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Please "lock" Level-80 Boosters for new players!

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Altho I see what point you are trying to make, you have to realize you make no sense. If new player gets insta 80 and then attempts to solo an endgame map without gear and experience, he will have a bad time.

If your friend dislikes the game for being an idiot, it's his own damn problem, not games.

Also, for a 6+ year mmo veteran, this should of not been an issue. The problem you presented would fit my mum, if by any miracle she would started playing gw2, not a gamer. Moreover, how can a MMO player do stupid shit like this?!

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> @Mea.5491 said:

> So I have a friend who just bought GW2 a few days ago only because I told him there was a max lvl boost... He hates lvling in MMOs. I told him to wait for me so I can explain the SW meta but by the time I logged on he already explored 2 maps and was having a blast and now he wants to quit FFXIV for GW2. :P The lvl80 boost encourages some people to play the game so it's not a good idea to lock it away. If someone can't handle high lvl content then they should start a lvl1 character, problem solved.


But many end up dragging down the team in certain situations and in others end up hindering themselves.

I recruited two people from the Eater of Souls discussion not too long ago who claimed the fight was too hard. I took them into my guild and we got them new gear and gave them a build to compliment it based on the weapons they liked using the most and suddenly they realized that they were stronger and far more survivable because they were suddenly killing things more than dying. These kind of people are the ones most likely to quit because they don't understand and won't understand without having played the game.

The best solution I see that allows them to level boost without jumping straight into max level content with zero knowledge, is that once boosted unless they have a character who has done the entire core story, they cannot access anything further and they get to experience the full story and experience the world the creators intended without all these movement items that were added later due to particular map creation.

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> @Maunzi.3764 said:

> I had the exact opposite experience. Every friend I told about the game gave up because the first twenty levels were utterly boring to the point of being braindead, nobody wanted to play that. They take too long, you get barely any interesting abilities, you have no options.


> The leveling boost lets them actually try out the GAME, instead of 11111111111 for hours.


> To be frank, they should remove levels from the game entirely. Start everyone at 80, and have a better game for it. Leveling serves no purpose anymore.


> What we need is a TUTORIAL that is skippable. A real one. Leveling is not a totorial, it teaches kitten. Not a single important mechanic is taught during leveling.


> * Combos? nope

> * Boons? nope

> * CC? nope

> * Stealthskips? nope

> * ressing and respawning when dead? nope

> * different kinds of AOEs enemy use? nope


> Leveling to 80 is useless. You don't want new players to do them for the new player's benefit, you want it because god forbid new players actually enjoy the game without wasting 80 hours of boring grind first.


We want them not to come into max level content without knowing what a stun bar is and how it works.

We want them to come into max level content knowing how to make a build and having stats to compliment it.

We want them to stop coming in and thinking they can equip random stuff.

This is stuff we learned by following through the game at a steady pace and not jumping into max level content.

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This may have already been mentioned, but why not focus more on the boost trial, perhaps requiring it to be used for x hours before you can use it. Adding a little map variety would be good as well, the silverwastes can be pretty dry (pun intended).


My girls (10 y/o) bought HoT recently and wanted to boost to get their gliders. They'd only played about 20 hours so recommended they boosts rangers if only for survivability, which they did, and took them in to VB. Afterwards they happily went back to their personal stories. Last week we went to AB to get them bristlebacks, then to southsun cove for the reef drake, then again they went back to central Tyria. They are slowly getting used to harder content which helps them in leveling their other characters and will let them ease fully into HoT when they are ready. They wanted to do the octovine yesterday, considering how confusing it can be for a new (and boosted) player they both did well. They only had 13 keys each so they didn't get to fully enjoy the rewards.

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> We want them not to come into max level content without knowing what a stun bar is and how it works.

> We want them to come into max level content knowing how to make a build and having stats to compliment it.

> We want them to stop coming in and thinking they can equip random stuff.

> This is stuff we learned by following through the game at a steady pace and not jumping into max level content.


I don't, in general, disagree. The reason that I think it would be better to have a decent tutorial at the SW lvl 80 spot is because I doubt Anet will ever lock new or rusty returning players out of the lvl 80 boost will come down to map populations. I doubt they're going to tell these players "no, I'm sorry, you can't join in the fun with the majority of the player base in the new expansion you just paid for because we want you learn things in the traditional route". I do think that SW is a good place to do it because it is a gold farm. So generally there are going to be enough people around to feasibly work through much of the map events even as a new player. And a lot of the events are soloable without a huge skill leap. There are enough of the more vital mechanics (break bars, chances for skill swapping and experimentation, etc) in play in the SW to get some good training whereas in the core maps some of those mechanics - including gearing - isn't really needed until you reach Orr at best. Plus it's a good place to start getting some bank so new players can have an easier time gearing up once they get the hang of it.


So, if they're not going to do that, then probably the best bet would be to not sell the lvl 80 boosters with the expansions at all. I sure as hell know I'd be annoyed to buy something like that and then be told 'sorry you can't use this until we say you can'.



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> @DeadTreeJig.6714 said:

> This may have already been mentioned, but why not focus more on the boost trial, perhaps requiring it to be used for x hours before you can use it. Adding a little map variety would be good as well, the silverwastes can be pretty dry (pun intended).


> My girls (10 y/o) bought HoT recently and wanted to boost to get their gliders. They'd only played about 20 hours so recommended they boosts rangers if only for survivability, which they did, and took them in to VB. Afterwards they happily went back to their personal stories. Last week we went to AB to get them bristlebacks, then to southsun cove for the reef drake, then again they went back to central Tyria. They are slowly getting used to harder content which helps them in leveling their other characters and will let them ease fully into HoT when they are ready. They wanted to do the octovine yesterday, considering how confusing it can be for a new (and boosted) player they both did well. They only had 13 keys each so they didn't get to fully enjoy the rewards.


Then clearly your young children are smarter than all of the grown people boosting their only character and jumping straight into max level.

Not only are they getting help and being guided through tougher areas, they are actually going back and bothering to learn in the lower level areas and doing their stories.

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> Some of this revolves less around the level 80 boost and more just about how unusually bad Guild Wars 2 is at presenting its world and mechanics in a digestible way for new players. I've seen people quit in their first hour of playing just because a lot of stuff isn't intuitive and isn't explained well in-game, leading to a lot of frustration.


> The issue with gating level 80 boosts is that it undermines their main benefit - getting your friends into the game and giving them an opportunity to play with you in new content while learning from you.


> The main design mistake this game had was having 80 levels to begin with. Content doesn't properly fill it out, and it makes leveling seem overlong and shallow. If i could snap my fingers and redesign the whole game around 40-50 levels I would do so.


