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Why the Reaper has so little defense skills ?


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> @"phs.6089" said:

> has highest HP in game(well war has same but that is it),

> has life force bar that works as second HP bar if traited right?


A second combat rechargeable health bar. I find I'm downed much less, and die much less than I do on my DH, because the defense is passive. DH has more active defense, but one of the lowest health pools in the game, so when I start to take heavy damage, I have to go into defense mode, which usually stops my damage output. As a necro, my health bar keeps me from needing to go into defense mode more often than not, and when I do, I'm still doing good damage, eliminating the threat to my health.

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Shroud is your defense. Learn when to activate and deactivate it. Holding your shield does nothing if you aren't being attacked.


The only thing necro needs is some form of cc mitigation. Shroud already reduces incoming damage by 50%. It should also reduce incoming cc duration by 50% as well. Still not as good as active defenses but that's because shroud has the benefit of being more passive.

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My biggest issue is based on how everyone classifies necro for having not right to have evades, blocks, mobility, is.....


no stability on a class thats based on not evading damage and soaking it through sheer hp.

damage avoidance is alway better than damage reduction or damage soaking so if i am to be a soaker why must the class lack cc resistance. Even with the few options we have its generally not enough.


To be honest as a class based on soaking via hp and shroud with low mobility you would think it at least wouldn't be such a ping pong ball as far as cc goes. Being a damage sponge while being weak to constant cc can be really frustrating at times.


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> @"Ruddy.3416" said:

> In summary :

> -no block

> - no evade skills

> - no stealth

Because they have tons of health. They rely on enduring attacks rather than blocking, evading or breaking targeting.

> - very little stability

Infusing Terror has 25s recharge. That's one of the shortest recharges in a skill with stability. They also get stability in their elite shout.

> - reduced mobility

Their style is being an 'unstoppable force' that chases enemies without running. In fact, they would benefit from a new 'Freedom' boon that makes them invulnerable to movement effects without making them immune to all skills. Resistance could be split into Resistance for DPS condition immunity and Freedom for movement boons, and move CC boon immunity to stability.

> Sentenced to cash all hurts, stun, daze etc …

I hardly ever stay stunned for long as a Reaper. Rememember you have more stun breaks and sources of stability other than those exclusive to Reaper. There's even a trait that makes you break stun when entering shroud.


But I would still make a small change to Stun breaks. Breaking stun should give you irremovable immunity to CC for 0.75s, regardless of stability, so CC spam becomes a waste of skills and stun breaks always break you out of stun locks by giving you time to evade away even when trapped in a ward.


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It might be a sorry excuse for such deficiencies but the necromancer's defense turn around health point (large health pool and shroud/barrier), damage reduction (protection/weakness) and soft CC (chill/blind in the case of reaper). You can also add to this boon corruption.

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Compared to all the other professions, reaper and necromancer in general is the most forgiving profession in Guild Wars 2 thanks to the shroud mechanic. Necromancer's shroud works as a second health bar and it's instant cast. We've all had those moments in PvP and WvW where we fought a necromancer in 1v1 and just as you're about to down them, they activate their shroud and if they consumed enough life force, they can pretty much have a second life bar.


Also, what are you talking about reaper having very little stability and mobility? Reaper has the best mobility when compared to core necromancer and scourge and as for stability, you've got Infusing Terror (reaper's shroud 3) that gives you 3 stacks of stability for 6 seconds, 20% power and condition damage reduction and the elite skill Chilled to the Bone! A 2 seconds stun that deals damage, applies chill, can hit up to 5 targets within 600 range, 2 stacks of stability for 10 seconds and has a 90 seconds cooldown. That's 5 stacks of stability that last for 16 seconds in total.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

>you've got Infusing Terror (reaper's shroud 3) that gives you 3 stacks of stability for 6 seconds

When you see the number of stunning, daze, occurrences that the warrior, mesmer, thief can put you per seconds … this is little.


> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

>and the elite skill Chilled to the Bone!


Pure theroy. There is 1 second a quarter to cast. The reaper has plenty of time to be interrupted ; the gain of stability is done after the cast …


nota bene : and sorry for my English, i'm a little french froggi ( google translate is my friend ) :p

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> It might be a sorry excuse for such deficiencies but the necromancer's defense turn around health point (large health pool and shroud/barrier), damage reduction (protection/weakness) and soft CC (chill/blind in the case of reaper). You can also add to this boon corruption.


Yes. People underestimate chill. If the enemy is attacking less, you are taking less damage.

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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > It might be a sorry excuse for such deficiencies but the necromancer's defense turn around health point (large health pool and shroud/barrier), damage reduction (protection/weakness) and soft CC (chill/blind in the case of reaper). You can also add to this boon corruption.


> Yes. People underestimate chill. If the enemy is attacking less, you are taking less damage.


If classes wouldn't have passive removals for conditions this would be a really good point.


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Reaper has a large amount of chill for use as a pseudo control effect.


Chill was so strong it had its duration nerfed severely and shroud degeneration rate increased.


Whenever you think of Reaper's core defense, chill should immediately come to mind along with shroud and health.

