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Will Camelot Unchained Kill WvW

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Only way CU will kill wvw is if combat, balance, and gameplay are all better than gw2/wvw, smooth action combat is what drives gw2, it's the one reason people come back to gw2/wvw when they've tested other waters. Seeing as Jacobs did daoc and warhammer, the gameplay is probably going to be better, but combat and balance? meh who knows but I would guess not, didn't they already have to revamp their spell system?.


The game will pull players from wvw eso and wow for like the first month at least, after that it's about if it's worth paying a sub fee to play something that you feel is inferior to wvw or eso in one way or another, or play the free versions? I won't be playing it but I hope it can finally be the game to take rvr/wvw game play to the next level, like how Apex legends took battle royales to the next level.

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> @"Iozeph.5617" said:


> If it's remotely similar to the old one nobody will give a kitten. The original DAoC ruined its own chances by introducing semi raiding with Darkness Falls, Dartmoor, and Trials of Atlantis


Minor correction - Darkness Falls was not a hardcore raid dungeon, it was a PvP prize. It was generally well received.


Trials of Atlantis - that was the mistake.



Having said that, GW2's combat, with all of its flaws, still blows DAoC away. What was it, 40 second mezzes? :-) Nonsense like that (and many others) won't fly today.






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> @"jaif.3518" said:

> > @"Iozeph.5617" said:

> >

> > If it's remotely similar to the old one nobody will give a kitten. The original DAoC ruined its own chances by introducing semi raiding with Darkness Falls, Dartmoor, and Trials of Atlantis


> Minor correction - Darkness Falls was not a hardcore raid dungeon, it was a PvP prize. It was generally well received.


> Trials of Atlantis - that was the mistake.



> Having said that, GW2's combat, with all of its flaws, still blows DAoC away. What was it, 40 second mezzes? :-) Nonsense like that (and many others) won't fly today.


> -Jeff


No, it wasn't a hardcore raid dungeon and I never said it was- I'm talking about the aspects of raiding brought in with it though - which was the need to collectively open it with your realm and then clear it because the enemy could entrance camp when the sides changed- Over that was the desirable weapons and armour etc to give players an edge. One of the main things DF did was allow players to fast track equiping and crafting through salvage from exchange items and/or drops. Before you had to be friends with a crafter(still did after) or make do with some of the few rare drops that showed in game- similar to the introduction of things from elyls in the frontier. Otherwise you were left with rubbish gear bought from a vendor or the odd green drop. Higher quality weapons and armour raised the bar for performance in the frontier. Those who couldn't get it were left behind. 'Free bags' as they say today. And everything degraded.


Yes, the whole mess came from DAoC. Forty second messes, roots, Stungard, Mana enchanters with pbaoe - which was the equivalent to having scourge bombs in blob fights today). Animists- for a time.(ritualist/engineer turrets etc though nobody's afraid of engineer turrets now). Everything old is new again, and then old all over again. Gw2 still hasn't figured out just how cancerous stealth is though.


But whatever... Camelot Unchanged will be the end of WvW? As with you I doubt that. Anet's only enemy here is Anet. Plenty of history to learn from if they want to stay on top or just throw it all away.

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> @"kash.9213" said:

> I like working on my build and trying stupid stuff in WvW, I'll play another game if there is a build that hits all the right notes for me a little better than what I'm playing right now, but it also needs to have similar variety of things to do and it would go a long way tying them all together somehow to give an open world feel. I really would like an open pvp mirror mega server some day.


Same. Haven't been able to find a spec in other games for so many years that fits me as well as my main in gw2.

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> @"The Ventari Ele.5812" said:

> There was a lot of hype with Bless Online, and look how that turned out.

> No I doubt CU will do anything, it's taking too long to get released.


> I think most of us are waiting for Acent: Infinite Realm to see how that turns out.


Are there really people waiting for the latest korean failure with an unreal engine? They do not know how to make a good mmo.

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> @"aspirine.5839" said:

> Are there really people waiting for the latest korean failure with an unreal engine? They do not know how to make a good mmo.


Apart from that, they really know how to make grinding, mt, p2w, boob&butt physics, char creation (they are really good at this), and loli paradise though. And stupid gender locking.

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> @"Chorazin.4107" said:

> > @"reddie.5861" said:


> > WoW PvP was bad if u want good PvP with good reasons u need to go for korean mmo's


> Korean mmo's are all pay 2 win. No thanks. I have played a few, Archeage, BDO, B&S.



hello mr i started playing mmo's when microtransactions went live :D

all mmo's are utterly shit nowadays cus of this micro transactions. but it doesnt change the fact that most korean mmo's have far superior pvp then any western mmo's

only mmo that actually doing good with ingame shop is gw2 as far i know all other games put little crap in there that gives x effect and next month u can get y effect and then z effect and B effect over the months some1 has ton of effects that lower/increase dmg while new players or people who didnt bought cant get it anymore cus these fags always add it for 1/2 weeks so ye mmo's nowadays are all crap.



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As a CU backer, there's no way CU will affect GW2 at all. Combat alone will turn a lot of people off. I also don't think people realize how good we have it in GW2, with beautiful graphics, smooth & responsive action combat, smooth gliding & mount actions, etc.. Everything in CU right now feels clunky and the feeling hasn't changed in the past 3 years.


With that said, I still hope for a good CU launch and I'll definitely be there to play it. Mostly for nostalgia and to show support. But I don't think I'll quit any games for it. There's a lot more to a game than the ability to pack hundreds of people into RvR. They're spending all this time and money to build an engine capable of handling lots of players. But I feel they're neglecting and falling behind on everything else that matters.

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