Yes, unless you open your bags with a lower level character there really is not much point in anything other than level 80. Anything below that is just learning the ropes. Most people have figured out most of the basics their first week and the fundamentals in the first session. Between the basics and 80 is just a slog. Which is pretty obvious since all the new maps since 2012 have been level 80.


It is ironic since there was this huge thing about dynamic leveling. Yet most of the players are the same level on all but their latest character anyway.

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > I'm only speaking from the last weeks experience.

> >

> > - Introduced a friend to the game under free to play

> > - upgraded his account with both expansions this weekend just past

> > - he boosted his Warrior to level 80

> > - he spent half hour on the tutorial before I used a Teleport to a friend to find out he was just doing some random event.

> > - I gave him a brief tutorial about combat mechanics, gear, traits, loot, events and everything else he wanted to know

> > - I spent 150g on his gear

> > - I spent 2k gems on his outfits, gliders and such

> > - he spent another $50 for inventory tabs and bits n pieces

> > - I dropped a Guild Keg, We got drunk and we have both been exploring HoT and PoF as level 80's, enjoying the game thoroughly. When I'm not online he says the expansion maps are a bit hard so he sticks to his personal story quest until I log on again.

> >

> >

> > I am really happy we have level 80 boosters and as he said, without it, he wouldn't have bothered to get any further into this game.

> > Comes off as a little petty that the reasoning for not wanting the boosters is "I had to level mine to 80 4 years ago they should do the same", that's like, toddler mentality.


> The issue is not that "we had to level initially, so should they", it is that so many come into level 80 not knowing what they are doing.

> If you don't know what a stun bar is, then you shouldn't be doing max level content to learn what that is.

> If you don't understand or have a build, jumping into max level content is not for you. Particularly if you don't intend to get help.

> I can understand the appeal in everyone using it and it can bring friends together and what not, that is great but there are too many people going into max level without a clue or help to get a clue.

> It needs to be regulated by one or some of the following:

> - A person needs to have a level 80 character already bound to their account.

> - A person needs to go through a mentor-ship system as I posted a vague gibberish idea of elsewhere in the post.

> - A person can activate the level 80 boost, but after doing so they are restricted to the core tyria maps until they have done the core Tyria story before they can go into and through HoT and later. This then exposes them to the full experience that teaches you over time the mechanics of the game, allows them to experience the story from the start and not just jump in somewhere in the middle which would ruin the story experience and gives them one time in which they are going to experience the story in the order it is supposed to be experienced with the movement that each of these times were intended to have by the creators.



"they have to learn the game before playing with me"

"Oh they need to understand a breakbar before playing near me"

"They should do the story before playing with me"



Most of your issues would be solved if you helped these newer players but instead you got your head up your butt..


If you played at game release, you would know we had ways of getting strait to 80 without boosters or tomes so this is a really pathetic excuse to make it about "learning the game"... If you're trying to say the tutorial for new players is bad, then I agree as I spent a few good hours gearing and teaching a friend the basics but that's no different than the guild who recruited me on my first day of playing, they guided me through just about everything including how to craft to 80 on your 2nd-3rd day.


Not aimed at you directly.... Just generally speaking that we have forgotten how to help our fellow players.

This is also extremely trivial since level 80 doesn't mean anything anymore, the game has evolved into account bound progression with mastery systems now and the biggest selling point of GW2 has always been the lack of grind needed to have a max level character, you take that way, you take away sales, and sales are more players to play with...

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> @Neural.1824 said:

> I think the level 80 boosts should be removed completely. The speed at which you can level from 1 to 80 in this game is ridiculous compared to other MMO's.


Umm, no?


I am currently on 16th characters. If you take away level boosts it is way too slow to level a character. I certainly do not level as slowly as my first few characters did, but my tolerance for being a sub-80 now is pretty much at 0. It is not like you are likely to learn something eathshatteringly new leveling after your first time, so it is pretty much wasted gameplay time.


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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @Zeivu.3615 said:

> > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > What you suggest may be right, but also could be perceived really bad by somebody who purchased the game.

> > >

> > > A friend ask another friend to come to gw2 to play together.

> > > The friend is not sure cause he doesn't like to lvl up in another mmo, but hey there's a boost lvl cap!

> > > So the friend tries but he's stuck to use the boost till 1000 ap ( which are nothing to me... combo fields, mechanics, attack glitches and so on can be learned through hours of playing, and could not be necessarily related to the number of achies ).

> > >

> > > Also what about a solo player?

> > > If you buy the game you'll have a boost! But you can only use it after hours of playing!

> > >

> > > Though i pretty understand and share your thoughts, i am not sure about the solution you propose.

> >

> > God forbid you have to play the MMORPG game you buy... Honestly, I have been against the booster from the beginning, but if it _**HAS**_ to exist, it should be gated by earning lv80 for the first time.


> This. Same with wp unlock. Behind 100% map on 1 char


Which I completely disagree with. Just because I do not have every last POI on the same character I can not unlock WPs? Kitten that.

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> @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > @Embered.5089 said:

> > They could change the description of the boost to

> > "Warning: Best for alternative characters only. Please level at least one character to level 80 yourself before using this boost. You were warned."

> > Or something like that.


> ANet should write an "Introduction to the game for new players" guide on the wiki, then make the booster open that page when you use it.


Yes, but I would suggest players write it. For example, I always tell new players to do events near a heart and the odds are they will advance both. Anet will probably confuse them by telling people to do both (or stressing the hearts).


I was showing a newbie around one time and pointed out a certain event going on (I knew it would give credit for the heart so was a nobrainer for a vet wanting completion). They got distracted by the heart icon and what they did gave them no credit for the event.


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> @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > I'm only speaking from the last weeks experience.

> > >

> > > - Introduced a friend to the game under free to play

> > > - upgraded his account with both expansions this weekend just past

> > > - he boosted his Warrior to level 80

> > > - he spent half hour on the tutorial before I used a Teleport to a friend to find out he was just doing some random event.

> > > - I gave him a brief tutorial about combat mechanics, gear, traits, loot, events and everything else he wanted to know

> > > - I spent 150g on his gear

> > > - I spent 2k gems on his outfits, gliders and such

> > > - he spent another $50 for inventory tabs and bits n pieces

> > > - I dropped a Guild Keg, We got drunk and we have both been exploring HoT and PoF as level 80's, enjoying the game thoroughly. When I'm not online he says the expansion maps are a bit hard so he sticks to his personal story quest until I log on again.

