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It was already dead long ago, but...


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Power (perhaps condi d/d too) d/d sees another nerf in the form of DD steal nerf. Just another reason to forget power D/D ever existed.

Oh Power d/d you were the true form of thief play. The true assassin wep set. How I miss you so. I could not get myself to be a circus acrobat convert and thus I abandoned the class that replaced thief class. Were you too cool for school power d/d? Did your light shine too bright from among the shadows?

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> Seen plenty of thieves doing wonders and it's not even been 24hours.


plz explain WvW Spvp 1vX?


Also I have another theory:


That you and DeceiverX never liked thief to begin with and all your trying to do is sway public opinion so thief doesn't get fixed. or by doing wonders do you mean wondrous +1ing and decapping?


As Ive stated in the past I don't care about wondrous mobility.


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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> Seen plenty of thieves doing wonders and it's not even been 24hours.


Sure: Daredevil is soo weak now that to achiev a kill you have to make wonders.


PS: you always play daredevil in the same way, only you have 600 range steal nerf, a loss of damage, a better damage reduction and a fantastic condi clear (if you use escapist's fortitude), but the playstyle is the same. So your "it's not even been 24hours" has no sense.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> Yes, I hate thief but maimed it for years.


> Weakening strikes its pretty kitten strong now.


> Wvw.


Nah its garbage noodle dps still, so is the healing damage mitigation traits lmao they literally do nothing and are un noticeable in today's iteration of the game.who u trying to fool?

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