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Please change how Kneel functions. (Some simple ways to fix Rifle Deadeye in PvE)


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I think everyone can agree part of the reason Deadeye just doesn't work in most PvE scenarios is because it hinders mobility to such a massive degree. I know I am not the first person to come up with ideas for the build but something does need to be done.


Here are a few suggestions that could help:

1) Kneel no longer gives permanent Immobilize. It instead gives permanent Cripple.

2) Dodge automatically cancels Kneel.

3) Kneel gives a periodic Aegis boon .


I am aware that none of these are perfect but in a game that focuses so heavily on movement its weird that they add a spec that basically demands you stay still to do any significant damage.

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1. I'd be fine with Kneel allowing us to move slowly in some crouch mode but not a condition that can be a modifier for someones trait or skill to use against me.

2. I like Kneel and I like to dodge my Snipers Cover in Kneel. I wouldn't want dodge to cancel Kneel.

3. Don't think it's needed but sure I'd take it.

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1. I think kneel is ok-ish how it is. Either get immobilized and get higher dmg or stay mobile for the price of losing some of your dmg. Also I'm not sure how that change would "fix rifle DE in pve"?

2. No, thanks. Apparently that's a personal preference, not much to say here, but I feel like NOT cancelling kneel after dodge is a bit more intuitive.

3. I'm not sure why DE would get random aegis while kneeling? It's a buff, sure, but it doesn't make much sense to me nor do I think it's that needed in pve.

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1> Personally like it as is. It's a trade off. If i need to be mobile, i stand. This also ensures that the Dev team is less likely to nerf. (Not impossible, but less likely mind you).

2> I agree with Kash, i like it staying in kneel until i cancel it. Honestly wish CC didnt remove it, but again personal preference.

3> See no reason for this, as it doesnt fit, and skill 4 blocking attacks with the patch this week (4/23), so you essentially will be getting the same but only from one direction.


Personally, if kneel skills are ever looked at, i'd hope they look at buffing damage to them due to this lack of mobility, and the argument is there for it. Changing this just means we'd see another round of nerfs that none of us would want/need.

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