> > >

> > >

> > > I am really happy we have level 80 boosters and as he said, without it, he wouldn't have bothered to get any further into this game.

> > > Comes off as a little petty that the reasoning for not wanting the boosters is "I had to level mine to 80 4 years ago they should do the same", that's like, toddler mentality.

> >

> > The issue is not that "we had to level initially, so should they", it is that so many come into level 80 not knowing what they are doing.

> > If you don't know what a stun bar is, then you shouldn't be doing max level content to learn what that is.

> > If you don't understand or have a build, jumping into max level content is not for you. Particularly if you don't intend to get help.

> > I can understand the appeal in everyone using it and it can bring friends together and what not, that is great but there are too many people going into max level without a clue or help to get a clue.

> > It needs to be regulated by one or some of the following:

> > - A person needs to have a level 80 character already bound to their account.

> > - A person needs to go through a mentor-ship system as I posted a vague gibberish idea of elsewhere in the post.

> > - A person can activate the level 80 boost, but after doing so they are restricted to the core tyria maps until they have done the core Tyria story before they can go into and through HoT and later. This then exposes them to the full experience that teaches you over time the mechanics of the game, allows them to experience the story from the start and not just jump in somewhere in the middle which would ruin the story experience and gives them one time in which they are going to experience the story in the order it is supposed to be experienced with the movement that each of these times were intended to have by the creators.



> "they have to learn the game before playing with me"

> "Oh they need to understand a breakbar before playing near me"

> "They should do the story before playing with me"



> Most of your issues would be solved if you helped these newer players but instead you got your head up your butt..


> If you played at game release, you would know we had ways of getting strait to 80 without boosters or tomes so this is a really pathetic excuse to make it about "learning the game"... If you're trying to say the tutorial for new players is bad, then I agree as I spent a few good hours gearing and teaching a friend the basics but that's no different than the guild who recruited me on my first day of playing, they guided me through just about everything including how to craft to 80 on your 2nd-3rd day.


> Not aimed at you directly.... Just generally speaking that we have forgotten how to help our fellow players.

> This is also extremely trivial since level 80 doesn't mean anything anymore, the game has evolved into account bound progression with mastery systems now and the biggest selling point of GW2 has always been the lack of grind needed to have a max level character, you take that way, you take away sales, and sales are more players to play with...


I do help new players.

A lot in fact, the amount of times I have explained what a break bar is and what effects it.

Bought new gear for people and helped them create builds based on their favourite weapon and explained what stats effect what parts of their weapons and utilities.

The fact is that there are too many people who do not know what they are doing and do not ask because they believe they already have a grasp on the game.

I have someone in my guild who always complained people were beating him but he is randomly equipping yellow rarity gear because it came from the Path of Fire story so it must be good but when I told him that it wasn't good because exotic is so easy to obtain and have mismatched stats isn't good for a build unless you have thoroughly thought it through, he got annoyed and told me I was wrong and yet when we were doing bounties, story and other things together he died where the rest of my group who understands builds did not.

How are we to help people who do not ask and do not want to be helped who then drag down everyone else?

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > > I'm only speaking from the last weeks experience.

> > > >

> > > > - Introduced a friend to the game under free to play

> > > > - upgraded his account with both expansions this weekend just past

> > > > - he boosted his Warrior to level 80

> > > > - he spent half hour on the tutorial before I used a Teleport to a friend to find out he was just doing some random event.

> > > > - I gave him a brief tutorial about combat mechanics, gear, traits, loot, events and everything else he wanted to know

> > > > - I spent 150g on his gear

> > > > - I spent 2k gems on his outfits, gliders and such

> > > > - he spent another $50 for inventory tabs and bits n pieces

> > > > - I dropped a Guild Keg, We got drunk and we have both been exploring HoT and PoF as level 80's, enjoying the game thoroughly. When I'm not online he says the expansion maps are a bit hard so he sticks to his personal story quest until I log on again.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I am really happy we have level 80 boosters and as he said, without it, he wouldn't have bothered to get any further into this game.

> > > > Comes off as a little petty that the reasoning for not wanting the boosters is "I had to level mine to 80 4 years ago they should do the same", that's like, toddler mentality.

> > >

> > > The issue is not that "we had to level initially, so should they", it is that so many come into level 80 not knowing what they are doing.

> > > If you don't know what a stun bar is, then you shouldn't be doing max level content to learn what that is.

> > > If you don't understand or have a build, jumping into max level content is not for you. Particularly if you don't intend to get help.

> > > I can understand the appeal in everyone using it and it can bring friends together and what not, that is great but there are too many people going into max level without a clue or help to get a clue.

> > > It needs to be regulated by one or some of the following:

> > > - A person needs to have a level 80 character already bound to their account.

> > > - A person needs to go through a mentor-ship system as I posted a vague gibberish idea of elsewhere in the post.

> > > - A person can activate the level 80 boost, but after doing so they are restricted to the core tyria maps until they have done the core Tyria story before they can go into and through HoT and later. This then exposes them to the full experience that teaches you over time the mechanics of the game, allows them to experience the story from the start and not just jump in somewhere in the middle which would ruin the story experience and gives them one time in which they are going to experience the story in the order it is supposed to be experienced with the movement that each of these times were intended to have by the creators.

> >

> >

> > "they have to learn the game before playing with me"

> > "Oh they need to understand a breakbar before playing near me"

> > "They should do the story before playing with me"

> >

> >

> > Most of your issues would be solved if you helped these newer players but instead you got your head up your butt..

> >

> > If you played at game release, you would know we had ways of getting strait to 80 without boosters or tomes so this is a really pathetic excuse to make it about "learning the game"... If you're trying to say the tutorial for new players is bad, then I agree as I spent a few good hours gearing and teaching a friend the basics but that's no different than the guild who recruited me on my first day of playing, they guided me through just about everything including how to craft to 80 on your 2nd-3rd day.

> >

> > Not aimed at you directly.... Just generally speaking that we have forgotten how to help our fellow players.

> > This is also extremely trivial since level 80 doesn't mean anything anymore, the game has evolved into account bound progression with mastery systems now and the biggest selling point of GW2 has always been the lack of grind needed to have a max level character, you take that way, you take away sales, and sales are more players to play with...


> I do help new players.

> A lot in fact, the amount of times I have explained what a break bar is and what effects it.

> Bought new gear for people and helped them create builds based on their favourite weapon and explained what stats effect what parts of their weapons and utilities.

> The fact is that there are too many people who do not know what they are doing and do not ask because they believe they already have a grasp on the game.

