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Please "lock" Level-80 Boosters for new players!

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> @castlemanic.3198 said:

> Just having a tutorial that's optional be available to players to get them happily on the road to understanding everything, whether boosted or not, would be super beneficial for everyone. Hell, I could probably learn a thing or two as well from an Arenanet made tutorial and i've been playing since beta weekend three.

I honestly doubt an optional tutorial would help. To players that want to learn, all the resources are already available, starting with the tutorial pop-ups you get through leveling (see the information column in the [wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Level_rewards)). Adding yet another optional tutorial system would cost a lot of developer resources for little to no gain, as the problem aren't those that go look for information, but rather those players that just want to jump in and play, and are likely to ignore any tutorials thrown their way.

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> @Puma.3645 said:

> I was actually just thinking about this last night. I feel like a lot of new players are missing out on core tyria, which was super fun and relaxing if they use the boost .:/


It's certainly true that they miss out a lot, but it's not true that necessarily means that their game experience is worse; we can only say that it's different from yours (and mine). Do you really think it should be up to ANet to decide what's fun for each of us?

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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> Tutorials should be included in the game, not on some web site. The pop-ups you get while leveling are useless for the most part. "Do not forget to use combo attacks" does not help if the player wasn't told what combo attacks are, or how to use those, etc.


I mean it isn't that hard to figure and out and ask.

Like, if something CAN COMBO it is listed on the ability that it can combo and the symbol is a puzzle piece to imply that it isn't whole which makes kind of sense considering combo isn't like a combo attack where you get x1000 attack in some fighting game, to an extent it means you can make a combined attack with someone else and all it takes is taking the time to read the ability and wonder what fields and finishers are on abilities and asking about it.

Sure there could be more explanation but it isn't hard to learn either, it's not like they don't hint that they do something unique.

I mean combo attacks aren't even that great really. Like they do somethings but like it's no good having a projectile finisher in a fire field and getting burning if you are a pure damage class for example because you will deal no condi.


There is waaaaaay more important things to have a tutorial for than combos.

In general, maybe the current tutorials could be more descriptive but most of the times it seems you have to level to get that information and boosting a character bypasses that.

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I am 1,000% all for locking a level 80 boost. To unlock it the account should need to have reached max level already. No AP count, no hour goal. That account should **HAVE** to reach level 80 **ON IT'S OWN**.


My husband bought the game a few months back and insta-80'd. He used it on a mesmer and I knew he'd hate mes, which he did, but he didn't think about what class he'd be good at or enjoy, he just saw the bright, shiny max level boost and used it. For the first few weeks I was answering so many questions like "what does x do?" and gripes like "these enemies are too tough!". If he had played through to even just level 20 on his mes he would realise that he hated it and would change to a different class. Not only that, but he would *also* have learned the **most basic** mechanics of the game.


Not to mention the other guildies I've met who insta-80d and then ask "well what do I do now?", or have comments like "ugh it's so confusing!" My general response is "Of COURSE it's confusing. You basically just unlocked the ENTIRE GAME'S mechanics all with a few mouse clicks in a handful of seconds! We learned the mechanics by actually playing the game four hours, days, maybe even weeks to get to 80."


If you're a new player to gw2 and reading this thread, please, for the love of God do NOT use that insta-80 boost you have. Actually play the game first, learn about it and the class/es you're playing.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Puma.3645 said:

> > I was actually just thinking about this last night. I feel like a lot of new players are missing out on core tyria, which was super fun and relaxing if they use the boost .:/


> It's certainly true that they miss out a lot, but it's not true that necessarily means that their game experience is worse; we can only say that it's different from yours (and mine). Do you really think it should be up to ANet to decide what's fun for each of us?


If you play an MMO and you actually have to say

"Oh I played this game, yeah the story was really confusing I mean I don't even know how I got to that jungle and I don't really know what is going on. I only really visited the maps I did the story for, I didn't understand the purpose for being at the other maps really and I don't understand why they exist, this game is only fun for level 80 but I didn't really like leveling because I had instant gratification on my first character to the point where I didn't even need to do the story in order at least once and could just skip off wherever I wanted. I tried to get into the PvP and WvW scene but I was getting smashed too easy but surely its not because I don't know how to build a character because I didn't bother to properly play the game"

Then did you really play an MMO or did you just sort of play a game?

Regardless of how many people say this game was designed around lack of grind, there is still a bit of a grind because all MMO's are in some sense because they make you earn things, just because this game is easier to grind and get rewards for it doesn't mean we should just be handing out instant gratification.

