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Convergence and Earthen Rush details


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Earthen Rush

- Is still a leap finisher

- Is now an evade skill (like burning speed)

- 600 leap range now, same as burning speed (magnetic leap was 900)

- Deals decent damage (half as much as burning speed's)



- 8 second cooldown (down from 10)

- 3 second weakness (down from 5)

- Hits up to 5 targets (up from 3)

- Delayed damage triggers around you.

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I don't have too much time to test them right now, but I did notice that earthen rush has a slightly higher range than burning speed, despite the tooltip of both displaying 600. I also noticed that convergence has a 2/4 sec cast time, down from 3/4 sec. Ring of earth cripple is down to 2 secs from 3, but it is applied on both hits for a total of 4 secs. So you get more cripple and half of it is easier to apply than before.

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When crippled or chilled, Earthen Rush is the slowest thing ever. Even before the change, the dagger earth 3 skill was not affected by those conditions, and made the user leap as normal. This kinda sucks as Magnetic Leap was our escape skill, excluding FGS and Ride the Lightning (who still plays dagger off-hand?).


If the developers are reading this, please alter the new skill, so that the aforementioned conditions do not affect the leap. It will benefit us greatly.

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it's 600 range, we lost 30% but it's so smooth now. You can feel it when you need it to run away, you have the evade, but less range :#

Earth #2 is not bad either, it's fancy, but long animation and less bleeding. Air# 1 bad :angry: :angry: Air #2 not bad, but ... it has a delay ...


edit* 3sec of weakness instead of 5sec.... it's a lot, mainly when you play with Superior Elements.

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Not in-game to test right now, but anyone notice if Ring Of Earth now blocks projectiles from the start of the cast?


Always bugged me how you are vulnerable for 0,75 seconds after reacting to a ranged threat (usually takes a good chunk of health in that time).


Edit: Managed to test it and indeed it does provide 2 hidden AoE fields that provide projectile blocks on each strike, allowing you to move while channeling and still gain the benefit of the blocks until the animation ends. Quite the upgrade!

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Tbh, focus off-hand provides way better survivability in this meta where we lack lots of range and gap closers compared to others. Also, it's easier to go all-in with focus which allows a better damage and condi application. Got over 20 burning and 4 torment stacks (yeah, i don't run widely-known sigils) in 5s on a target, they died right away.

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> @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> I don't have too much time to test them right now, but I did notice that earthen rush has a slightly higher range than burning speed, despite the tooltip of both displaying 600. I also noticed that convergence has a 2/4 sec cast time, down from 3/4 sec. Ring of earth cripple is down to 2 secs from 3, but it is applied on both hits for a total of 4 secs. So you get more cripple and half of it is easier to apply than before.


Anyone in game to check? But I'm pretty sure burning speed is lower than 600 range

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> @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > > @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > > (who still plays dagger off-hand?).

> >

> > Ummm, every Weaver?


> Ah, you mean those brain-dead sword players?


Lol, focus is better! Churning earth is too long, cleansing wave doesn't cleanse three conditions like magnetic wave does, and no air off-hand dagger skill can replace gale in pvp.

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> @"Stallic.2397" said:

> > @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > > > @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > > > (who still plays dagger off-hand?).

> > >

> > > Ummm, every Weaver?

> >

> > Ah, you mean those brain-dead sword players?


> Lol, focus is better! Churning earth is too long, cleansing wave doesn't cleanse three conditions like magnetic wave does, and no air off-hand dagger skill can replace gale in pvp.


Gale, this skill is magic, my only way with 30min of invulnerability Spellbreakers.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> > @"shinta.8906" said:

> > air 2 change is top

> >

> > earth 3 leap was better before


> Seriously, RtL into Unravel (don't question me) and Earthen Rush = 1800 range escape in 2 seconds. Now that has been murdered.


Try Earthen Rush with superspeed hahaha

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> @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > @"shinta.8906" said:

> > > air 2 change is top

> > >

> > > earth 3 leap was better before

> >

> > Seriously, RtL into Unravel (don't question me) and Earthen Rush = 1800 range escape in 2 seconds. Now that has been murdered.


> Try Earthen Rush with superspeed hahaha


I tried it, it's nowhere as good as prepatch.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> > @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > > @"shinta.8906" said:

> > > > air 2 change is top

> > > >

> > > > earth 3 leap was better before

> > >

> > > Seriously, RtL into Unravel (don't question me) and Earthen Rush = 1800 range escape in 2 seconds. Now that has been murdered.

> >

> > Try Earthen Rush with superspeed hahaha


> I tried it, it's nowhere as good as prepatch.


It's not, but it's quite funny to see.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This skill rework sucks because:


* No longer targeted so harder to lock down a single foe

* Easily avoided

* Leap distance affected by conditions

* Range reduced by 33% (not considering conditions/boons)

* Cooldown still long compared to burning speed


I feel this was a bad change for ele.


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