> I have someone in my guild who always complained people were beating him but he is randomly equipping yellow rarity gear because it came from the Path of Fire story so it must be good but when I told him that it wasn't good because exotic is so easy to obtain and have mismatched stats isn't good for a build unless you have thoroughly thought it through, he got annoyed and told me I was wrong and yet when we were doing bounties, story and other things together he died where the rest of my group who understands builds did not.

> How are we to help people who do not ask and do not want to be helped who then drag down everyone else?


Have you ever heard the saying "you can't help those who can't help them selves?" It sounds like you got someone who either refuses the help or wants to learn on their own via mistakes...


I do get what you mean, I gave my friend the corrupted avenger sword so he could have a skin and some good stats but he swapped it for a green item because it looked cooler, I had to explain the Wardrobe system but I waited for him to get frustrated first from dying to things he was killing so easily before. That doesn't mean he should miss out on the content and playing with friends, that should mean we need a better tutorial system or for the booster not to teleport you to HoT instance which was designed for harder group content, if they are in Queensdale when they activate it, maybe they can stay in Queensdale?


Let's be honest, if that booster didn't teleport a fresh player strait to that group content then there is no way of knowing how to get there without learning the game first or being lead there by a friend. They would probably keep following the same path they were already heading, most likely exploring or following the story missions green waypoint and relentlessly killing all the yellow and white creatures along the way.

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> @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > > > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > > > I'm only speaking from the last weeks experience.

> > > > >

> > > > > - Introduced a friend to the game under free to play

> > > > > - upgraded his account with both expansions this weekend just past

> > > > > - he boosted his Warrior to level 80

> > > > > - he spent half hour on the tutorial before I used a Teleport to a friend to find out he was just doing some random event.

> > > > > - I gave him a brief tutorial about combat mechanics, gear, traits, loot, events and everything else he wanted to know

> > > > > - I spent 150g on his gear

> > > > > - I spent 2k gems on his outfits, gliders and such

> > > > > - he spent another $50 for inventory tabs and bits n pieces

> > > > > - I dropped a Guild Keg, We got drunk and we have both been exploring HoT and PoF as level 80's, enjoying the game thoroughly. When I'm not online he says the expansion maps are a bit hard so he sticks to his personal story quest until I log on again.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > I am really happy we have level 80 boosters and as he said, without it, he wouldn't have bothered to get any further into this game.

> > > > > Comes off as a little petty that the reasoning for not wanting the boosters is "I had to level mine to 80 4 years ago they should do the same", that's like, toddler mentality.

> > > >

> > > > The issue is not that "we had to level initially, so should they", it is that so many come into level 80 not knowing what they are doing.

> > > > If you don't know what a stun bar is, then you shouldn't be doing max level content to learn what that is.

> > > > If you don't understand or have a build, jumping into max level content is not for you. Particularly if you don't intend to get help.

> > > > I can understand the appeal in everyone using it and it can bring friends together and what not, that is great but there are too many people going into max level without a clue or help to get a clue.

> > > > It needs to be regulated by one or some of the following:

> > > > - A person needs to have a level 80 character already bound to their account.

> > > > - A person needs to go through a mentor-ship system as I posted a vague gibberish idea of elsewhere in the post.

> > > > - A person can activate the level 80 boost, but after doing so they are restricted to the core tyria maps until they have done the core Tyria story before they can go into and through HoT and later. This then exposes them to the full experience that teaches you over time the mechanics of the game, allows them to experience the story from the start and not just jump in somewhere in the middle which would ruin the story experience and gives them one time in which they are going to experience the story in the order it is supposed to be experienced with the movement that each of these times were intended to have by the creators.

> > >

> > >

> > > "they have to learn the game before playing with me"

> > > "Oh they need to understand a breakbar before playing near me"

> > > "They should do the story before playing with me"

> > >

> > >

> > > Most of your issues would be solved if you helped these newer players but instead you got your head up your butt..

> > >

> > > If you played at game release, you would know we had ways of getting strait to 80 without boosters or tomes so this is a really pathetic excuse to make it about "learning the game"... If you're trying to say the tutorial for new players is bad, then I agree as I spent a few good hours gearing and teaching a friend the basics but that's no different than the guild who recruited me on my first day of playing, they guided me through just about everything including how to craft to 80 on your 2nd-3rd day.

> > >

> > > Not aimed at you directly.... Just generally speaking that we have forgotten how to help our fellow players.

> > > This is also extremely trivial since level 80 doesn't mean anything anymore, the game has evolved into account bound progression with mastery systems now and the biggest selling point of GW2 has always been the lack of grind needed to have a max level character, you take that way, you take away sales, and sales are more players to play with...

> >

> > I do help new players.

> > A lot in fact, the amount of times I have explained what a break bar is and what effects it.

> > Bought new gear for people and helped them create builds based on their favourite weapon and explained what stats effect what parts of their weapons and utilities.

> > The fact is that there are too many people who do not know what they are doing and do not ask because they believe they already have a grasp on the game.

> > I have someone in my guild who always complained people were beating him but he is randomly equipping yellow rarity gear because it came from the Path of Fire story so it must be good but when I told him that it wasn't good because exotic is so easy to obtain and have mismatched stats isn't good for a build unless you have thoroughly thought it through, he got annoyed and told me I was wrong and yet when we were doing bounties, story and other things together he died where the rest of my group who understands builds did not.

> > How are we to help people who do not ask and do not want to be helped who then drag down everyone else?


> Have you ever heard the saying "you can't help those who can't help them selves?" It sounds like you got someone who either refuses the help or wants to learn on their own via mistakes...


> I do get what you mean, I gave my friend the corrupted avenger sword so he could have a skin and some good stats but he swapped it for a green item because it looked cooler, I had to explain the Wardrobe system but I waited for him to get frustrated first from dying to things he was killing so easily before. That doesn't mean he should miss out on the content and playing with friends, that should mean we need a better tutorial system or for the booster not to teleport you to HoT instance which was designed for harder group content, if they are in Queensdale when they activate it, maybe they can stay in Queensdale?


> Let's be honest, if that booster didn't teleport a fresh player strait to that group content then there is no way of knowing how to get there without learning the game first or being lead there by a friend. They would probably keep following the same path they were already heading, most likely exploring or following the story missions green waypoint.


There are a lot of people who are like this though. This person I am mentioning isn't new either, but is a perfect example of the issues that having a new player jump into high level that you could expect.