Sure, give them the boost but at least make them work a little bit and learn their classes in some way or another because that is part of what an MMO experience is, you learn your bloody class. Generally you do that by levelling and considering if you level genuinely you can get to halfway to max level in a few days just by knowing how to complete hearts fast, leveling isn't that much of a chore and your first character in any other MMO should be leveled the "hard" way.


I am sorry for people who invite their friends to an MMO and without the 80 boost their friend "wouldn't have played it" but realistically there is still more leveling to be done in the form of masteries and there is still a grind for stuff. If your friend doesn't like the basic experiences of an MMO than they just aren't an MMO fan and you are kind of getting them to play a genre they don't like. Once they start getting bored of the grind, they will quit and won't come back. There is more gratification for some in FPS and MOBA's, etc. They can get kills, often on real people and it takes a shorter time to get to victory or loss. It is faster to get instant gratification. It feels good to win. Show them how to make decent builds and lead them toward PvP and that will be the closest you get to keeping them in the game, because they can somehow get instant gratification.

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> I am 1,000% all for locking a level 80 boost. To unlock it the account should need to have reached max level already. No AP count, no hour goal. That account should **HAVE** to reach level 80 **ON IT'S OWN**.


> My husband bought the game a few months back and insta-80'd. He used it on a mesmer and I knew he'd hate mes, which he did, but he didn't think about what class he'd be good at or enjoy, he just saw the bright, shiny max level boost and used it. For the first few weeks I was answering so many questions like "what does x do?" and gripes like "these enemies are too tough!". If he had played through to even just level 20 on his mes he would realise that he hated it and would change to a different class. Not only that, but he would *also* have learned the **most basic** mechanics of the game.


> Not to mention the other guildies I've met who insta-80d and then ask "well what do I do now?", or have comments like "ugh it's so confusing!" My general response is "Of COURSE it's confusing. You basically just unlocked the ENTIRE GAME'S mechanics all with a few mouse clicks in a handful of seconds! We learned the mechanics by actually playing the game four hours, days, maybe even weeks to get to 80."


> If you're a new player to gw2 and reading this thread, please, for the love of God do NOT use that insta-80 boost you have. Actually play the game first, learn about it and the class/es you're playing.


I want you to know that your example is beyond perfect and thank you for saying this! <3

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > I am 1,000% all for locking a level 80 boost. To unlock it the account should need to have reached max level already. No AP count, no hour goal. That account should **HAVE** to reach level 80 **ON IT'S OWN**.

> >

> > My husband bought the game a few months back and insta-80'd. He used it on a mesmer and I knew he'd hate mes, which he did, but he didn't think about what class he'd be good at or enjoy, he just saw the bright, shiny max level boost and used it. For the first few weeks I was answering so many questions like "what does x do?" and gripes like "these enemies are too tough!". If he had played through to even just level 20 on his mes he would realise that he hated it and would change to a different class. Not only that, but he would *also* have learned the **most basic** mechanics of the game.

> >

> > Not to mention the other guildies I've met who insta-80d and then ask "well what do I do now?", or have comments like "ugh it's so confusing!" My general response is "Of COURSE it's confusing. You basically just unlocked the ENTIRE GAME'S mechanics all with a few mouse clicks in a handful of seconds! We learned the mechanics by actually playing the game four hours, days, maybe even weeks to get to 80."

> >

> > If you're a new player to gw2 and reading this thread, please, for the love of God do NOT use that insta-80 boost you have. Actually play the game first, learn about it and the class/es you're playing.


> I want you to know that your example is beyond perfect and thank you for saying this! <3


Dude I'm so glad people get it. I mean, I'm all 10,000% for people coming into gw2, I truly am, but if they skip 99% of the content that we played to learn the game then it's more a hindrance to *everyone* than a help.

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > I am 1,000% all for locking a level 80 boost. To unlock it the account should need to have reached max level already. No AP count, no hour goal. That account should **HAVE** to reach level 80 **ON IT'S OWN**.

> > >

> > > My husband bought the game a few months back and insta-80'd. He used it on a mesmer and I knew he'd hate mes, which he did, but he didn't think about what class he'd be good at or enjoy, he just saw the bright, shiny max level boost and used it. For the first few weeks I was answering so many questions like "what does x do?" and gripes like "these enemies are too tough!". If he had played through to even just level 20 on his mes he would realise that he hated it and would change to a different class. Not only that, but he would *also* have learned the **most basic** mechanics of the game.

> > >

> > > Not to mention the other guildies I've met who insta-80d and then ask "well what do I do now?", or have comments like "ugh it's so confusing!" My general response is "Of COURSE it's confusing. You basically just unlocked the ENTIRE GAME'S mechanics all with a few mouse clicks in a handful of seconds! We learned the mechanics by actually playing the game four hours, days, maybe even weeks to get to 80."