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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > It might be a sorry excuse for such deficiencies but the necromancer's defense turn around health point (large health pool and shroud/barrier), damage reduction (protection/weakness) and soft CC (chill/blind in the case of reaper). You can also add to this boon corruption.


> Yes. People underestimate chill. If the enemy is attacking less, you are taking less damage.


IF chill still hindered movement abilities then yes but thats not the case here chill hardly stops most professions form attacking in fact the only class that suffers from a big impact of chill application is ele because of how their play style revolves around swapping attumenents for their damage and sustain and disrupting that cripples the class pretty hard.


Every other class for the most part shrugs off chill and it can be ignored.

Weakness makes a much bigger impact than chill at the moment imo.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Every other class is so over-tuned right now.

> Making Reaper Shroud cooldown 7 seconds as baseline is much needed.


One could argue that reaper itself is in a goods spot its almost perfect infact... the issues come from the core part of the profession.


The changes to chill and cripple before HoT were a hard hit to the necromancer in general.

I would argue the only things on reaper that need to change at this point is RO remove quickness and make base shroud faster in general (but not quickness levels fast)

Do some QoL work to the shouts

I still think Deathly chill should go away at this point in favor for something else.


Making reaper shroud 7 seconds probably wont overall fix a defense issue, the quickest way to add more defense would be to undo the shroud degen and revet it to normal degeneration rates while keeping its current damage.


> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> Reaper has a large amount of chill for use as a pseudo control effect.

> Chill was so strong it had its duration nerfed severely and shroud degeneration rate increased.

> Whenever you think of Reaper's core defense, chill should immediately come to mind along with shroud and health.

The reason it does not come to mind immediately is because of exactly what you said the chill was nerfed so severely thats its almost ignorable at this point unless you get hit with reaper 5 and remain in the ice feild for its full duration you are almost never under chill effects from reaper.

A scourge's cripple is more annoying than a reapers chill currently. The durations are too short and the applications are not plentiful enough. Unless some one literally stands still and lets you hit them with it (which is rare)


Trying to make some one slower than you in the current meta with reaper is wishful thinking at normal speeds. Scourge can do it more effectively and it works as a soft cc defense. Reaper with chill not so much. You would literally have to build hard around chill right now to make that work ice rune, frost novas etc.


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I agree chill uptime was nerfed excessively but it did need nerfing after release.


However, a 100% chill duration build with chill on utilities and other sources can offer good defense.


The worst thing that happened to chill was the change to mobility skills so they are immune to boons and conditions. More than anything else, I would like conditions reverted to modify mobility.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> Compared to all the other professions, reaper and necromancer in general is the most forgiving profession in Guild Wars 2 thanks to the shroud mechanic.

It's the least forgiving when you mess up positioning. Warrior is the most forgiving as it has a solution for every possible thing that can go wrong while having the strongest passive defense in the game at the same time. Warrior is so simple and easy that I can only play it for about 30 minutes before falling asleep (I am serious).


Necromancer's shroud works as a second health bar and it's instant cast. We've all had those moments in PvP and WvW where we fought a necromancer in 1v1 and just as you're about to down them, they activate their shroud and if they consumed enough life force, they can pretty much have a second life bar.

Sounds like a bronze division player wrote that statement. I don't know such a moment. I generally bait shroud, disengage while that not so great pseudo 2nd health bar depletes and then burst that necro to hell (and I play reaper! the slowest profession in the game!). Every class can do that. Even other necros.


>Also, what are you talking about reaper having very little stability and mobility? Reaper has the best mobility when compared to core necromancer and scourge and as for stability, you've got Infusing Terror (reaper's shroud 3) that gives you 3 stacks of stability for 6 seconds, 20% power and condition damage reduction and the elite skill Chilled to the Bone! A 2 seconds stun that deals damage, applies chill, can hit up to 5 targets within 600 range, 2 stacks of stability for 10 seconds and has a 90 seconds cooldown. That's 5 stacks of stability that last for 16 seconds in total.

Chilled to the Bone applies stability only when it hits something. The huge telegraph is super easy to dodge/block unless you play mindgames canceling and recasting it a few times, but then you won't get your stability, so this is pointless. It should be reworked to apply 1 stability at cast no matter whether it hits something or not (and up to 5 more for every target hit like it does now). If this will happen someday, then yes: reaper has enough stability options then.


Scourge does not need stability as every single F-skill (besides the shade) is an instant cast and melee and ranged at once. Even a stunlocked scourge can continue to apply pressure.


Core necro is basically hardcountered by hard cc due to heavy lack of stability.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> @"ZDragon.3046"

> I agree chill uptime was nerfed excessively but it did need nerfing after release.


> However, a 100% chill duration build with chill on utilities and other sources can offer good defense.


> The worst thing that happened to chill was the change to mobility skills so they are immune to boons and conditions. More than anything else, I would like conditions reverted to modify mobility.


You and me both to be honest. chill cutting down mobility was a massive part of necro's sustain. I would argue that if that was still a thing necros wouldnt need to even bother asking for defenses the moment you chilled some one for even a few seconds who didnt have a blink or shadow step you could kite and it made for proper defenses and sustain.

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