I can agree that the teleport location is not so good because it will lead them to max level content and why wouldn't they want to go there? They need to go there to get a glider or go to PoF to get a mount. These people don't even want to experience once the way the game is meant to be experienced partly because they are being lead straight to it and when someone asks how to get a glider, we always told them how. Understandably, people want to play with their friends but when I had a friend join the game, we refused letting her go to HoT even when she level boosted, instead we went through her whole core story with her, took her through instances of LWS2 which she wouldn't be able to access without us and then took her through the HoT story. We wanted her to experience the game the way it was supposed to be experienced and didn't want to drag her through content she wouldn't be ready for. So whether or not you have a friend to teach you if you are new, I don't agree that it is enough to just take them straight to max level content and just because of that doesn't mean I will ditch my friend to go to the "cool new fun areas", I go back with my friend and experience it from the start with them.

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I just realized an important part of tutorial MUST be LFG panel. Not even some experienced players know about using LFG and get frustrated trying to get people to join a meta or run. In fact LFG had a mentor section too, if more experienced players who have time let themselves be available and if new players would check there that could help too. But LFG isn't even known to some players

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > > > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > > > > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > > > > I'm only speaking from the last weeks experience.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > - Introduced a friend to the game under free to play

> > > > > > - upgraded his account with both expansions this weekend just past

> > > > > > - he boosted his Warrior to level 80

> > > > > > - he spent half hour on the tutorial before I used a Teleport to a friend to find out he was just doing some random event.

> > > > > > - I gave him a brief tutorial about combat mechanics, gear, traits, loot, events and everything else he wanted to know

> > > > > > - I spent 150g on his gear

> > > > > > - I spent 2k gems on his outfits, gliders and such

> > > > > > - he spent another $50 for inventory tabs and bits n pieces

> > > > > > - I dropped a Guild Keg, We got drunk and we have both been exploring HoT and PoF as level 80's, enjoying the game thoroughly. When I'm not online he says the expansion maps are a bit hard so he sticks to his personal story quest until I log on again.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I am really happy we have level 80 boosters and as he said, without it, he wouldn't have bothered to get any further into this game.

> > > > > > Comes off as a little petty that the reasoning for not wanting the boosters is "I had to level mine to 80 4 years ago they should do the same", that's like, toddler mentality.

> > > > >

> > > > > The issue is not that "we had to level initially, so should they", it is that so many come into level 80 not knowing what they are doing.

> > > > > If you don't know what a stun bar is, then you shouldn't be doing max level content to learn what that is.

> > > > > If you don't understand or have a build, jumping into max level content is not for you. Particularly if you don't intend to get help.

> > > > > I can understand the appeal in everyone using it and it can bring friends together and what not, that is great but there are too many people going into max level without a clue or help to get a clue.

> > > > > It needs to be regulated by one or some of the following:

> > > > > - A person needs to have a level 80 character already bound to their account.

> > > > > - A person needs to go through a mentor-ship system as I posted a vague gibberish idea of elsewhere in the post.

> > > > > - A person can activate the level 80 boost, but after doing so they are restricted to the core tyria maps until they have done the core Tyria story before they can go into and through HoT and later. This then exposes them to the full experience that teaches you over time the mechanics of the game, allows them to experience the story from the start and not just jump in somewhere in the middle which would ruin the story experience and gives them one time in which they are going to experience the story in the order it is supposed to be experienced with the movement that each of these times were intended to have by the creators.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > "they have to learn the game before playing with me"

> > > > "Oh they need to understand a breakbar before playing near me"

> > > > "They should do the story before playing with me"

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Most of your issues would be solved if you helped these newer players but instead you got your head up your butt..

> > > >

> > > > If you played at game release, you would know we had ways of getting strait to 80 without boosters or tomes so this is a really pathetic excuse to make it about "learning the game"... If you're trying to say the tutorial for new players is bad, then I agree as I spent a few good hours gearing and teaching a friend the basics but that's no different than the guild who recruited me on my first day of playing, they guided me through just about everything including how to craft to 80 on your 2nd-3rd day.

> > > >

> > > > Not aimed at you directly.... Just generally speaking that we have forgotten how to help our fellow players.

> > > > This is also extremely trivial since level 80 doesn't mean anything anymore, the game has evolved into account bound progression with mastery systems now and the biggest selling point of GW2 has always been the lack of grind needed to have a max level character, you take that way, you take away sales, and sales are more players to play with...

> > >

> > > I do help new players.

> > > A lot in fact, the amount of times I have explained what a break bar is and what effects it.

> > > Bought new gear for people and helped them create builds based on their favourite weapon and explained what stats effect what parts of their weapons and utilities.

> > > The fact is that there are too many people who do not know what they are doing and do not ask because they believe they already have a grasp on the game.

> > > I have someone in my guild who always complained people were beating him but he is randomly equipping yellow rarity gear because it came from the Path of Fire story so it must be good but when I told him that it wasn't good because exotic is so easy to obtain and have mismatched stats isn't good for a build unless you have thoroughly thought it through, he got annoyed and told me I was wrong and yet when we were doing bounties, story and other things together he died where the rest of my group who understands builds did not.

> > > How are we to help people who do not ask and do not want to be helped who then drag down everyone else?

> >

> > Have you ever heard the saying "you can't help those who can't help them selves?" It sounds like you got someone who either refuses the help or wants to learn on their own via mistakes...

> >

> > I do get what you mean, I gave my friend the corrupted avenger sword so he could have a skin and some good stats but he swapped it for a green item because it looked cooler, I had to explain the Wardrobe system but I waited for him to get frustrated first from dying to things he was killing so easily before. That doesn't mean he should miss out on the content and playing with friends, that should mean we need a better tutorial system or for the booster not to teleport you to HoT instance which was designed for harder group content, if they are in Queensdale when they activate it, maybe they can stay in Queensdale?

> >

> > Let's be honest, if that booster didn't teleport a fresh player strait to that group content then there is no way of knowing how to get there without learning the game first or being lead there by a friend. They would probably keep following the same path they were already heading, most likely exploring or following the story missions green waypoint.


> There are a lot of people who are like this though. This person I am mentioning isn't new either, but is a perfect example of the issues that having a new player jump into high level that you could expect.


> I can agree that the teleport location is not so good because it will lead them to max level content and why wouldn't they want to go there? They need to go there to get a glider or go to PoF to get a mount. These people don't even want to experience once the way the game is meant to be experienced partly because they are being lead straight to it and when someone asks how to get a glider, we always told them how. Understandably, people want to play with their friends but when I had a friend join the game, we refused letting her go to HoT even when she level boosted, instead we went through her whole core story with her, took her through instances of LWS2 which she wouldn't be able to access without us and then took her through the HoT story. We wanted her to experience the game the way it was supposed to be experienced and didn't want to drag her through content she wouldn't be ready for. So whether or not you have a friend to teach you if you are new, I don't agree that it is enough to just take them straight to max level content and just because of that doesn't mean I will ditch my friend to go to the "cool new fun areas", I go back with my friend and experience it from the start with them.