> > >

> > > If you're a new player to gw2 and reading this thread, please, for the love of God do NOT use that insta-80 boost you have. Actually play the game first, learn about it and the class/es you're playing.

> >

> > I want you to know that your example is beyond perfect and thank you for saying this! <3


> Dude I'm so glad people get it. I mean, I'm all 10,000% for people coming into gw2, I truly am, but if they skip 99% of the content that we played to learn the game then it's more a hindrance to *everyone* than a help.


I truly believe that if someone is going to play an MMO solely because of a booster, than they really don't like MMO's overall. MMO's are about leveling, learning and grinding. Guild Wars feels like it has so much less grind than a lot of MMO's I have played, if people hate getting through even just a few levels on their first time playing because it is too much work, than an MMO isn't for them.

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> @Rasimir.6239 said:

> > @castlemanic.3198 said:

> > Just having a tutorial that's optional be available to players to get them happily on the road to understanding everything, whether boosted or not, would be super beneficial for everyone. Hell, I could probably learn a thing or two as well from an Arenanet made tutorial and i've been playing since beta weekend three.

> I honestly doubt an optional tutorial would help. To players that want to learn, all the resources are already available, starting with the tutorial pop-ups you get through leveling (see the information column in the [wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Level_rewards)). Adding yet another optional tutorial system would cost a lot of developer resources for little to no gain, as the problem aren't those that go look for information, but rather those players that just want to jump in and play, and are likely to ignore any tutorials thrown their way.


The game's leveling tutorial is awful. A well-designed tutorial teaches you how to 'just jump in and play'.


It's possible to make a short tutorial (No more than an hour or two of diverse content) that demonstrates everything a level 80 character of any profession is capable of.

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> @RandomWolf.3986 said:

> There's an issue that has been rising lately for the Guild Wars 2 community ever since these Boosters were added to the game. I personally don't mind them and I'm grateful that ArenaNet offered them to those who bought _Heart of Thorns_ and _Path of Fire_. Unfortunately, there is a major issue that this gift provides.


> Allow me to give you an example in order to make a point, but you can skip this paragraph if you wish. Me and a friend spent most of our free-time after school playing MMORPGs together. We did this for nearly six years and we always attempted to find a good new game to start out. Once University began we found ourselves on different courses and establishments and things ended up fading away just like that. During that time I placed a lot of focus onto _Guild Wars 2_ and had a blast. So naturally, I decided to convince my friend into trying it out. And he did; he even bought the game. The game suggested him to try out the Booster and he ended up finding his way to _Heart of Thorns_. Let's say that his experience with the game was pretty **awful**. And I haven't been able to get him to try the game ever since then. The same happened to another friend I had online.


> What I'm trying to say is that Boosters are **misplaced**. They should not be accessible to brand-new accounts. It would be best if they were to be locked until an account reaches a certain amount of _Achievement Points_ like 1,000 or manages to get one character to _Level 80_ all by itself. **Because players need to get used to the game's flow and mechanics.** They need to be familiar with what the game has to offer; with its community, content and most importantly: the mechanics.The seductive nature of the Booster makes it so that new players don't care about the base game, and they will skip right to end-game content, utilizing a faulty build. Not only will this impact their view on the game, it will also affect other players, including veterans... for Dungeons, Fractals and other major events.


> I've lost track of the number of players who were outright lost and frustrated with their experience in _Heart of Thorns_ and _Path Fire._ Their interest towards the game as a whole was immediately undermined. This might not be the cause for some players, but it's there. I like to help out new players, and many of said players end up quitting a while after starting. They can't even get into the story because it'll seem ridiculous right off the bat.


> If you have anything else that you'd like to add to this topic at hand please do not hesitate to post it down below.


Your post isn't at all what I thought it would be. I entirely agree and I think your idea of having an achievement based requirement prior to being able to activate boosters on an account is fantastic! I feared your post would be along the lines of "vets worked for it! you are missing part of the game!' but that isn't it at all and I greatly appreciate your insight into what it must be like coming five years late into a game - already feeling like you have missed a lot since launch - then being top level instantly and expecting to be able to do everything that matches your level. It might be a bit hand holdy, but for the sake of the overall community I think it would be a boon to impose such a restriction on the use of the level 80 boosters. It isn't THAT far a stretch from having to complete story 1 of POF on a character before "lily of the desert" became available for use across your account. Thumbs up all the way!

