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20 Second Mount CD after combat finishes


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It's ridiculous that you can disengage so easily on the warclaw. Worse so, is a disengage, heal and run back. It's basically like all classes now have thief mobility. Put a massive CD on warclaw mounting after combat mode ends. This is extremely unfun to deal with. This ruins small scale. (Pst, it's gone now.) Please fix it.

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> @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> It's ridiculous that you can disengage so easily on the warclaw. Worse so, is a disengage, heal and run back. It's basically like all classes now have thief mobility. Put a massive CD on warclaw mounting after combat mode ends. This is extremely unfun to deal with. This ruins small scale. (Pst, it's gone now.) Please fix it.


Why? I mean, what if I'm in a 1v1 with someone and I win... I have to wait 20 full seconds before I can continue moving on my mount? Why don't we just make it so we get 20 seconds of immob while we're at it, and 20 second forced global cooldown of skills too.


Or we just get a dismount skill and move on with our lives

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> I would just like to remind everyone here that they already intend on adding a Dismount trap *and* a Dismount skill to the game for the Warclaw.


> These suggestions are redundant until we see how that all pans out.


Is stealth trap/trick/marked debuff not redundant? just sayin'

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Just forget about any good changes for this lame mount, i am surprised that no changes are made for it as if it is fine the way it is.


And traps doesn't solve the mounts issues, and even a dismount skill doesn't solve it, i mean its like whenever you make a change you have to change something else, a mount skill to dismount is good (depends on how they add it), but then we have to look at the speed of mount in areas you control and in areas that you don't. Example for traps is perma stealth (don't eat me thieves just giving example)


As for adding cd naaaah just keep it like it is now, so we can get out of combat while we are about to die and get back on mount like a boss and finish off the downed targets xD


Some camps you can't even capture them with certain classes because of the mount and some classes abilities =p


Some of us keep saying that this mount only brought troubles and I am one of those people, it is not about adapting to changes, the mount is badly implemented and rushed. They could have at least made it like cannon as a siege to start with ..but no, it is here to stay and you have to get it and deal with everything it brings.



Just wait til we get a new mount skill that dismounts enemies, it will be just like ballista skill 4, they will probably put it a 1500 skill range, and deals 20k damage that can deal that damage to players as well, so then we start seeing people shooting things from mount to players that deals 20k damage =D (and we will still have people defending that if they made it like this). wait 20k is low, we need to make sure it kills all before even automatic immunity proc.

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I think many people will find this fun to deal with because they don't want to be harassed trying to reach their group or objective.


They will already be adding a dismount skill and trap to the game; however, ironically, the trap will likely be far more effective yet useless for most people to even use. The dismount skill will likely be given a cool down long enough for players to run away who dodge it. Or (which is realistically what they should do), the dismount skill dismounts the player. So if they miss, tough kittens.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> Its so funny when roamers that abused the mobility of thier cheese builds for years now complain about mobility being to strong.




Wrong. Only a handful of noob thieves used to do this. They would reset 10 times until you finally made 1 mistake and died. Everyone in my roaming circle always thought it was abuse of the OOC mechanic. Stop pretending this is something "all roamers" did. Bad mechanics have to be changed.


As someone else pointed out earlier I'm also in favor of nerfing the OOC heal. Reduce it by 90% or something. You slowly get your health back. Compared to other MMORPGs, gw2's ooc regen is blazing fast.. and it's so easy to OOC as well.. besides, not only is gw2 ooc regen fast but all classes have healing skills on top of that.

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