> Also you mentioned level books and such which I was going to edit my last post but I will summarize here. Level books do not instantly boost you to level 80 unless you have 80 of them, you can't get those unless you log in every day to get the book rewards, finish the story, do pvp or wvw and by earning enough writs of experience to make a tome or the level 20 boosts from character birthdays. This is hugely different from a straight level 80 boost that anyone can access, previous boosts required you to still interact with the game in some way to try and get them.


I said you could level without the books... At game release our ways of levelling strait to 80 was via crafting. Cost about 1-2g per crafting profession, each profession gave 10 levels. Essentially the same as level booster but without teleporting you to large group content.


To give more details, after levelling strait to 80 you would run your butt to the CoF map, open up your google and use a 3rd party LFG website, had to scroll through names, find the servers to guest on and spam CoF runs for a few gold per run allowing you to pay for other people to instantly craft to 80. (atleast in my guild anyway)

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> @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > > > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > > > > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > > > > > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > > > > > I'm only speaking from the last weeks experience.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > - Introduced a friend to the game under free to play

> > > > > > > - upgraded his account with both expansions this weekend just past

> > > > > > > - he boosted his Warrior to level 80

> > > > > > > - he spent half hour on the tutorial before I used a Teleport to a friend to find out he was just doing some random event.

> > > > > > > - I gave him a brief tutorial about combat mechanics, gear, traits, loot, events and everything else he wanted to know

> > > > > > > - I spent 150g on his gear

> > > > > > > - I spent 2k gems on his outfits, gliders and such

> > > > > > > - he spent another $50 for inventory tabs and bits n pieces

> > > > > > > - I dropped a Guild Keg, We got drunk and we have both been exploring HoT and PoF as level 80's, enjoying the game thoroughly. When I'm not online he says the expansion maps are a bit hard so he sticks to his personal story quest until I log on again.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I am really happy we have level 80 boosters and as he said, without it, he wouldn't have bothered to get any further into this game.

> > > > > > > Comes off as a little petty that the reasoning for not wanting the boosters is "I had to level mine to 80 4 years ago they should do the same", that's like, toddler mentality.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The issue is not that "we had to level initially, so should they", it is that so many come into level 80 not knowing what they are doing.

> > > > > > If you don't know what a stun bar is, then you shouldn't be doing max level content to learn what that is.

> > > > > > If you don't understand or have a build, jumping into max level content is not for you. Particularly if you don't intend to get help.

> > > > > > I can understand the appeal in everyone using it and it can bring friends together and what not, that is great but there are too many people going into max level without a clue or help to get a clue.

> > > > > > It needs to be regulated by one or some of the following:

> > > > > > - A person needs to have a level 80 character already bound to their account.

> > > > > > - A person needs to go through a mentor-ship system as I posted a vague gibberish idea of elsewhere in the post.

> > > > > > - A person can activate the level 80 boost, but after doing so they are restricted to the core tyria maps until they have done the core Tyria story before they can go into and through HoT and later. This then exposes them to the full experience that teaches you over time the mechanics of the game, allows them to experience the story from the start and not just jump in somewhere in the middle which would ruin the story experience and gives them one time in which they are going to experience the story in the order it is supposed to be experienced with the movement that each of these times were intended to have by the creators.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > "they have to learn the game before playing with me"

> > > > > "Oh they need to understand a breakbar before playing near me"

> > > > > "They should do the story before playing with me"

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Most of your issues would be solved if you helped these newer players but instead you got your head up your butt..

> > > > >

> > > > > If you played at game release, you would know we had ways of getting strait to 80 without boosters or tomes so this is a really pathetic excuse to make it about "learning the game"... If you're trying to say the tutorial for new players is bad, then I agree as I spent a few good hours gearing and teaching a friend the basics but that's no different than the guild who recruited me on my first day of playing, they guided me through just about everything including how to craft to 80 on your 2nd-3rd day.

> > > > >

> > > > > Not aimed at you directly.... Just generally speaking that we have forgotten how to help our fellow players.

> > > > > This is also extremely trivial since level 80 doesn't mean anything anymore, the game has evolved into account bound progression with mastery systems now and the biggest selling point of GW2 has always been the lack of grind needed to have a max level character, you take that way, you take away sales, and sales are more players to play with...

> > > >

> > > > I do help new players.

> > > > A lot in fact, the amount of times I have explained what a break bar is and what effects it.

> > > > Bought new gear for people and helped them create builds based on their favourite weapon and explained what stats effect what parts of their weapons and utilities.

> > > > The fact is that there are too many people who do not know what they are doing and do not ask because they believe they already have a grasp on the game.

> > > > I have someone in my guild who always complained people were beating him but he is randomly equipping yellow rarity gear because it came from the Path of Fire story so it must be good but when I told him that it wasn't good because exotic is so easy to obtain and have mismatched stats isn't good for a build unless you have thoroughly thought it through, he got annoyed and told me I was wrong and yet when we were doing bounties, story and other things together he died where the rest of my group who understands builds did not.

> > > > How are we to help people who do not ask and do not want to be helped who then drag down everyone else?

> > >

> > > Have you ever heard the saying "you can't help those who can't help them selves?" It sounds like you got someone who either refuses the help or wants to learn on their own via mistakes...

> > >

> > > I do get what you mean, I gave my friend the corrupted avenger sword so he could have a skin and some good stats but he swapped it for a green item because it looked cooler, I had to explain the Wardrobe system but I waited for him to get frustrated first from dying to things he was killing so easily before. That doesn't mean he should miss out on the content and playing with friends, that should mean we need a better tutorial system or for the booster not to teleport you to HoT instance which was designed for harder group content, if they are in Queensdale when they activate it, maybe they can stay in Queensdale?

> > >

> > > Let's be honest, if that booster didn't teleport a fresh player strait to that group content then there is no way of knowing how to get there without learning the game first or being lead there by a friend. They would probably keep following the same path they were already heading, most likely exploring or following the story missions green waypoint.

> >

> > There are a lot of people who are like this though. This person I am mentioning isn't new either, but is a perfect example of the issues that having a new player jump into high level that you could expect.