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> Like, if something CAN COMBO it is listed on the ability that it can combo and the symbol is a puzzle piece to imply that it isn't whole which makes kind of sense considering combo isn't like a combo attack where you get x1000 attack in some fighting game, to an extent it means you can make a combined attack with someone else and all it takes is taking the time to read the ability and wonder what fields and finishers are on abilities and asking about it.

Nah, I've met players who thought that it's only possible to combo with other players. Because that's how it works in other MMOs. Seems to especially happen to professions that don't have many field abilities. Then you get questions like: "I somehow triggered a combo, but there was nobody else around. Bug?"


Definitely needs a better tutorial.


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said new player needs to get to lions arch or brisban highlands to get into hot/pof and they have to do the story missions which pofs is definitely a bit tougher(really) while hot requires fighting mordrem(always a bad thing), being 80 and knowing how to run from map point a to map point b can be tricky, and even if said player used a map pic or 2 to get from a to b to c, will they like the class they chose absolutely or drop shinies for another 80, or maybe theyll just head to hotm and test elites before going out into the world(pun, kek), i have everything but warrior at 80(recently tossed off my roster /shrug ), i didnt think much of deadeye or thief until i leveled the thief over this last week(2nd necro took the 80 boost), and holy hell is deadeye a beast compared to vanilla steal steal.

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>@"PirateLove.6417" said:

> Your post isn't at all what I thought it would be. I entirely agree and I think your idea of having an achievement based requirement prior to being able to activate boosters on an account is fantastic! I feared your post would be along the lines of "vets worked for it! you are missing part of the game!' but that isn't it at all and I greatly appreciate your insight into what it must be like coming five years late into a game - already feeling like you have missed a lot since launch - then being top level instantly and expecting to be able to do everything that matches your level. It might be a bit hand holdy, but for the sake of the overall community I think it would be a boon to impose such a restriction on the use of the level 80 boosters. It isn't THAT far a stretch from having to complete story 1 of POF on a character before "lily of the desert" became available for use across your account. Thumbs up all the way!


Thank you so much. I am glad that you agree.



> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> I am 1,000% all for locking a level 80 boost. To unlock it the account should need to have reached max level already. No AP count, no hour goal. That account should **HAVE** to reach level 80 **ON IT'S OWN**.


Well said!



> There should be a tutorial.


I agree, but... I have been witnessing things lately that aren't so good. New and returning players don't want to go through the bore of learning and enjoying what is now considered 'old content'. Allow me to elaborate this topic.


A few days ago I met a returning player who wanted to get back into the game. We spent a few hours discussing the game as a whole and he decided to purchase both expansions and a bunch of gems. After explaining the importance of LW2 and LW3... he decided to ignore everything that I had just mentioned and bought Keys using almost 3,000 gems... and RNG backfired. He only got junk and his Wardrobe Unlocks gave him basic skins. I suppose it's a lesson well-learned.


Other players that I've met just want to get their hands on mounts; they don't want to learn or understand... all they want is to rush through content, and then they end up frustrated and quit.


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I used all my boosts on characters who at least were 50+. Two of them even were 80 for a long time, but I didn't want to spend Karma or buy items on tp or grind for crafting materials and finally also wanted the empty shared inventory slot.


New players should be free to use the boost but they shouldn't start on level 80 maps but rather be teleported back to their starting areas. They still can decide to teleport back to Silverwastes but I guess most of them will just continue to explore the map they were sent to. Getting to 80 is tied to a learning curve and this curve continues in level 80 areas that are not suited to start to learn the basics but designed for players who already know them.


There is a reason why only downscaling exists in Open World PvE but no upscaling - though the boost circumvents this entirely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @castlemanic.3198 said:

> The only solution to this problem is some sort of optional tutorial that goes through everything, what boons and conditions are, what are CCs, what are break bars, what's barrier, what are traits, what different stats do, how changing your weapon changes skills, dodging, healing and class specific mechanics (guardian virtues, warrior bursts etc).


> Just having a tutorial that's optional be available to players to get them happily on the road to understanding everything, whether boosted or not, would be super beneficial for everyone. Hell, I could probably learn a thing or two as well from an Arenanet made tutorial and i've been playing since beta weekend three.



Release a manual.


Like games are fucking supposed to.

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How exactly does this affect any of you personally in this game? Who cares really if others insta boost or not. If they are inexperienced then don't have them in your parties prob solved. You'll find out soon enough who can play and who can't. I don't care personally who uses boosts because it doesn't affect my game play. Get over it and let everyone enjoy the game in their own tempo.

