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Remove All Evade Frames from Mirage Cloak

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> @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

> Mirage is one of the elite specializations that doesn't have a trade off. They get a super dodge and ambush attacks and they don't give up any of their Shatter skills. I think the trade off for specing Mirage should be the removal of all evade frames from the dodge skill, that way spending an endurance bar _just_ opens up your ambush attack windowns. That way there would be a fair trade off, gain ambush attacks but you lose all defensive value from your dodge roll. This will actually bring mirage in line with the rest of the meta.


> This will also help balance other morage traits such as Infinite Horizon, making clones capable of being cleaved down.


Equally serious suggestions:

All mirage clones have a 50% chance to attack the caster instead of the desired target. I mean with all the screen clutter they are going to get confused too right?

Add a 0.5 seconds to all mirage skills. The dodge allows them to get any cast off anyway right?

Give Mesmer a mechanic like photon forge where they can nuke themselves if they get too many AI up.


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Obvious troll post is obvious. The funny part is that you just say stuff like "mirage main spotted" to any random comment and the flame just keeps on going by itself. Now If I say stuff like "guess mirage mains are sensitive", this troll post will have +1 page just from that.

Good bait OP! I like the scrapper forum icon just as a cherry on top. Makes people even more mad.

Now before I get all the angry quotes, I would like to say that in my opinion, these changes are ridiculous. Have a great day.

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Swear mesmer needs even more nerfs everyone playing it would agreed. The class clones just needs a rework 8 clones shunt be a thing when all can get booms just like the actual player. You are giving people brain aneurysm just make it 3 clones max and stop the 8 clone trolling the class would be much better this way.

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