> >

> > I can agree that the teleport location is not so good because it will lead them to max level content and why wouldn't they want to go there? They need to go there to get a glider or go to PoF to get a mount. These people don't even want to experience once the way the game is meant to be experienced partly because they are being lead straight to it and when someone asks how to get a glider, we always told them how. Understandably, people want to play with their friends but when I had a friend join the game, we refused letting her go to HoT even when she level boosted, instead we went through her whole core story with her, took her through instances of LWS2 which she wouldn't be able to access without us and then took her through the HoT story. We wanted her to experience the game the way it was supposed to be experienced and didn't want to drag her through content she wouldn't be ready for. So whether or not you have a friend to teach you if you are new, I don't agree that it is enough to just take them straight to max level content and just because of that doesn't mean I will ditch my friend to go to the "cool new fun areas", I go back with my friend and experience it from the start with them.

> >

> > Also you mentioned level books and such which I was going to edit my last post but I will summarize here. Level books do not instantly boost you to level 80 unless you have 80 of them, you can't get those unless you log in every day to get the book rewards, finish the story, do pvp or wvw and by earning enough writs of experience to make a tome or the level 20 boosts from character birthdays. This is hugely different from a straight level 80 boost that anyone can access, previous boosts required you to still interact with the game in some way to try and get them.


> I said you could level without the books... At game release our ways of levelling strait to 80 was via crafting. Cost about 1-2g per crafting profession, each profession gave 10 levels. Essentially the same as level booster but without teleporting you to large group content.


> To give more details, after levelling strait to 80 you would run your butt to the CoF map, open up your google and use a 3rd party LFG website, had to scroll through names, find the servers to guest on and spam CoF runs for a few gold per run.


Yeah, I misread what you said about the books. That is my bad. I erased it because I went back and I was like "aw no i messed up".

Sorry <3

But I mean, a new player won't necessarily look to crafting and won't likely have enough gold right away to boost to 80, so still not the same.

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> @takatsu.9416 said:

> I just realized an important part of tutorial MUST be LFG panel. Not even some experienced players know about using LFG and get frustrated trying to get people to join a meta or run. In fact LFG had a mentor section too, if more experienced players who have time let themselves be available and if new players would check there that could help too. But LFG isn't even known to some players


It does mention the LFG section once you unlock your first dungeon for the first time because it tells you to check or advertise a party so you can do the dungeon. At least that is how I remember finding out about it.

I think it should be split from the friends list and such however. It is such a key thing that having it second to the friends list is rather annoying.

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > > > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > > > > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > > > > > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > > > > > > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > > > > > > I'm only speaking from the last weeks experience.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > - Introduced a friend to the game under free to play

> > > > > > > > - upgraded his account with both expansions this weekend just past

> > > > > > > > - he boosted his Warrior to level 80

> > > > > > > > - he spent half hour on the tutorial before I used a Teleport to a friend to find out he was just doing some random event.

> > > > > > > > - I gave him a brief tutorial about combat mechanics, gear, traits, loot, events and everything else he wanted to know

> > > > > > > > - I spent 150g on his gear

> > > > > > > > - I spent 2k gems on his outfits, gliders and such

> > > > > > > > - he spent another $50 for inventory tabs and bits n pieces

> > > > > > > > - I dropped a Guild Keg, We got drunk and we have both been exploring HoT and PoF as level 80's, enjoying the game thoroughly. When I'm not online he says the expansion maps are a bit hard so he sticks to his personal story quest until I log on again.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I am really happy we have level 80 boosters and as he said, without it, he wouldn't have bothered to get any further into this game.

> > > > > > > > Comes off as a little petty that the reasoning for not wanting the boosters is "I had to level mine to 80 4 years ago they should do the same", that's like, toddler mentality.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > The issue is not that "we had to level initially, so should they", it is that so many come into level 80 not knowing what they are doing.

> > > > > > > If you don't know what a stun bar is, then you shouldn't be doing max level content to learn what that is.

> > > > > > > If you don't understand or have a build, jumping into max level content is not for you. Particularly if you don't intend to get help.

> > > > > > > I can understand the appeal in everyone using it and it can bring friends together and what not, that is great but there are too many people going into max level without a clue or help to get a clue.

> > > > > > > It needs to be regulated by one or some of the following:

> > > > > > > - A person needs to have a level 80 character already bound to their account.

> > > > > > > - A person needs to go through a mentor-ship system as I posted a vague gibberish idea of elsewhere in the post.

> > > > > > > - A person can activate the level 80 boost, but after doing so they are restricted to the core tyria maps until they have done the core Tyria story before they can go into and through HoT and later. This then exposes them to the full experience that teaches you over time the mechanics of the game, allows them to experience the story from the start and not just jump in somewhere in the middle which would ruin the story experience and gives them one time in which they are going to experience the story in the order it is supposed to be experienced with the movement that each of these times were intended to have by the creators.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > "they have to learn the game before playing with me"

> > > > > > "Oh they need to understand a breakbar before playing near me"

> > > > > > "They should do the story before playing with me"

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Most of your issues would be solved if you helped these newer players but instead you got your head up your butt..

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If you played at game release, you would know we had ways of getting strait to 80 without boosters or tomes so this is a really pathetic excuse to make it about "learning the game"... If you're trying to say the tutorial for new players is bad, then I agree as I spent a few good hours gearing and teaching a friend the basics but that's no different than the guild who recruited me on my first day of playing, they guided me through just about everything including how to craft to 80 on your 2nd-3rd day.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Not aimed at you directly.... Just generally speaking that we have forgotten how to help our fellow players.

> > > > > > This is also extremely trivial since level 80 doesn't mean anything anymore, the game has evolved into account bound progression with mastery systems now and the biggest selling point of GW2 has always been the lack of grind needed to have a max level character, you take that way, you take away sales, and sales are more players to play with...

> > > > >

> > > > > I do help new players.

> > > > > A lot in fact, the amount of times I have explained what a break bar is and what effects it.

> > > > > Bought new gear for people and helped them create builds based on their favourite weapon and explained what stats effect what parts of their weapons and utilities.

> > > > > The fact is that there are too many people who do not know what they are doing and do not ask because they believe they already have a grasp on the game.

> > > > > I have someone in my guild who always complained people were beating him but he is randomly equipping yellow rarity gear because it came from the Path of Fire story so it must be good but when I told him that it wasn't good because exotic is so easy to obtain and have mismatched stats isn't good for a build unless you have thoroughly thought it through, he got annoyed and told me I was wrong and yet when we were doing bounties, story and other things together he died where the rest of my group who understands builds did not.

> > > > > How are we to help people who do not ask and do not want to be helped who then drag down everyone else?

> > > >

> > > > Have you ever heard the saying "you can't help those who can't help them selves?" It sounds like you got someone who either refuses the help or wants to learn on their own via mistakes...

