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Are there new audio lines for player characters?


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I was playing yesterday and I heard my character speak some lines I had never heard before, like complaining about dread wolves or other things that I never before heard (and I've been playing for like 4 years)

are there new audios? or was it just coincidence and I had just never heard from it before?

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If you were in Bitterfrost, anywhere near the north woods while the svanir and wolves are attacking the griffins, your character will chat to the event npc even if they're over the next hill. Even if you're not in the event circle. They patched that out at one point but I think it came back. You could be hearing something similar.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> If you were in Bitterfrost, anywhere near the north woods while the svanir and wolves are attacking the griffins, your character will chat to the event npc even if they're over the next hill. Even if you're not in the event circle. They patched that out at one point but I think it came back. You could be hearing something similar.


Huh...now that you mention it, something similar happened to me in Verdant Brink not too long ago. I was nowhere near any events or any NPC's, and suddenly my character turned to look at...something...and said, "How can I help?" There was a pause. Then he said, still looking at nothing, "I'll see what I can do." And then nothing more came of that. I've scoured every bit of Verdant Brink and have never heard that line before - or since.

Maybe it's a rare bug that pops up at random times - characters responding to events/NPCs *way* outside of where they should?

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > If you were in Bitterfrost, anywhere near the north woods while the svanir and wolves are attacking the griffins, your character will chat to the event npc even if they're over the next hill. Even if you're not in the event circle. They patched that out at one point but I think it came back. You could be hearing something similar.


> Huh...now that you mention it, something similar happened to me in Verdant Brink not too long ago. I was nowhere near any events or any NPC's, and suddenly my character turned to look at...something...and said, "How can I help?" There was a pause. Then he said, still looking at nothing, "I'll see what I can do." And then nothing more came of that. I've scoured every bit of Verdant Brink and have never heard that line before - or since.

> Maybe it's a rare bug that pops up at random times - characters responding to events/NPCs *way* outside of where they should?


Sounds to me like the Commander is starting to crack under the pressure. Too many cycles through unending invasions, maps that never actually proceed, watching her friends and allies die over and over again.

"How can I help?"

There is nothing you can do, Commander. The Orrians will swarm eternally, Mordrem will come again each night, the Branded will shatter your allies, people will die. Even if you win this time, the cycle will reset. And then they will die. Laranthir is stranded forever in a hopeless last stand. The hylek must fend off Tequatl until the end of Mists. The Fractals will cycle endlessly until no one comes to remember them.

Killing the dragons has solved nothing.

You. Cannot. Help.

"I'll see what I can do."

I'm sure you will, Commander. I'm sure you will.

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> @"Kid Origami.9108" said:

> > @"Batel.9206" said:

> > > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > > If you were in Bitterfrost, anywhere near the north woods while the svanir and wolves are attacking the griffins, your character will chat to the event npc even if they're over the next hill. Even if you're not in the event circle. They patched that out at one point but I think it came back. You could be hearing something similar.

> >

> > Huh...now that you mention it, something similar happened to me in Verdant Brink not too long ago. I was nowhere near any events or any NPC's, and suddenly my character turned to look at...something...and said, "How can I help?" There was a pause. Then he said, still looking at nothing, "I'll see what I can do." And then nothing more came of that. I've scoured every bit of Verdant Brink and have never heard that line before - or since.

> > Maybe it's a rare bug that pops up at random times - characters responding to events/NPCs *way* outside of where they should?


> Sounds to me like the Commander is starting to crack under the pressure. Too many cycles through unending invasions, maps that never actually proceed, watching her friends and allies die over and over again.

> "How can I help?"

> There is nothing you can do, Commander. The Orrians will swarm eternally, Mordrem will come again each night, the Branded will shatter your allies, people will die. Even if you win this time, the cycle will reset. And then they will die. Laranthir is stranded forever in a hopeless last stand. The hylek must fend off Tequatl until the end of Mists. The Fractals will cycle endlessly until no one comes to remember them.

> Killing the dragons has solved nothing.

> You. Cannot. Help.

> "I'll see what I can do."

> I'm sure you will, Commander. I'm sure you will.


That gave me chills. So true though. I would LOVE if arenanet did a story arc exploring this--the commander has got to have PTSD, and a host of other mental problems. A living story episode where they finally begin to snap--hallucinations, emotional outbursts--would be right on the dot.

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> @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

> > @"Kid Origami.9108" said:

> > > @"Batel.9206" said:

> > > > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > > > If you were in Bitterfrost, anywhere near the north woods while the svanir and wolves are attacking the griffins, your character will chat to the event npc even if they're over the next hill. Even if you're not in the event circle. They patched that out at one point but I think it came back. You could be hearing something similar.

> > >

> > > Huh...now that you mention it, something similar happened to me in Verdant Brink not too long ago. I was nowhere near any events or any NPC's, and suddenly my character turned to look at...something...and said, "How can I help?" There was a pause. Then he said, still looking at nothing, "I'll see what I can do." And then nothing more came of that. I've scoured every bit of Verdant Brink and have never heard that line before - or since.

> > > Maybe it's a rare bug that pops up at random times - characters responding to events/NPCs *way* outside of where they should?

> >

> > Sounds to me like the Commander is starting to crack under the pressure. Too many cycles through unending invasions, maps that never actually proceed, watching her friends and allies die over and over again.

> > "How can I help?"

> > There is nothing you can do, Commander. The Orrians will swarm eternally, Mordrem will come again each night, the Branded will shatter your allies, people will die. Even if you win this time, the cycle will reset. And then they will die. Laranthir is stranded forever in a hopeless last stand. The hylek must fend off Tequatl until the end of Mists. The Fractals will cycle endlessly until no one comes to remember them.

> > Killing the dragons has solved nothing.

> > You. Cannot. Help.

> > "I'll see what I can do."

> > I'm sure you will, Commander. I'm sure you will.


> That gave me chills. So true though. I would LOVE if arenanet did a story arc exploring this--the commander has got to have PTSD, and a host of other mental problems. A living story episode where they finally begin to snap--hallucinations, emotional outbursts--would be right on the dot.


Honestly, I would dig this. I need to make a suggestion thread for the idea...

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> @"Kid Origami.9108" said:

> I need to make a suggestion thread for the idea...


Please, *please* do. I was reading what you wrote and my first thought was, "...that was beautiful. *Absolutely horrifying*, but beautiful." I'd *love* it if that actually happened in-game, where the Commander finally starts breaking from all the stress, horrors, and grief they've been yanked through.

...that sounds so sadistic out of context. XD What can I say - I'm a writer and an editor. My *job* is (partly) to find ways to deepen a character's pain and make it more real to readers.


On that related note, when the above incident happened and my character started talking to nothing, since he's a sylvari and was going through the Heart of Thorns storyline, I vaguely wondered if he was

>! responding to Mordremoth's call...in his own insufferably polite sort of way. An Elder Dragon's screaming in his skull, and his first question to his new overlord is, "How can I help?" [facepalm]

It was a silly thought, but still. :tongue:


~~Also this has gone really far off-topic, sorry OP!~~

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