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> @Tasida.4085 said:



" How exactly does this affect you personally in this game? Who cares really if others can buy legendary weappns and armor on tp or not. If they are inexperienced then don't have them in your parties. You'll find out soon enough who can play and who can't. I don't care personally who buys leggys because it doesn't affect my game play. Get over it and let everyone enjoy the game in their own tempo."


The whole thing is totally interchangeable.



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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> I am sorry for people who invite their friends to an MMO and without the 80 boost their friend "wouldn't have played it" but realistically [...] If your friend doesn't like the basic experiences of an MMO than they just aren't an MMO fan and you are kind of getting them to play a genre they don't like.


I think the same. I was deep in love with an MMO and I convinced a friend of mine to try it out, after 3 years that I kept talking about it. She played it a bit, few levels, and didn't want any guidance. She quit after 1 day, because "it's too like this... it's not enough this...", all things that could have been changed from the option menu and the UI.

It's not the boost's fault. I bought HoT and I didn't use the boost in months. In the meantime I leveled up 2 new alts. Without boost, because I wanted to learn the class. I'd probably use it for a ranger, one day, since it seemed the easiest class to play, so maybe it's not worth to play it for 80 levels to understand the basic.


But few new players know that they can try all the classes in the PvP lobby at lv2 (or 21 if it's their first toon). I told it to one of my guild mates and I've been told about this opportunity by another friend of mine. That's something that could receive more visibility in game, 'cause it's a nice feature.

For the OP.... try to link this thread to your friend somehow :) COME BACK YOU THERE! Give the game another chance! :D

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> @RandomWolf.3986 said:

> There's an issue that has been rising lately for the Guild Wars 2 community ever since these Boosters were added to the game. I personally don't mind them and I'm grateful that ArenaNet offered them to those who bought _Heart of Thorns_ and _Path of Fire_. Unfortunately, there is a major issue that this gift provides.


> Allow me to give you an example in order to make a point, but you can skip this paragraph if you wish. Me and a friend spent most of our free-time after school playing MMORPGs together. We did this for nearly six years and we always attempted to find a good new game to start out. Once University began we found ourselves on different courses and establishments and things ended up fading away just like that. During that time I placed a lot of focus onto _Guild Wars 2_ and had a blast. So naturally, I decided to convince my friend into trying it out. And he did; he even bought the game. The game suggested him to try out the Booster and he ended up finding his way to _Heart of Thorns_. Let's say that his experience with the game was pretty **awful**. And I haven't been able to get him to try the game ever since then. The same happened to another friend I had online.


> What I'm trying to say is that Boosters are **misplaced**. They should not be accessible to brand-new accounts. It would be best if they were to be locked until an account reaches a certain amount of _Achievement Points_ like 1,000 or manages to get one character to _Level 80_ all by itself. **Because players need to get used to the game's flow and mechanics.** They need to be familiar with what the game has to offer; with its community, content and most importantly: the mechanics.The seductive nature of the Booster makes it so that new players don't care about the base game, and they will skip right to end-game content, utilizing a faulty build. Not only will this impact their view on the game, it will also affect other players, including veterans... for Dungeons, Fractals and other major events.


> I've lost track of the number of players who were outright lost and frustrated with their experience in _Heart of Thorns_ and _Path Fire._ Their interest towards the game as a whole was immediately undermined. This might not be the cause for some players, but it's there. I like to help out new players, and many of said players end up quitting a while after starting. They can't even get into the story because it'll seem ridiculous right off the bat.


> If you have anything else that you'd like to add to this topic at hand please do not hesitate to post it down below.


Maybe we'd resort back to the old method , a stupid one but effective one at least:

Kick base on their Mastery level and AP.


Since AP is so easy to come by and anyone who play a decent amount should have some, (Same goes to mastery), if people show up to be low at AP and low at Mastery level, it's almost sure that they're new player, and if you don't want to party with new players, it's easily to spot them and avoid them too.

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Simple. Take the boost, go back to starting zone and play through the game as a downleveled 80.

Anet has to get out of the business of directing players how to play. We need less of that, not more.

a "Free 80 boost" with conditions is not free. It is not anyone's business how any player chooses to use a product they purchased. It was their money, not yours.

Get out of the mindset of telling people how to play. It isn't your call. If they choose to leave, that isn't your call either.

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  • 3 months later...

This might be a necro but I just wanted to add I just started up and have 0 idea what to do. I boosted my toon to 80 then I don't understand what i'm suppose to do next. This game does a really bad job of familiarizing the player with their abilities via tutorials and instead just kinda throws you into the fire with no direction added as well. I literally understand nothing in this game but i want to play and it looks really interesting but as of this moment i'm pretty turned off because I'm pretty much at square one and stuck in a pitfall.

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