> > > >

> > > > I do get what you mean, I gave my friend the corrupted avenger sword so he could have a skin and some good stats but he swapped it for a green item because it looked cooler, I had to explain the Wardrobe system but I waited for him to get frustrated first from dying to things he was killing so easily before. That doesn't mean he should miss out on the content and playing with friends, that should mean we need a better tutorial system or for the booster not to teleport you to HoT instance which was designed for harder group content, if they are in Queensdale when they activate it, maybe they can stay in Queensdale?

> > > >

> > > > Let's be honest, if that booster didn't teleport a fresh player strait to that group content then there is no way of knowing how to get there without learning the game first or being lead there by a friend. They would probably keep following the same path they were already heading, most likely exploring or following the story missions green waypoint.

> > >

> > > There are a lot of people who are like this though. This person I am mentioning isn't new either, but is a perfect example of the issues that having a new player jump into high level that you could expect.

> > >

> > > I can agree that the teleport location is not so good because it will lead them to max level content and why wouldn't they want to go there? They need to go there to get a glider or go to PoF to get a mount. These people don't even want to experience once the way the game is meant to be experienced partly because they are being lead straight to it and when someone asks how to get a glider, we always told them how. Understandably, people want to play with their friends but when I had a friend join the game, we refused letting her go to HoT even when she level boosted, instead we went through her whole core story with her, took her through instances of LWS2 which she wouldn't be able to access without us and then took her through the HoT story. We wanted her to experience the game the way it was supposed to be experienced and didn't want to drag her through content she wouldn't be ready for. So whether or not you have a friend to teach you if you are new, I don't agree that it is enough to just take them straight to max level content and just because of that doesn't mean I will ditch my friend to go to the "cool new fun areas", I go back with my friend and experience it from the start with them.

> > >

> > > Also you mentioned level books and such which I was going to edit my last post but I will summarize here. Level books do not instantly boost you to level 80 unless you have 80 of them, you can't get those unless you log in every day to get the book rewards, finish the story, do pvp or wvw and by earning enough writs of experience to make a tome or the level 20 boosts from character birthdays. This is hugely different from a straight level 80 boost that anyone can access, previous boosts required you to still interact with the game in some way to try and get them.

> >

> > I said you could level without the books... At game release our ways of levelling strait to 80 was via crafting. Cost about 1-2g per crafting profession, each profession gave 10 levels. Essentially the same as level booster but without teleporting you to large group content.

> >

> > To give more details, after levelling strait to 80 you would run your butt to the CoF map, open up your google and use a 3rd party LFG website, had to scroll through names, find the servers to guest on and spam CoF runs for a few gold per run.


> Yeah, I misread what you said about the books. That is my bad. I erased it because I went back and I was like "aw no i messed up".

> Sorry <3

> But I mean, a new player won't necessarily look to crafting and won't likely have enough gold right away to boost to 80, so still not the same.


I already said that's how we did it as new players back then on the first few days. It's the same as the booster in reference to your complaints about newbies but instead of clicking one simple button, you had a guild send you mats, gold and website crafting guides to follow. We had it harder but we had the same effect in the end and that is giving a fresh player access to a level 80 character on the first or second day.


A booster is just a simplified, easier to use version of what we have been doing since game release. Only difference is now, it teleports you to *large group content.*

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Next, you will be asking for leveling to be based on hours played and not XP. "You must play 100 hours before you can reach level 50. You must play 1000 hours before you are allowed to reach level 80". People really need to focus less on what other players can do and play their own game. Personally, I wish they had not added them. But, since we have already crossed that bridge, it is what it is. There is no reason to put additional restrictions on the item.

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I don't think they need to lock the boosters as much as lock out Heart of Thorns...


Heart of Thorns is very unfriendly content even for experienced players. Everything is packed so tightly with aggressive veteran and champion mobs and lots of confusing visual cues blocking your ability to know where to go and how to get there.


Orr is also unfriendly but for different reasons: it is visually monotonous and unpleasant. It also thick with aggressive mobs, of all the same type, and unless you have done the personal story - the entire place makes no sense and makes you feel the game lacks any budget to create dynamic content...


They should be pushing new people to Path of Fire. It's vibrant and alive with story, and you can play it at a casual pace without being stressed. It shows a wide variety - though it is also packed with a LOT of repetition, it is not as bad as the other level 80 spots. Plus you get story with it, and 'quest hubs' that all have their own mini stories.


Of all the level 80 spots, the Path of Fire one is the best done for getting people to be comfortable with the game.


Barring going there, people should level normally so they can get more variety.

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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> So a new player buys the expansion (note that the base game is no longer sold), and finds out that he can't actually access the content that was advertised.


> I can't imagine that turning out well.



Well... for contrast... this is exactly what FFXIV does. Not only do you have to level all the way through, you have to complete the 'main story quest' for all past content. Roughly 300-500 quests... each of which is a chain process (quests there are not just, go here and do this... each quest is about the length of an entire chapter of a GW2 'story'... you can be sitting at top level for a couple of months before you are even allowed into the next stage of the zones because you still have a few hundred 'chapters' to finish...)


FFXIV still manages to get new people to put up with that, and is still growing. I think they overdo this in the opposite extreme from GW2... but they get away with it.


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I don't think it's the boosters fault that they quit. They would probably have quit the game eventually even if they didn't use the booster. Not everyone likes GW2 so don't try to blame the boosters.


I agree that the game may feel really complicated for a person who use a level 80 booster and jump straight into endgame content the first time they play. If they like the game they will take the time and learn like everyone else who like the game, no matter how they started.


Still, i would not recommend new players to use the booster on their first characters, save it to laters. If they still do, they should go back to the starter areas and learn the basics like dodge and stuff.

Hopefully they will make an alt to try another profession and then they will have to start from the beginning and catch up with that experiance.

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:


> It does mention the LFG section once you unlock your first dungeon for the first time because it tells you to check or advertise a party so you can do the dungeon. At least that is how I remember finding out about it.

> I think it should be split from the friends list and such however. It is such a key thing that having it second to the friends list is rather annoying.


I was around and doing dungeons before the Lfg system was implemented and read up about the updates first so I guess I never really remembered that haha. That said, the recent content completely avoids dungeons, unless they do their core personal story, and raids and fractals are like about the only thing left that requires a team. I think for most players rushing right into HoT or PoF they may not find out.


Actually LFG should be used way more often. There are people just looking for friends or levelling traveling buddies. It's easy to write a description that matches what you're looking for. There's even a Roleplay section too.


Indeed LFG panel needs to be more obvious and distinguished

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