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I know a dev will lock this at some point and were not supposed to post this kind of thing Kaineng and Darkhaven are both medium population so would the dev team in charge of re-linking look at the population difference that is huge right now and re-link kaineng and darkhaven, you guys promise to help ensure balance but its not balanced putting to medium pops who feel like low population servers against two high population servers, so instead of locking this could a developer from the wvw re-linking and balance team give some actual feedback on this concern and whether or not it has been noticed and will be addressed this reset? Because with Tuesdays recent changes, its not exactly a fun experience for Kaineng or darkhaven at this present time and honestly makes the game mode currently not worth playing or logging in.

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I believe it works like this:

The relinks aren't meant to make it so any server pairing can win, they're meant to create good fights within certain tiers.

That's why some servers always get good links even though they are top servers anyway.

It's also why some good servers always get crap links. They're "meant" to be in tier 2 or 3, according to the Server Linking system.

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They could likely slow down transfers by making it so that a transferring player wouldn't earn pips until the next relink, or 30 days, whichever came first, instead of the next reset. In all honesty I'm not sure that transferring makes sense anymore anyway, as it just perpetuates the problems.


Relinks should happen every 4 weeks as it was voted on, instead of this 8 week death march we have now.

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> @"Kaiser.9873" said:

> Relinks should happen every 4 weeks as it was voted on, instead of this 8 week death march we have now.


Here are the actual results:

> https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/WvW-Poll-6-June-World-Linking-Schedule-CLOSED/6196507

> * 38.1% Reevaluate match-ups monthly.

> * 15.9% Reevaluate match-ups every other month.

> * 28.9% Reevaluate match-ups quarterly.

> * 5.5% Reevaluate match-ups every 4 months.

> * 11.6% Reevaluate match-ups every 6 months.


(I sorted by frequency rather than by vote as in the original post.)


* Nothing got a majority.

* The largest plurality for a single vote is 38.1% for monthly

* 46% voted for relinks to be 3 months or longer.


In other words, "most" people thought monthly was too short, rather than just right. That led to a compromise decision:

> After analyzing the results we have decided to go with a 2 month world linking evaluation schedule because the majority of players voted for evaluations to be more frequent than quarterly but less frequent than monthly. Since we have decided to reevaluate every 2 months we will be reevaluating the current world links and making adjustments on the very last Friday of every even month starting this month on the 24th. Thank you to everyone who voted!

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