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New Bauble Bubble Merchant. Why was it removed?


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I as many other players, had the main collections of SAB already finished, only needed dailies to get the red one and orange one done.

At this point, bauble bubbles were dead weight since you don't really need anymore. So I was really happy to see the new merchant this year, cause even if the number was weekly limited, I'd be able to expend them on chests of legendary shards and craft legendary weapons with them along the year. Playing SAB tribulation mode again wouldn't feel like a pointless waste of time once you're done with the collections. And so I did.

So what was the point of having that merchant for 3 weeks and now remove it and making people get stuck with the bauble bubles they got? I sincerely don't get it.

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Value? Market? The only item that could have any market value are the legendary shards (on metal and wood), and they already have a weekly limit.

If the time used to get those bauble bubbles were used doing other gold rewarded events, as fractals or raids, the amount you'd get would be much more since T5 metal and wood are fairly cheap. So what I see in reality is a penalization for those who choose to play SAB wich is weird since is a limited event.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> The shards are expensive to craft. You could buy 3 per week, times 52 weeks in a year. Somebody who truly has no other use for baubles or doesn't want to buy other things can definitely buy them every week.


A single run of the 3 sab dailies and finishing all normal areas would in a single day give enough baubles to buy the x3 weekly shard chests.

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> @"Dmon.2089" said:

> Value? Market? The only item that could have any market value are the legendary shards (on metal and wood), and they already have a weekly limit.

> If the time used to get those bauble bubbles were used doing other gold rewarded events, as fractals or raids, the amount you'd get would be much more since T5 metal and wood are fairly cheap. **So what I see in reality is a penalization for those who choose to play SAB wich is weird since is a limited event.**


First : it was clearly mentioned that the merchant would be available **during the duration of the event**.

Second : there is absolutely no **penalization** for playing. You chose to play and you had fun. You are just not given a further advantage in the form of a permanent weekly merchant. If you chose to play SAB, even though you had no fun doing so, that is **on you, and no one else**. No one forced you to do anything.

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> @"Dmon.2089" said:

> Value? Market? The only item that could have any market value are the legendary shards (on metal and wood), and they already have a weekly limit.


Mystic coins certainly have a market value, and you could buy 3 mystic coins weekly for 15 bauble bubbles (that's a single daily SAB run, takes an hour at most).

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> @"Dmon.2089" said:

> Value? Market? The only item that could have any market value are the legendary shards (on metal and wood), and they already have a weekly limit.

> If the time used to get those bauble bubbles were used doing other gold rewarded events, as fractals or raids, the amount you'd get would be much more since T5 metal and wood are fairly cheap. So what I see in reality is a penalization for those who choose to play SAB wich is weird since is a limited event.


It isn't weird at all since that's the case with most festival activities. I can't think of any festival activity other than MKL that is worth farming. Most of the incentive for festivals comes from the exclusive stuff and SAB is no different. If you farmed too much this year then you won't have to do as much next year. Your time investment hasn't been lost. In the future, read the release notes to prevent these kinds of gaffes.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> You would run out of Baubles so quickly that you won't be able to purchase anything for most of the year. I think it would have been fine to keep it up to reward people who really put time into SAB during the time it was up.

If that's the case then we wouldn't have needed the weekly limit in the first place. There's no reason to have a trader with weekly limited supply if there is no way people can even get the currency in that week and it only benefits those who stockpiled currency during the festival.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> You would run out of Baubles so quickly that you won't be able to purchase anything for most of the year. I think it would have been fine to keep it up to reward people who really put time into SAB during the time it was up.


Idk, a lot of us love to SAB. I've got 1,250 bubbles left after this year's event and I doubt I'm near the top of that particular heap . . .

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