlessness, academic rivalries, ivory tower snobism. Basically a list of some of the worst traits of mankind. That they brought steam age and even futuristic tech into a fantasy world does not help either.


Regarding the other things, I actually agree with him when he says that the commander thinks that he is the only one with solution to problems. Why should this be the case? The commander already made two big blunders with killing Mordremoth and Zhaitan, unwitting or not. He tolerates and encourages that the egg of the maybe only hope of Tyria is protected by a sister murderer. He basically shrugs it of when Rytlock confesses that he freed Balthazar. He killed Lazarus just for the heck of it and because Livia said so. So you can say that I agree with the premise, but not with the solutions in which Braham tries to deliver that point.

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  • 6 months later...

I would love an underwater expansion but I only know 2 other people who like the idea. It would be a bad move financially yes, but man I would totally dig it. Need to rework skills a bit though. I hate being condi and not having much of condi skills underwater. Also just in case there is ever gonna be an underwater map I am gonna start making ascended underwater weapons on all my toons.

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